1#include <ATen/Context.h>
2#include <ATen/LegacyBatchedFallback.h>
3#include <ATen/MatrixRef.h>
4#include <ATen/LegacyVmapTransforms.h>
5#include <ATen/core/dispatch/Dispatcher.h>
6#include <c10/util/accumulate.h>
7#include <c10/util/llvmMathExtras.h>
8#include <c10/util/irange.h>
10namespace at {
12// Given a linear index, return the actual index.
13// Example: Given linear_idx = 3, sizes = [5, 2], we would return [1, 0]
14static SmallVector<indexing::TensorIndex,kVmapStaticDimVecSize>
15computeIndex(int64_t linear_idx, IntArrayRef sizes) {
16 SmallVector<indexing::TensorIndex,kVmapStaticDimVecSize> result;
17 result.reserve(sizes.size());
18 for (auto it = sizes.rbegin(); it != sizes.rend(); it++) {
19 auto remainder = linear_idx % *it;
20 result.push_back(remainder);
21 linear_idx -= remainder;
22 linear_idx /= *it;
23 }
24 std::reverse(std::begin(result), std::end(result));
25 return result;
28static bool areAllReturnsTensors(const FunctionSchema& schema) {
29 return std::all_of(
30 schema.returns().begin(),
31 schema.returns().end(),
32 [] (const Argument& arg) { return arg.type() == TensorType::get(); });
35static bool areAnyArgumentsTensorList(const FunctionSchema& schema) {
36 return std::any_of(
37 schema.arguments().begin(),
38 schema.arguments().end(),
39 [] (const Argument& arg) { return arg.type()->isSubtypeOf(*ListType::ofTensors()); });
42// Returns if an operator is in-place. An operator is inplace if:
43// 1. The first argument is a Tensor and it is being written to
44// 2. The first argument is being returned
45// 3. No other arguments are aliased
46// Here is an example of an in-place operator:
47// add_(Tensor(a!) self, Tensor other, *, Scalar alpha=1) -> Tensor(a!)
48static bool isInplaceOp(const c10::FunctionSchema& schema) {
49 if (!schema.is_mutable() || schema.returns().size() != 1) {
50 return false;
51 }
52 // Check that the first argument is being written to
53 const AliasInfo* first_arg_alias_info = schema.arguments().begin()->alias_info();
54 if (!first_arg_alias_info || !first_arg_alias_info->isWrite()) {
55 return false;
56 }
57 // Check that none of the other args are being aliased
58 for (auto it = schema.arguments().begin() + 1; it != schema.arguments().end(); ++it) {
59 const AliasInfo* alias_info = it->alias_info();
60 if (alias_info) {
61 return false;
62 }
63 }
64 // Check that the first tensor is being returned (i.e., output has a (a!))
65 const AliasInfo* return_alias_info = schema.returns()[0].alias_info();
66 return return_alias_info && return_alias_info->isWrite();
69static void warnFallback(const c10::FunctionSchema& schema) {
70 if (!globalContext().areVmapFallbackWarningsEnabled()) {
71 return;
72 }
73 TORCH_WARN("There is a performance drop because we have not yet implemented ",
74 "the batching rule for ", schema.operator_name(), ". ",
75 "You are using the legacy vmap prototype (torch._vmap_internals.vmap). ",
76 "If you are using torch.autograd.functional.{jacobian, hessian} ",
77 "or torch._vmap_internals.vmap: please switch to using ",
78 "torch.func.{jacrev, jacfwd, hessian} and/or torch.vmap instead ",
79 "for better operator coverage and performance improvements .");
82// The general flow of the algorithm is as follows.
83// - First, we figure out which arguments are BatchedTensors and save them
84// to a vector. We also store a vector of which index of the arguments list
85// each BatchedTensor appears in. This will be useful for bookkeeping later.
86// - Next, we apply the MultiBatchVmapTransform to all of the BatchedTensors.
87// This returns a vector of VmapPhysicalView that hold tensors that contain
88// all of the collective batch dimensions at the front of the tensors.
89// - Then, we attempt to call `op` once per slice of the inputs. To do this,
90// we repeatedly we slice the input arguments (if they are BatchedTensors),
91// put the sliced (or a not-sliced) version of the input onto the stack, invoke
92// the operator, and then pop the results off the stack.
93void batchedTensorInplaceForLoopFallback(const c10::OperatorHandle& op, torch::jit::Stack* stack) {
94 const auto& schema = op.schema();
95 warnFallback(schema);
97 const auto num_arguments = static_cast<int64_t>(schema.arguments().size());
98 const auto arguments = torch::jit::last(stack, num_arguments);
99 const auto arguments_begin = stack->size() - num_arguments;
101 // `self` is the Tensor being modified in-place
102 Tensor self = arguments[0].toTensor();
103 const auto* self_impl = maybeGetBatchedImpl(self);
104 std::bitset<kVmapMaxTensorDims> self_vmap_levels;
105 if (self_impl) {
106 self_vmap_levels = createVmapLevelsBitset(self_impl->bdims());
107 }
109 // Figure out which arguments are BatchedTensor. Save them to a vector.
110 // For each BatchedTensor, also record what position of `arguments` they came from.
111 SmallVector<Tensor,kVmapTransformStaticInputSize> batched_tensor_inputs;
112 VmapDimVector batched_tensor_inputs_position;
113 for (const auto idx : c10::irange(arguments.size())) {
114 const auto& ivalue = arguments[idx];
115 if (!ivalue.isTensor()) {
116 continue;
117 }
118 const auto& tensor = ivalue.toTensor();
119 if (!tensor.defined()) {
120 continue;
121 }
122 const auto* batched = maybeGetBatchedImpl(tensor);
123 if (!batched) {
124 continue;
125 }
127 // NOTE: [vmap-incompatible in-place operations]
128 // In-place operations on `self` are not possible if there exists some vmap
129 // level `l` such that `self` is not being vmapped on that level but another
130 // argument is. For example, let B0 be a batch dim inside vmap and consider
131 // vmap(Tensor.add_, in_dims=(None, 0))(torch.ones(3), torch.ones(B0, 3))
132 // - self is torch.ones(3) and does not participate in this vmap
133 // - other is BatchedTensor(torch.ones(B0, 3))
134 // There's no way to do self.add_(other) because `other` has more elements
135 // elements than `self` due to being vmapped over.
136 //
137 // In the vmap fallback, we should error out when we detect this.
138 auto other_vmap_levels = createVmapLevelsBitset(batched->bdims());
139 if (self_vmap_levels != (self_vmap_levels | other_vmap_levels)) {
140 // Find one vmap level to complain about
141 auto additional_bdims = (self_vmap_levels | other_vmap_levels) ^ self_vmap_levels;
142 auto offending_level = llvm::findLastSet(additional_bdims.to_ulong());
143 // The following prints out "vmap: aten::add_(tensor, ...) is not possible",
144 // but it would be better to print out "tensor.add_(...) is not possible".
145 // Afaict there's no official way to get the add_ and there is no way to
146 // tell if an operator has method or function variants.
147 TORCH_CHECK(false,
148 "vmap: ", schema.name(), "(self, *extra_args) is not possible because ",
149 "there exists a Tensor `other` in extra_args that has more elements ",
150 "than `self`. This happened due to `other` being vmapped over but ",
151 "`self` not being vmapped over at level ", offending_level, ". ",
152 "Please try to use out-of-place operators instead of ", schema.name(), ". ",
153 "If said operator is being called inside the PyTorch framework, ",
154 "please file a bug report instead.");
155 }
156 batched_tensor_inputs.push_back(tensor);
157 batched_tensor_inputs_position.push_back(idx);
158 }
159 TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(!batched_tensor_inputs.empty());
161 // MultiBatchVmapTransform the BatchedTensor arguments. This returns
162 // VmapPhysicalViews that contain all of the batch dimensions.
163 const auto input_physical_views = MultiBatchVmapTransform::logicalToPhysical(
164 batched_tensor_inputs);
166 // Compute the total number of batches
167 auto num_batch_dims = input_physical_views.front().numBatchDims();
168 auto first_physical_view_sizes = input_physical_views.front().tensor().sizes();
169 auto batch_sizes = ArrayRef<int64_t>(
170 first_physical_view_sizes.begin(), first_physical_view_sizes.begin() + num_batch_dims);
171 const auto num_batches = c10::multiply_integers(batch_sizes);
172 // Without a shape-checking API, we're unable to compute the correct shape of
173 // the output so we just error out.
174 TORCH_CHECK(num_batches > 0,
175 "Batching rule not implemented for ", schema.operator_name(), ". ",
176 "The fallback path does not support vmap over dims of size 0.");
178 // Strategy: For each batch, we are going to push slices (where applicable)
179 // of the arguments onto `stack`, and call `op`.
180 for (const auto linear_idx : c10::irange(num_batches)) {
181 auto index = computeIndex(linear_idx, batch_sizes);
182 auto batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter = batched_tensor_inputs_position.begin();
183 auto input_physical_views_iter = input_physical_views.begin();
184 for (const auto arg_idx : c10::irange(num_arguments)) {
185 // We assume that torch::jit::Stack is backed by vector<IValue> for
186 // simplicity. When that is not the case, this code should be updated.
187 const auto& argument = (*stack)[arguments_begin + arg_idx];
188 if (batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter == batched_tensor_inputs_position.end()
189 || arg_idx != *batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter) {
190 // argument isn't a BatchedTensor
191 torch::jit::push(stack, argument);
192 continue;
193 }
194 // argument is a BatchedTensor
195 TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(input_physical_views_iter != input_physical_views.end());
196 const auto& physical_view_for_argument = *input_physical_views_iter;
197 torch::jit::push(stack, physical_view_for_argument.tensor().index(index));
198 batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter++;
199 input_physical_views_iter++;
200 }
202 op.callBoxed(stack);
203 torch::jit::drop(stack, 1);
204 }
206 // Return the tensor that was written to in-place
207 torch::jit::drop(stack, num_arguments);
208 torch::jit::push(stack, self);
211static Tensor safeStack(TensorList tensors) {
212 auto is_defined = [](const Tensor& t) { return t.defined(); };
213 if (std::all_of(tensors.begin(), tensors.end(), is_defined)) {
214 return at::stack(tensors);
215 }
216 // NOTE [vmap through backward and undefined grad]
217 // While vmapping through backward functions (to compute batched grad), it
218 // is possible for the backward function to return an undefined grad for some
219 // grad_input for each example. In that case, we return an undefined grad.
220 //
221 // It is theoretically posssible for *some* of the examples to produce an
222 // undefined grad (a kernel could peek at the gradient values and return an
223 // undefined tensor if it determines the gradient is full of zeros). We
224 // could handle this by treating the undefined grad as a zero-filled tensor
225 // of the correct shape while stacking the tensors together. However I expect
226 // this to happen very rarely (I have not been able to find an example in our
227 // codebase) so we just error out in this case.
228 if (std::none_of(tensors.begin(), tensors.end(), is_defined)) {
229 return Tensor();
230 }
231 TORCH_CHECK(false,
232 "vmap: slow fallback received a mix of undefined and defined tensors ",
233 "as the result of an operation. This is not supported, please file us ",
234 "an issue on github.");
237// The general flow of the algorithm is as follows.
238// - First, we figure out which arguments are BatchedTensors and save them
239// to a vector. We also store a vector of which index of the arguments list
240// each BatchedTensor appears in. This will be useful for bookkeeping later.
241// - Next, we apply the MultiBatchVmapTransform to all of the BatchedTensors.
242// This returns a vector of VmapPhysicalView that hold tensors that contain
243// all of the collective batch dimensions at the front of the tensors.
244// - Then, we attempt to call `op` once per slice of the inputs. To do this,
245// we repeatedly we slice the input arguments (if they are BatchedTensors),
246// put the sliced (or a not-sliced) version of the input onto the stack, invoke
247// the operator, and then pop the results off the stack.
248// - Each result obtained from the previous step is a slice of the total result,
249// so we stack those tensors together to form the final result.
250void batchedTensorForLoopFallback(const c10::OperatorHandle& op, torch::jit::Stack* stack) {
251 const auto& schema = op.schema();
252 const auto num_returns = schema.returns().size();
254 if (isInplaceOp(schema)) {
255 batchedTensorInplaceForLoopFallback(op, stack);
256 return;
257 }
258 TORCH_CHECK(!schema.is_mutable() && !schema.hasAnyAliasInfo(),
259 "Batching rule not implemented for ", schema.operator_name(), "; ",
260 "the fallback path doesn't work on out= or view ops.");
261 TORCH_CHECK(areAllReturnsTensors(schema) && !areAnyArgumentsTensorList(schema),
262 "Batching rule not implemented for ", schema.operator_name(), ". ",
263 "We could not generate a fallback.");
264 TORCH_CHECK(num_returns >= 1,
265 "Batching rule not implemented for ", schema.operator_name(), ". ",
266 "The fallback path does not support operations with no returns.");
267 warnFallback(schema);
269 const auto num_arguments = static_cast<int64_t>(schema.arguments().size());
270 const auto arguments = torch::jit::last(stack, num_arguments);
271 const auto arguments_begin = stack->size() - num_arguments;
273 // Figure out which arguments are BatchedTensor. Save them to a vector.
274 // For each BatchedTensor, also record what position of `arguments` they came from.
275 SmallVector<Tensor,kVmapTransformStaticInputSize> batched_tensor_inputs;
276 VmapDimVector batched_tensor_inputs_position;
277 for (const auto idx : c10::irange(arguments.size())) {
278 const auto& ivalue = arguments[idx];
279 if (!ivalue.isTensor()) {
280 continue;
281 }
282 const auto& tensor = ivalue.toTensor();
283 if (!tensor.defined()) {
284 continue;
285 }
286 const auto* batched = maybeGetBatchedImpl(tensor);
287 if (!batched) {
288 continue;
289 }
290 batched_tensor_inputs.push_back(tensor);
291 batched_tensor_inputs_position.push_back(idx);
292 }
293 TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(!batched_tensor_inputs.empty());
295 // MultiBatchVmapTransform the BatchedTensor arguments. This returns
296 // VmapPhysicalViews that contain all of the batch dimensions.
297 const auto input_physical_views = MultiBatchVmapTransform::logicalToPhysical(
298 batched_tensor_inputs);
300 // Compute the total number of batches
301 auto num_batch_dims = input_physical_views.front().numBatchDims();
302 auto some_sizes = input_physical_views.front().tensor().sizes();
303 auto batch_sizes = ArrayRef<int64_t>(some_sizes.begin(), some_sizes.begin() + num_batch_dims);
304 const auto num_batches = c10::multiply_integers(batch_sizes);
305 // Without a shape-checking API, we're unable to compute the correct shape of
306 // the output so we just error out.
307 TORCH_CHECK(num_batches > 0,
308 "Batching rule not implemented for ", schema.operator_name(), ". ",
309 "The fallback path does not support vmap over dims of size 0.");
311 // Strategy: For each batch, we are going to push slices (where applicable)
312 // of the arguments onto `stack`, call `op`, and store the result in
313 // `output_shards`.
314 //
315 // NOTE: [Output shards layout]
316 // Assume that the operator has three outputs: a, b, c.
317 // The layout of output_shards is as follows:
318 // [ a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3, c0, c1, c2, c3]
319 // This is so that we can call at::stack([a0...a3]), at::stack([b0...b3])
320 // more easily in the next step.
321 std::vector<Tensor> output_shards(num_batches * num_returns);
323 for (const auto linear_idx : c10::irange(num_batches)) {
324 auto index = computeIndex(linear_idx, batch_sizes);
325 auto batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter = batched_tensor_inputs_position.begin();
326 auto input_physical_views_iter = input_physical_views.begin();
327 for (const auto arg_idx : c10::irange(num_arguments)) {
328 // We assume that torch::jit::Stack is backed by vector<IValue> for
329 // simplicity. When that is not the case, this code should be updated.
330 const auto& argument = (*stack)[arguments_begin + arg_idx];
331 if (batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter == batched_tensor_inputs_position.end()
332 || arg_idx != *batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter) {
333 // argument isn't a BatchedTensor
334 torch::jit::push(stack, argument);
335 continue;
336 }
337 // argument is a BatchedTensor
338 TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(input_physical_views_iter != input_physical_views.end());
339 const auto& physical_view_for_argument = *input_physical_views_iter;
340 torch::jit::push(stack, physical_view_for_argument.tensor().index(index));
341 batched_tensor_inputs_pos_iter++;
342 input_physical_views_iter++;
343 }
345 op.callBoxed(stack);
347 // Store the result into `output_shards`. See NOTE: [Output shards layout]
348 // to learn about the details of how we store the shards.
349 const auto returns = torch::jit::last(stack, num_returns);
350 for (const auto return_idx : c10::irange(returns.size())) {
351 output_shards[num_batches * return_idx + linear_idx] = returns[return_idx].toTensor();
352 }
353 torch::jit::drop(stack, num_returns);
354 }
356 // For each output Tensor, stack the shards of the tensor together to form a return
357 torch::jit::drop(stack, num_arguments);
358 auto output_shards_chunks = MatrixRef<Tensor>(output_shards, num_batches);
359 for (const auto return_idx : c10::irange(num_returns)) {
360 auto shards = output_shards_chunks[return_idx];
361 auto flat_output = safeStack(shards);
362 // See NOTE [vmap through backward and undefined grad]
363 if (!flat_output.defined()) {
364 torch::jit::push(stack, flat_output);
365 continue;
366 }
367 VmapDimVector output_sizes(batch_sizes);
368 output_sizes.insert(
369 output_sizes.end(),
370 flat_output.sizes().begin() + 1,
371 flat_output.sizes().end());
372 torch::jit::push(
373 stack,
374 input_physical_views.front().getPhysicalToLogicalMap().apply(flat_output.view(output_sizes)));
375 }
378} // namespace at