1#pragma once
3#include <c10/util/StringUtil.h>
4#include <c10/util/string_view.h>
5#include <c10/util/irange.h>
6#include <ATen/core/jit_type.h>
7#include <ATen/core/symbol.h>
8#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
9#include <ATen/core/alias_info.h>
10#include <ATen/core/operator_name.h>
11#include <ATen/core/dispatch/OperatorOptions.h>
12#include <unordered_map>
14namespace c10 {
16// schema as used in the compiler for resolving function calls and reporting
17// errors. These objects should be constructed from C10 schema once those
18// are available.
20struct Argument;
21struct FunctionSchema;
23using AliasTypeSet = std::vector<TypePtr>;
25bool operator==(const Argument& lhs, const Argument& rhs);
27struct Argument {
28 Argument(
29 std::string name = "",
30 TypePtr type = nullptr,
31 c10::optional<int32_t> N = c10::nullopt,
32 c10::optional<IValue> default_value = c10::nullopt,
33 bool kwarg_only = false,
34 c10::optional<AliasInfo> alias_info = c10::nullopt)
35 : Argument(name, type, type, N, default_value, kwarg_only, alias_info) {}
37 Argument(
38 std::string name,
39 TypePtr fake_type,
40 TypePtr real_type,
41 c10::optional<int32_t> N = c10::nullopt,
42 c10::optional<IValue> default_value = c10::nullopt,
43 bool kwarg_only = false,
44 c10::optional<AliasInfo> alias_info = c10::nullopt)
45 : name_(std::move(name)),
46 type_(fake_type ? std::move(fake_type) : TensorType::get()),
47 real_type_(real_type ? std::move(real_type) : type_),
48 N_(std::move(N)),
49 default_value_(std::move(default_value)),
50 alias_info_(alias_info ? std::make_unique<AliasInfo>(std::move(*alias_info)) : nullptr),
51 kwarg_only_(kwarg_only) {
52 // this is an softly-enforced invariant for out arguments.
53 bool is_alias = alias_info_ != nullptr && alias_info_->isWrite();
54 is_out_ = kwarg_only_ && is_alias;
55 }
57 Argument(Argument&& rhs) noexcept = default;
59 Argument(const Argument& rhs)
60 : name_(rhs.name_),
61 type_(rhs.type_),
62 real_type_(rhs.real_type_),
63 N_(rhs.N_),
64 default_value_(rhs.default_value_),
65 alias_info_(rhs.alias_info_ ? std::make_unique<AliasInfo>(*rhs.alias_info_) : nullptr),
66 kwarg_only_(rhs.kwarg_only_),
67 is_out_(rhs.is_out_) {}
69 Argument& operator=(Argument&& rhs) = default;
71 Argument& operator=(const Argument& rhs) {
72 if (this != &rhs) {
73 name_ = rhs.name_;
74 type_ = rhs.type_;
75 real_type_ = rhs.real_type_;
76 N_ = rhs.N_;
77 default_value_ = rhs.default_value_;
78 alias_info_ = rhs.alias_info_ ? std::make_unique<AliasInfo>(*rhs.alias_info_) : nullptr;
79 kwarg_only_ = rhs.kwarg_only_;
80 is_out_ = rhs.is_out_;
81 }
82 return *this;
83 }
85 const std::string& name() const {
86 return name_;
87 }
88 const TypePtr& type() const {
89 return type_;
90 }
91 // if type() is non-null, this is guaranteed to be non-null (if no real
92 // type was provided, this takes on type()'s value)
93 const TypePtr& real_type() const {
94 return real_type_;
95 }
96 c10::optional<int32_t> N() const {
97 return N_;
98 }
99 const c10::optional<IValue>& default_value() const {
100 return default_value_;
101 }
102 bool kwarg_only() const {
103 return kwarg_only_;
104 }
106 bool is_out() const {
107 return is_out_;
108 }
110 C10_NODISCARD const AliasInfo* alias_info() const {
111 return alias_info_.get();
112 }
114 bool is_inferred_type() const {
115 bool is_inferred_type = false;
117 if (auto pt = type_->cast<TensorType>()) {
118 if (pt->isInferredType()) {
119 is_inferred_type = true;
120 }
121 }
122 return is_inferred_type;
123 }
125 std::string formatTypeMismatchMsg(const std::string& actual_type) const {
126 std::string inferred_type_hint;
127 if (is_inferred_type()) {
128 inferred_type_hint = c10::str(
129 "Inferred '",
130 name(),
131 "' to be of type 'Tensor' ",
132 "because it was not annotated with an explicit type.\n");
133 }
134 return c10::str(
135 "Expected a value of type '",
136 type()->repr_str(),
137 "' for argument '",
138 name(),
139 "' but instead found type '",
140 actual_type,
141 "'.\n",
142 inferred_type_hint);
143 }
145 Argument cloneWithType(TypePtr new_type) const {
146 return Argument(
147 name_,
148 std::move(new_type),
149 N_,
150 default_value_,
151 kwarg_only_,
152 alias_info_ ? c10::optional<AliasInfo>(*alias_info_) : c10::nullopt);
153 }
155 // this function checks whether this Argument is backward compatible with
156 // the old one. we consider the following cases are backward compatible:
157 // 1) two arguments are equal
158 // 2) this arg's type should be subtype of old
159 // 3) this arg must provide the same default value if old arg has one,
160 bool isBackwardCompatibleWith(
161 const Argument& old,
162 std::ostream* why_not=nullptr) const;
164 // this function checks whether this Argument is forward compatible with
165 // the old one. we consider the following cases are forward compatible:
166 // 1) two arguments are equal
167 // 2) this arg's type should be subtype of old
168 // 3) this arg must provide the same default value if old arg has one,
169 bool isForwardCompatibleWith(
170 const Argument& old,
171 std::ostream* why_not = nullptr) const;
173 private:
174 std::string name_;
175 TypePtr type_;
176 TypePtr real_type_; // this is ScalarType, not int, e.g.
177 // for list types, an optional statically known length for the list
178 // e.g. for int[3]: type = ListType::ofInts(), N = 3
179 // If present, this will allow scalars to be broadcast to this length to
180 // become a list.
181 c10::optional<int32_t> N_;
183 c10::optional<IValue> default_value_;
184 // AliasInfo is huge, so let's only allocate memory for it if
185 // necessary (which it isn't during schema parsing on startup, to
186 // give a pertinent example).
187 std::unique_ptr<AliasInfo> alias_info_;
188 // is this only specifiable as a keyword argument?
189 bool kwarg_only_;
190 // marks if the argument is out variant of the schema
191 bool is_out_;
194inline bool operator==(const Argument& lhs, const Argument& rhs) {
195 return lhs.name() == rhs.name()
196 && *lhs.type() == *rhs.type()
197 && lhs.N() == rhs.N()
198 && lhs.default_value() == rhs.default_value()
199 && lhs.kwarg_only() == rhs.kwarg_only()
200 && (lhs.alias_info() == rhs.alias_info()
201 || (lhs.alias_info() != nullptr && rhs.alias_info() != nullptr
202 && *lhs.alias_info() == *rhs.alias_info()));
205inline bool operator!=(const Argument& lhs, const Argument& rhs) {
206 return !(lhs == rhs);
209enum struct TORCH_API SchemaArgType { input, output };
212 * struct SchemaArgument
213 *
214 * Structure used to represent arguments or returns for a schema.
215 */
216struct TORCH_API SchemaArgument {
217 SchemaArgType type;
218 size_t index;
219 SchemaArgument(SchemaArgType tpe, size_t idx) : type(tpe), index(idx) {}
220 bool operator==(const SchemaArgument& rhs) const {
221 return type == rhs.type && index == rhs.index;
222 }
225bool operator==(const FunctionSchema& lhs, const FunctionSchema& rhs);
227struct TORCH_API FunctionSchema {
228 FunctionSchema(
229 std::string name,
230 std::string overload_name,
231 std::vector<Argument> arguments,
232 std::vector<Argument> returns,
233 bool is_vararg = false,
234 bool is_varret = false)
235 : name_({std::move(name), std::move(overload_name)}),
236 arguments_(std::move(arguments)),
237 returns_(std::move(returns)),
238 is_vararg_(is_vararg),
239 is_varret_(is_varret) {
240 checkSchema();
241 }
243 FunctionSchema(
244 Symbol name,
245 std::string overload_name,
246 std::vector<Argument> arguments,
247 std::vector<Argument> returns,
248 bool is_vararg = false,
249 bool is_varret = false)
250 : FunctionSchema(
251 name.toQualString(),
252 std::move(overload_name),
253 std::move(arguments),
254 std::move(returns),
255 is_vararg,
256 is_varret) {
257 checkSchema();
258 }
260 // Checks whether this schema is backward compatible with the old one.
261 // The following conditions must be true:
262 // [Function structure] The new schema's name, overload-name, varargs, and
263 // return arity are the same.
264 // [Output Narrowing] The new schema's output type must be the same class
265 // or inherit from the old schema's output type.
266 // [Argument count] The new schema must have at least as many arguments as
267 // the old schema (considering the list of positional and kwargs).
268 // [Arg Compatibility] Every argument in the old schema has a corresponding
269 // argument in the new schema that:
270 // * is at the same position.
271 // * has the same name.
272 // * is either positional, or kwarg and the old argument was kwarg.
273 // * has the same type, or the old argument's type inherits from the
274 // new argument's type.
275 // [Default Values] Every new argument must have a default value.
276 // E.g.
277 // OK f_new(a, b, c=1) => f_old(a, b)
278 // NOK f_new(a, c=1, *, b) => f_old(a, *, b)
279 // OK f_new(a, b, *, c) => f_old(a, *, b, c)
280 // NOK f_new(a, *, b, c) -> f_old(a, b, *, c)
281 // NOK f_new(a, *, c, b) => f_old(a, *, b, c)
282 // OK f_new(a, *, b, c, d=1) => f_old(a, *, b, c)
283 bool isBackwardCompatibleWith(
284 const FunctionSchema& old,
285 std::ostream* why_not = nullptr) const;
287 // Checks whether this schema is forward compatible with the old one.
288 // The following conditions must be true:
289 // [Function structure] The new schema's name, overload-name, varargs, and
290 // return arity are the same.
291 // [Output Narrowing] The new schema's output type must be the same class
292 // or inherit from the old schema's output type.
293 // [Arg Compatibility] Every argument in the old schema has a corresponding
294 // argument in the new schema that:
295 // * is at the same position.
296 // * has the same name.
297 // * is either positional, or kwarg and the old argument was kwarg.
298 // * has the same type, or the old argument's type inherits from the
299 // new argument's type.
300 // [Default Values] Every new argument must have a default value.
301 // Each default value type should NOT be a container type.
302 // [Positioning] All defaults arguments MUST go after either old
303 // default arguments or the end of positional arguments
304 // and right BEFORE all out arguments
305 bool isForwardCompatibleWith(
306 const FunctionSchema& old,
307 std::ostringstream& why_not) const;
309 private:
310 OperatorName name_;
311 std::vector<Argument> arguments_;
312 std::vector<Argument> returns_;
313 // if true then this schema takes an arbitrary number of additional arguments
314 // after the argument specified in arguments
315 // currently this is used primarily to represent 'primitive' operators whose
316 // arguments are not checked by schema
317 bool is_vararg_;
318 bool is_varret_;
320 // if no alias information is directly specified, what kind of "default"
321 // alias information should we infer?
322 // NB: due to alias analysis kind merging, this may be nullopt. Eventually
323 // this should always be set no matter what
324 c10::optional<AliasAnalysisKind> alias_kind_;
326 template <typename T>
327 void checkArg(const IValue& value, const Argument& argument, optional<size_t> pos) const;
329 void checkSchema() const {
330 bool seen_default_arg = false;
331 for (const auto& arg : arguments()) {
332 if (arg.default_value()) {
333 seen_default_arg = true;
334 } else {
335 // we have historically serialized broadcasting lists wo/default values,
336 // so to not break BC allow lists here
337 if (arg.type()->kind() == ListType::Kind) {
338 continue;
339 }
341 !seen_default_arg || arg.kwarg_only(),
342 "Non-default positional argument follows default argument. Parameter ",
343 arg.name(),
344 " in ",
345 *this);
346 }
347 }
348 }
350 public:
352 void dump() const;
354 const OperatorName& operator_name() const {
355 return name_;
356 }
357 const std::string& name() const {
358 return name_.name;
359 }
360 const std::string& overload_name() const {
361 return name_.overload_name;
362 }
363 const std::vector<Argument>& arguments() const {
364 return arguments_;
365 }
366 const std::vector<Argument>& returns() const {
367 return returns_;
368 }
369 bool is_vararg() const {
370 return is_vararg_;
371 }
372 bool is_varret() const {
373 return is_varret_;
374 }
375 bool is_aliasing(const c10::SchemaArgument &argument) const {
377 argument.index < getCorrectList(argument.type).size(),
378 "Invalid index for schema.");
379 const AliasInfo* aliasInfo = getCorrectList(argument.type)[argument.index].alias_info();
380 return aliasInfo;
381 }
382 bool is_mutable() const {
383 return std::any_of(
384 arguments_.cbegin(), arguments_.cend(), [](const Argument& arg) {
385 const AliasInfo* aliasInfo = arg.alias_info();
386 return aliasInfo && aliasInfo->isWrite();
387 });
388 }
389 bool is_mutable(const c10::SchemaArgument &argument) const {
391 argument.index < getCorrectList(argument.type).size(),
392 "Invalid index for schema.");
393 const AliasInfo* aliasInfo = getCorrectList(argument.type)[argument.index].alias_info();
394 return aliasInfo && aliasInfo->isWrite();
395 }
396 bool is_mutable(c10::string_view name) const {
397 c10::optional<int> index = argumentIndexWithName(name);
399 index != c10::nullopt, "Schema has no argument named ", name);
401 return is_mutable({c10::SchemaArgType::input, static_cast<size_t>(*index)});
402 }
404 // Returns whether lhs and rhs may alias directly.
405 // This does not account for cases where lhs or rhs are a container that
406 // may contain elements that alias the other argument.
407 // FunctionSchema::may_contain_alias will include that functionality.
408 bool may_alias(const SchemaArgument& lhs, const SchemaArgument& rhs) const;
410 // Returns whether lhs and rhs may alias directly or whether lhs/rhs are a container
411 // that may contain elements that alias the other argument.
412 // bidirectional = false only returns whether lhs may contain an alias of rhs
413 // while bidirectional = true returns both directions.
414 bool may_contain_alias(const SchemaArgument& lhs, const SchemaArgument& rhs, bool bidirectional = true) const;
416 // Returns whether the two AliasTypeSets contain any similarities
417 // ie: whether the two type sets can alias.
418 bool canAliasTypeSetsAlias(const c10::optional<AliasTypeSet> &lhs, const c10::optional<AliasTypeSet> &rhs) const;
420 // Recursively Finds all contained types within the AliasTypeSet.
421 c10::optional<AliasTypeSet> getAliasTypeSetContainedTypes(const c10::optional<AliasTypeSet> &aliasTypeSet) const;
423 // Similar to mapTypeToAliasTypeSet defined in alias_analysis.cpp.
424 // Used to map types to a type such that all types that can alias will be mapped to the same type.
425 // For example, calling this method on 'Optional[List[int]]' is the same as calling this method
426 // on 'List[int]'.
427 c10::optional<AliasTypeSet> mapTypeToAliasTypeSet(const TypePtr& type) const;
429 // Returns either arguments() or returns() depending on the SchemaArgType
430 // output => returns(), input => arguments()
431 const std::vector<Argument>& getCorrectList(SchemaArgType type) const;
433 c10::optional<int> argumentIndexWithName(c10::string_view name) const {
434 for (const auto i : c10::irange(arguments().size())) {
435 if(name == arguments()[i].name())
436 return i;
437 }
438 return c10::nullopt;
439 }
440 FunctionSchema cloneWithName(std::string name, std::string overload_name) const {
441 return FunctionSchema(
442 std::move(name),
443 std::move(overload_name),
444 arguments(),
445 returns(),
446 is_vararg(),
447 is_varret()
448 );
449 }
450 FunctionSchema cloneWithArguments(std::vector<Argument> new_arguments) const {
451 return FunctionSchema(
452 name(),
453 overload_name(),
454 std::move(new_arguments),
455 returns(),
456 is_vararg(),
457 is_varret());
458 }
459 FunctionSchema cloneWithReturns(std::vector<Argument> new_returns) const {
460 return FunctionSchema(
461 name(),
462 overload_name(),
463 arguments(),
464 std::move(new_returns),
465 is_vararg(),
466 is_varret());
467 }
469 std::string formatTypeMismatchMsg(
470 const Argument& expected,
471 const std::string& actual_type,
472 c10::optional<size_t> position = c10::nullopt,
473 c10::optional<std::string> value = c10::nullopt) const;
475 FunctionSchema cloneWithRemappedTypes(
476 const std::function<TypePtr(TypePtr)> type_map) const;
478 FunctionSchema cloneWithRealTypes(bool with_symint=true) const;
480 // Check that inputs have the correct types and appends any missing default
481 // values.
482 template <typename T = c10::PlatformType>
483 void checkAndNormalizeInputs(
484 std::vector<IValue>& inputs,
485 const std::unordered_map<std::string, IValue>& kwargs =
486 std::unordered_map<std::string, IValue>{}) const;
488 std::string findErrorInKwargs(const std::vector<std::string>& kwargs) const;
490 bool hasAnyAliasInfo() const {
491 for (const auto& arg : arguments_) {
492 if (arg.alias_info() != nullptr) {
493 return true;
494 }
495 }
496 for (const auto& ret : returns_) {
497 if (ret.alias_info() != nullptr) {
498 return true;
499 }
500 }
501 return false;
502 }
505 // TODO remove the mutation here
506 bool isDefaultAliasAnalysisKind() const {
507 return !alias_kind_;
508 }
509 AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysis() const {
510 return alias_kind_.value_or(AliasAnalysisKind::CONSERVATIVE);
511 }
512 void setAliasAnalysis(AliasAnalysisKind v) {
513 alias_kind_ = v;
514 }
516 c10::optional<c10::string_view> getNamespace() const {
517 return name_.getNamespace();
518 }
520 // Returns true if we successfully set the namespace (as there
521 // was none set, and false otherwise)
522 bool setNamespaceIfNotSet(const char* ns) {
523 return name_.setNamespaceIfNotSet(ns);
524 }
526 // can a function with this schema be substituted for a function of rhs's
527 // schema and have the program typecheck?
528 // as_method - if true, treat this schema as a method and ignore
529 // the first argument, which will be the object in both cases
530 bool isSubtypeOf(const FunctionSchema& rhs, bool as_method, std::ostream* why_not=nullptr) const;
533inline bool operator==(const FunctionSchema& lhs, const FunctionSchema& rhs) {
534 return lhs.name() == rhs.name()
535 && lhs.overload_name() == rhs.overload_name()
536 && lhs.arguments() == rhs.arguments()
537 && lhs.returns() == rhs.returns()
538 && lhs.is_vararg() == rhs.is_vararg()
539 && lhs.is_varret() == rhs.is_varret();
542inline bool operator!=(const FunctionSchema& lhs, const FunctionSchema& rhs) {
543 return !(lhs == rhs);
546// print out Argument, which is compatible with FunctionSchema parser
547// full format: Type(alias)? name=default_value
548inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Argument& arg) {
550 // for adjusting the ? position.
551 // in schema, we have Tensor?(a!) input, and t(a!)?.
552 // however, t?(a!) doesn't work with schema parser.
553 // so we always use Type(alias)? format
554 // real_type versus fake_type: in order to be compatible with FunctionSchema
555 // parser, printing an argument with either MemoryFormat or Layout type should
556 // give us the original schema string, hence printing out real_type.
557 auto type = arg.real_type();
558 bool is_opt = type->kind() == OptionalType::Kind;
559 auto unopt_type = is_opt ? type->castRaw<OptionalType>()->getElementType() : type;
561 if (unopt_type->kind() == ListType::Kind) {
562 // sized lists get size N from arg, not type
563 auto list = unopt_type->cast<c10::ListType>();
564 out << list->getElementType()->str();
565 if (arg.alias_info() && !arg.alias_info()->containedTypes().empty()){
566 out << arg.alias_info()->containedTypes()[0];
567 }
568 std::string N = "";
569 if (arg.N()) {
570 N = std::to_string(*arg.N());
571 }
572 out << "[" << N << "]";
573 } else {
574 out << unopt_type->str();
575 }
577 // print alias info if it has beforeSets.
578 if (arg.alias_info() && !arg.alias_info()->beforeSets().empty()) {
579 out << *arg.alias_info();
580 }
582 if (is_opt) {
583 out << "?";
584 }
586 if (!arg.name().empty()) {
587 out << " " << arg.name();
588 }
590 if (arg.default_value()) {
591 out << "=";
592 if ((type->kind() == c10::TypeKind::StringType ||
593 unopt_type->kind() == c10::TypeKind::StringType) &&
594 arg.default_value().value().isString()) {
595 printQuotedString(out, arg.default_value().value().toStringRef());
596 } else if (type->kind() == TypeKind::ListType && type->castRaw<ListType>()->getElementType()->kind() == c10::TypeKind::IntType) {
597 // We want to faithfully replicate JIT schema.
598 // in native_functions.yaml defaults for int arrays with a single value always look like
599 // int[2] stride=1
600 // instead of
601 // int[2] stride=[1, 1]
602 auto default_val = arg.default_value().value().toIntList();
603 if (default_val.size() > 1) {
604 auto all_defaults_the_same = true;
605 for (const auto i : c10::irange(1, default_val.size())) {
606 if (default_val[0] != default_val[i]) all_defaults_the_same = false;
607 }
608 if (all_defaults_the_same) {
609 out << default_val[0];
610 } else {
611 out << arg.default_value().value();
612 }
613 } else {
614 out << arg.default_value().value();
615 }
616 } else {
617 out << arg.default_value().value();
618 }
619 }
621 return out;
624inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const FunctionSchema& schema);
626inline std::string toString(const FunctionSchema& schema) {
627 std::ostringstream str;
628 str << schema;
629 return str.str();
632} // namespace c10
634namespace std {
636 struct hash<c10::SchemaArgument> {
637 size_t operator()(const c10::SchemaArgument& arg) const
638 {
639 return c10::hash_combine(std::hash<size_t>()(arg.index), std::hash<size_t>()(static_cast<std::size_t>(arg.type)));
640 }
641 };
643 struct hash<c10::Argument> {
644 size_t operator()(const c10::Argument& arg) const
645 {
646 auto hash = std::hash<std::string>{}(arg.name());
647 auto type_hash = std::hash<c10::TypePtr>{}(arg.type());
648 auto kwarg_only_hash = std::hash<bool>{}(arg.kwarg_only());
649 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, type_hash);
650 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, kwarg_only_hash);
651 // hashing optional fields if they exist
652 if (arg.default_value()) {
653 auto default_value_hash = c10::hash<c10::IValue>{}(arg.default_value().value());
654 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, default_value_hash);
655 }
656 if (arg.N()) {
657 auto N_hash = std::hash<int64_t>{}(*arg.N());
658 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, N_hash);
659 }
660 if (arg.alias_info()) {
661 auto alias_info_hash = std::hash<c10::AliasInfo>{}(*arg.alias_info());
662 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, alias_info_hash);
663 }
664 return hash;
665 }
666 };
668 struct hash<c10::FunctionSchema> {
669 size_t operator()(const c10::FunctionSchema& schema) const
670 {
671 auto hash = std::hash<c10::OperatorName>{}(schema.operator_name());
672 auto args_hash = c10::hash<std::vector<c10::Argument>>{}(schema.arguments());
673 auto returns_hash = c10::hash<std::vector<c10::Argument>>{}(schema.returns());
674 auto is_vararg_hash = std::hash<bool>{}(schema.is_vararg());
675 auto is_varret_hash = std::hash<bool>{}(schema.is_varret());
676 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, args_hash);
677 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, returns_hash);
678 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, is_vararg_hash);
679 hash = c10::hash_combine(hash, is_varret_hash);
680 return hash;
681 }
682 };
683} // namespace std
686#include <ATen/core/function_schema_inl.h> // IWYU pragma: keep