2 * Copyright (c) Glow Contributors. See CONTRIBUTORS file.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "glow/LLVMIRCodeGen/BundleSaver.h"
18#include "glow/LLVMIRCodeGen/CommandLine.h"
19#include "glow/LLVMIRCodeGen/LLVMBackend.h"
21#include "glow/Graph/Graph.h"
22#include "glow/Graph/PlaceholderBindings.h"
23#include "glow/IR/Instrs.h"
24#include "glow/IR/LLVMAPIMacros.h"
25#include "glow/Support/Debug.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
28#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
30#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
31#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
32#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
33#include "llvm/Object/ArchiveWriter.h"
34#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
35#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
37#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
39#include <glog/logging.h>
41#define DEBUG_TYPE "jit"
43using namespace glow;
44using llvm::cast;
45using llvm::dyn_cast;
46using llvm::isa;
48/// Header file string template.
49static const char *headerFileTemplate =
50 R"RAW(%s
51#ifndef _GLOW_BUNDLE_%s_H
52#define _GLOW_BUNDLE_%s_H
54#include <stdint.h>
56// ---------------------------------------------------------------
57// Common definitions
58// ---------------------------------------------------------------
62// Glow bundle error code for correct execution.
63#define GLOW_SUCCESS 0
67// ---------------------------------------------------------------
68// Bundle API
69// ---------------------------------------------------------------
71// NOTE: Placeholders are allocated within the "mutableWeight"
72// buffer and are identified using an offset relative to base.
73// ---------------------------------------------------------------
74#ifdef __cplusplus
75extern "C" {
78#ifdef __cplusplus
84/// Function to print the header file using the template.
85static void printHeader(llvm::StringRef headerFileName,
86 llvm::StringRef bundleName,
87 llvm::StringRef commonDefines,
88 llvm::StringRef modelInfo, llvm::StringRef modelApi,
89 llvm::StringRef headerExtra) {
90 std::error_code EC;
91 llvm::raw_fd_ostream headerFile(headerFileName, EC,
92 llvm::sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_Text);
93 CHECK(!EC) << "Could not open header file!";
94 std::string header;
95 header += "// Bundle API auto-generated header file. Do not edit!\n";
97 header += "// Glow Tools version: " + std::string(GLOW_VERSION) + "\n";
99 headerFile << strFormat(headerFileTemplate, header.c_str(),
100 bundleName.upper().data(), bundleName.upper().data(),
101 commonDefines.data(), modelInfo.data(),
102 modelApi.data(), headerExtra.data());
103 headerFile.close();
106/// Header file common definitions for dynamic API.
107static const char *dynamicApiCommonDefines = R"RAW(
108// Type describing a symbol table entry of a generated bundle.
109struct SymbolTableEntry {
110 // Name of a variable.
111 const char *name;
112 // Offset of the variable inside the memory area.
113 uint64_t offset;
114 // The number of elements inside this variable.
115 uint64_t size;
116 // Variable kind: 1 if it is a mutable variable, 0 otherwise.
117 char kind;
120// Type describing the config of a generated bundle.
121struct BundleConfig {
122 // Size of the constant weight variables memory area.
123 uint64_t constantWeightVarsMemSize;
124 // Size of the mutable weight variables memory area.
125 uint64_t mutableWeightVarsMemSize;
126 // Size of the activations memory area.
127 uint64_t activationsMemSize;
128 // Alignment to be used for weights and activations.
129 uint64_t alignment;
130 // Number of symbols in the symbol table.
131 uint64_t numSymbols;
132 // Symbol table.
133 const SymbolTableEntry *symbolTable;
137/// Header file common definitions for static API.
138static const char *staticApiCommonDefines = R"RAW(
139// Memory alignment definition with given alignment size
140// for static allocation of memory.
141#define GLOW_MEM_ALIGN(size) __attribute__((aligned(size)))
143// Macro function to get the absolute address of a
144// placeholder using the base address of the mutable
145// weight buffer and placeholder offset definition.
146#define GLOW_GET_ADDR(mutableBaseAddr, placeholderOff) (((uint8_t*)(mutableBaseAddr)) + placeholderOff)
149/// Utility function to serialize a binary file to text file as a C array.
150static void serializeBinaryToText(llvm::StringRef binFileName,
151 llvm::StringRef txtFileName) {
152 FILE *inpFile = fopen(binFileName.str().c_str(), "rb");
153 CHECK(inpFile) << "Could not open binary input file: " << binFileName.str();
154 FILE *outFile = fopen(txtFileName.str().c_str(), "w");
155 CHECK(outFile) << "Could not open text output file: " << txtFileName.str();
156 const size_t numBytesPerLine = 20;
157 for (size_t i = 0;; i++) {
158 int ch = fgetc(inpFile);
159 if (ch == EOF) {
160 break;
161 }
162 fprintf(outFile, " 0X%02X,", ch);
163 if ((i % numBytesPerLine) == (numBytesPerLine - 1)) {
164 fprintf(outFile, "\n");
165 }
166 }
167 fprintf(outFile, "\n");
168 fclose(inpFile);
169 fclose(outFile);
172BundleSaver::BundleSaver(const LLVMBackend &llvmBackend,
173 llvm::StringRef outputDir, llvm::StringRef bundleName)
174 : irgen_(llvmBackend.createIRGen(nullptr, allocationsInfo_)),
175 bundleAPI_(llvmBackend.getOptions().getBundleAPI()) {
176 llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 8> targetFeatures(llvmTargetFeatures.begin(),
177 llvmTargetFeatures.end());
178 irgen_->setBundleName(bundleName.str());
179 irgen_->setOutputDir(outputDir);
180 irgen_->setObjectRegistry(llvmBackend.getObjectRegistry());
181 // Use the bundle code model as a code model for the TargetMachine.
182 auto opts = llvmBackend.getOptions();
183 opts.setCodeModel(opts.getBundleCodeModel());
184 irgen_->initTargetMachine(opts);
185 irgen_->initCodeGen();
188void BundleSaver::setIRFunction(llvm::StringRef mainEntryName,
189 const IRFunction *F) {
190 irgen_->setIRFunction(F);
191 if (F) {
192 savedIRFunctions_.push_back(SavedIRFunction{mainEntryName.str(), F});
193 }
196bool BundleSaver::WeightAddrComparator::operator()(
197 const WeightInfo &LHS, const WeightInfo &RHS) const {
198 auto lhsAddr =
199 bundleSaver_->allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_.lookup(LHS.first);
200 auto rhsAddr =
201 bundleSaver_->allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_.lookup(RHS.first);
202 return lhsAddr < rhsAddr;
205std::set<BundleSaver::WeightInfo, BundleSaver::WeightAddrComparator>
206BundleSaver::findConstantWeights() const {
207 std::set<BundleSaver::WeightInfo, BundleSaver::WeightAddrComparator>
208 constants(WeightAddrComparator(*const_cast<BundleSaver *>(this)));
209 for (auto &savedIRFunction : savedIRFunctions_) {
210 for (auto *c : savedIRFunction.savedF->findConstants()) {
211 auto *w = cast<WeightVar>(savedIRFunction.savedF->getWeightForNode(c));
212 constants.insert({w, c});
213 }
214 }
215 return constants;
218std::set<const Placeholder *> BundleSaver::findPlaceholders() const {
219 std::set<const Placeholder *> placeholders;
220 for (auto &savedIRFunction : savedIRFunctions_) {
221 for (auto *ph : savedIRFunction.savedF->findPlaceholders()) {
222 placeholders.insert(ph);
223 }
224 }
225 return placeholders;
228Value *BundleSaver::getWeightForNode(const Storage *V) const {
229 for (auto &savedIRFunction : savedIRFunctions_) {
230 if (auto *W = savedIRFunction.savedF->getWeightForNode(V)) {
231 return W;
232 }
233 }
234 return nullptr;
237void BundleSaver::saveWeights(llvm::StringRef weightsFileName) {
238 std::error_code EC;
239 llvm::raw_fd_ostream weightsFile(weightsFileName, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
240 CHECK(!EC) << "Could not open the output file for saving the bundle weights "
241 "with file name: "
242 << weightsFileName.str();
243 // Serialize only constant weights.
244 // Do not serialize mutable weights representing inputs and outputs, because
245 // it should be configurable and set by the client.
246 size_t pos = 0;
247 size_t maxPos = 0;
248 for (auto &weightInfo : findConstantWeights()) {
249 auto *w = weightInfo.first;
250 auto *c = weightInfo.second;
251 auto numBytes = w->getSizeInBytes();
252 auto payload = c->getPayload().getUnsafePtr();
253 auto addr = allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_[weightInfo.first];
254 if (addr < pos) {
255 // The payload was written already. It aliases something we have seen
256 // already.
257 continue;
258 }
259 weightsFile.seek(addr);
260 CHECK(!weightsFile.has_error()) << "Could not set file write position";
261 weightsFile.write(payload, numBytes);
262 CHECK(!weightsFile.has_error()) << "Could not write bytes";
263 pos = addr + numBytes;
264 maxPos = std::max(pos, maxPos);
265 }
266 // Make sure that the file is as long as the constantWeightVarsMemSize_.
267 // This is needed to properly handle alignments.
268 weightsFile.seek(maxPos);
269 for (size_t endPos = irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().constantWeightVarsMemSize_;
270 maxPos < endPos; maxPos++) {
271 weightsFile.write(0);
272 }
273 weightsFile.close();
276void BundleSaver::saveHeader(llvm::StringRef headerFileName) {
277 auto bundleName = irgen_->getBundleName();
278 auto bundleNameUpper = llvm::StringRef(bundleName).upper();
279 auto constMemSize = irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().constantWeightVarsMemSize_;
280 auto mutableMemSize = irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().mutableWeightVarsMemSize_;
281 auto activationsMemSize = irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().activationsMemSize_;
282 auto activationsMemAllocEff = irgen_->getAllocationsInfo()
283 .getActivationsAllocator()
284 .getAllocationEfficiency();
285 auto memAlignSize = TensorAlignment;
286 auto totMemSize = constMemSize + mutableMemSize + activationsMemSize;
288 // Format common bundle definitions.
289 auto commonDefines = (bundleAPI_ == BundleApiType::Dynamic)
290 ? dynamicApiCommonDefines
291 : staticApiCommonDefines;
293 // Format model description.
294 std::string modelInfo =
295 strFormat("// Model name: \"%s\"\n"
296 "// Total data size: %lu (bytes)\n"
297 "// Activations allocation efficiency: %.4f\n",
298 bundleName.data(), totMemSize, activationsMemAllocEff);
299 // Print placeholders (mandatory).
300 modelInfo += "// Placeholders:\n";
301 auto placeholders = findPlaceholders();
302 for (auto &v : placeholders) {
303 auto *w = cast<WeightVar>(getWeightForNode(v));
304 // Get placeholder properties.
305 auto name = w->getName();
306 auto type = w->getType();
307 auto typeName = type->toString();
308 auto sizeElem = type->size();
309 auto sizeByte = type->getSizeInBytes();
310 auto offset = allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_[w];
311 modelInfo += strFormat("//\n"
312 "// Name: \"%s\"\n"
313 "// Type: %s\n"
314 "// Size: %" PRIuDIM " (elements)\n"
315 "// Size: %zu (bytes)\n"
316 "// Offset: %lu (bytes)\n",
317 name.data(), typeName.c_str(), sizeElem, sizeByte,
318 (unsigned long)offset);
319 }
320 // Print constants (optional).
321 if (bundleAPIVerbose) {
322 modelInfo += "//\n"
323 "// Constants:\n";
324 auto constantWeights = findConstantWeights();
325 for (auto &weightInfo : constantWeights) {
326 auto *w = weightInfo.first;
327 // Get constant properties.
328 auto name = w->getName();
329 auto type = w->getType();
330 auto typeName = type->toString();
331 auto sizeElem = type->size();
332 auto sizeByte = type->getSizeInBytes();
333 auto offset = allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_[w];
334 modelInfo += strFormat("//\n"
335 "// Name: \"%s\"\n"
336 "// Type: %s\n"
337 "// Size: %" PRIuDIM " (elements)\n"
338 "// Size: %zu (bytes)\n"
339 "// Offset: %lu (bytes)\n",
340 name.data(), typeName.c_str(), sizeElem, sizeByte,
341 (unsigned long)offset);
342 }
343 }
344 modelInfo += "//";
346 std::string modelApi = "\n";
347 if (bundleAPI_ == BundleApiType::Dynamic) {
348 // Print bundle memory configuration.
349 modelApi += strFormat("// Bundle memory configuration (memory layout).\n"
350 "extern BundleConfig %s_config;\n"
351 "\n",
352 bundleName.data());
354 } else {
355 // Get placeholder names and offsets. Compute also the maximum placeholder
356 // name length for print purposes.
357 unsigned nameMaxLen = 0;
358 std::vector<std::pair<llvm::StringRef, unsigned>> nameAddrPairs;
359 for (auto &v : placeholders) {
360 auto *w = cast<WeightVar>(getWeightForNode(v));
361 auto name = w->getName();
362 auto addr = allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_[w];
363 nameMaxLen = name.size() > nameMaxLen ? name.size() : nameMaxLen;
364 nameAddrPairs.push_back(std::pair<llvm::StringRef, unsigned>(name, addr));
365 }
367 // Print placeholder address offsets.
368 modelApi +=
369 "// Placeholder address offsets within mutable buffer (bytes).\n";
370 for (auto &pair : nameAddrPairs) {
371 modelApi += strFormat(
372 "#define %s_%s%s %u\n", bundleNameUpper.data(), pair.first.data(),
373 std::string(nameMaxLen - pair.first.size(), ' ').c_str(),
374 pair.second);
375 }
376 modelApi += "\n";
378 // Print memory sizes and memory alignment.
379 modelApi +=
380 strFormat("// Memory sizes (bytes).\n"
381 "#define %s_CONSTANT_MEM_SIZE %lu\n"
382 "#define %s_MUTABLE_MEM_SIZE %lu\n"
383 "#define %s_ACTIVATIONS_MEM_SIZE %lu\n"
384 "\n"
385 "// Memory alignment (bytes).\n"
386 "#define %s_MEM_ALIGN %d\n"
387 "\n",
388 bundleNameUpper.data(), constMemSize, bundleNameUpper.data(),
389 mutableMemSize, bundleNameUpper.data(), activationsMemSize,
390 bundleNameUpper.data(), memAlignSize);
391 }
393 // Print bundle entry functions.
394 for (auto &savedIRFunction : savedIRFunctions_) {
395 modelApi +=
396 strFormat("// Bundle entry point (inference function). Returns 0\n"
397 "// for correct execution or some error code otherwise.\n"
398 "int %s("
399 "uint8_t *constantWeight, "
400 "uint8_t *mutableWeight, "
401 "uint8_t *activations"
402 ");\n",
403 savedIRFunction.entryName.c_str());
404 }
406 // Get bundle header extra content.
407 std::string headerExtra = irgen_->getBundleHeaderExtra();
409 // Print header file.
410 printHeader(headerFileName, bundleName, commonDefines, modelInfo, modelApi,
411 headerExtra);
414void BundleSaver::emitSymbolTable() {
415 // Define a struct for symbol table entries:
416 // struct SymbolTableEntry {
417 // const char *name;
418 // uint64_t offset;
419 // uint64_t size;
420 // char kind;
421 // };
422 auto *charTy = llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(irgen_->getLLVMContext());
423 auto *uint64TTy =
424 llvm::Type::getIntNTy(irgen_->getLLVMContext(), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
425 auto symbolTableEntryTy =
426 GET_TYPE_BY_NAME(irgen_->getModule(), "struct.SymbolTableEntry");
427 if (!symbolTableEntryTy) {
428 symbolTableEntryTy = llvm::StructType::get(
429 irgen_->getLLVMContext(),
430 {charTy->getPointerTo(), uint64TTy, uint64TTy, charTy});
431 }
432 // Set of entries in the symbol table.
433 llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Constant *, 128> entries;
434 // Iterate over all Placeholders and record information about their names,
435 // offset, size and kind.
436 for (auto &v : findPlaceholders()) {
437 auto *w = cast<WeightVar>(getWeightForNode(v));
438 auto size = w->getType()->size();
439 auto addr = allocationsInfo_.allocatedAddress_[w];
440 // Create an SymbolTableEntry.
441 auto *entry = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(
442 symbolTableEntryTy,
443 {// name.
444 dyn_cast<llvm::Constant>(irgen_->getBuilder().CreateBitCast(
445 irgen_->emitStringConst(irgen_->getBuilder(), w->getName()),
446 charTy->getPointerTo())),
447 // offset.
448 llvm::ConstantInt::get(uint64TTy, addr),
449 // size.
450 llvm::ConstantInt::get(uint64TTy, size),
451 // 1 for Mutable Kind
452 llvm::ConstantInt::get(charTy, 1)});
453 entries.push_back(entry);
454 }
456 // Create a constant array with these entries.
457 auto *arr = llvm::ConstantArray::get(
458 llvm::ArrayType::get(symbolTableEntryTy, entries.size()), entries);
459 new llvm::GlobalVariable(irgen_->getModule(), arr->getType(), true,
460 llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, arr,
461 irgen_->getBundleName() + "SymbolTable");
464void BundleSaver::createBundleArchive(
465 llvm::StringRef bundlePath,
466 llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::MemoryBufferRef> bundleObjectRegistry,
467 const std::vector<std::string> &bundleObjects) {
469 // If we do not have extra object files then return early.
470 if (bundleObjects.empty()) {
471 return;
472 }
474 // Read original bundle object file as archive member.
475 std::vector<llvm::NewArchiveMember> newMembers;
476 llvm::Expected<llvm::NewArchiveMember> newMember =
477 llvm::NewArchiveMember::getFile(bundlePath.str(),
478 /* Deterministic */ true);
479 newMembers.push_back(std::move(*newMember));
481 // Add other object files as archive members.
482 for (const auto &objectName : bundleObjects) {
483 // If this object was already added then we skip it.
484 bool objectAdded = false;
485 for (const auto &member : newMembers) {
486 if (member.MemberName.str() == objectName) {
487 objectAdded = true;
488 break;
489 }
490 }
491 if (objectAdded) {
492 continue;
493 }
494 // Find current object and add it as archive member.
495 bool objectFound = false;
496 for (const auto &memBuffRef : bundleObjectRegistry) {
497 if (memBuffRef.getBufferIdentifier().str() == objectName) {
498 llvm::NewArchiveMember newMember(memBuffRef);
499 newMembers.push_back(std::move(newMember));
500 objectFound = true;
501 break;
502 }
503 }
504 // If object is not found (not registered) then throw error.
505 if (!objectFound) {
506 std::string errMsg;
507 errMsg += "Object '" + objectName + "' is not registered in Glow and ";
508 errMsg += "cannot be archived into the bundle. The following objects ";
509 errMsg += "are available for archiving:\n";
510 for (const auto &memBuffRef : bundleObjectRegistry) {
511 errMsg += " - " + memBuffRef.getBufferIdentifier().str() + "\n";
512 }
513 CHECK(false) << errMsg;
514 }
515 }
517 // Write the new bundle as archive.
518 llvm::Error err =
519 llvm::writeArchive(bundlePath.str(), newMembers, /* WriteSymtab */ true,
520 llvm::object::Archive::K_GNU,
521 /* Deterministic */ true, /* Thin */ false,
522 /* OldArchiveBuf */ std::move(nullptr));
523 CHECK(!err) << "Could not add extra objects to bundle " << bundlePath.str();
526void BundleSaver::produceBundle() {
527 DCHECK(!isSaved_) << "produceBundle can be invoked only once";
528 isSaved_ = true;
529 // Emit entry functions.
530 for (auto &savedFunction : savedIRFunctions_) {
531 emitBundleEntryFunction(savedFunction);
532 }
533 // Finish code generation.
534 irgen_->finishCodeGen();
535 setIRFunction("<noname>", nullptr);
536 // Emit symbol table and bundle config only for dynamic API
537 if (bundleAPI_ == BundleApiType::Dynamic) {
538 // Emit the symbol table for weight variables.
539 emitSymbolTable();
540 // Emit the config for the bundle.
541 emitBundleConfig();
542 }
544 auto &M = irgen_->getModule();
545 auto outputDir = irgen_->getOutputDir();
546 auto bundleName = irgen_->getBundleName();
547 auto savedBundleName = irgen_->getSavedBundleName().empty()
548 ? bundleName
549 : irgen_->getSavedBundleName();
550 std::string extension = (llvmCompiler.empty()) ? ".o" : ".bc";
551 std::string bundleCodeOutput;
552 bundleCodeOutput = (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + extension).str();
553 auto bundleWeightsBinOut =
554 (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".weights.bin").str();
555 auto bundleHeaderOutput = (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".h").str();
556 DEBUG_GLOW(llvm::dbgs() << "Producing a bundle:\n"
557 << "saved bundle name: " << savedBundleName << "\n"
558 << "bundle name: " << bundleName << "\n"
559 << "bundle code: " << bundleCodeOutput << "\n"
560 << "bundle weights:" << bundleWeightsBinOut << "\n"
561 << "header file: " << bundleHeaderOutput << "\n");
562 llvm::StringRef fileName = bundleCodeOutput;
563 std::error_code EC;
564 llvm::raw_fd_ostream outputFile(fileName, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None);
565 CHECK(!EC) << "Could not open the output file for saving the bundle "
566 "code with file name: "
567 << fileName.str();
568 if (fileName.endswith(".bc")) {
569 // Emit the bitcode file.
570 llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile(M, outputFile);
571 outputFile.flush();
572 if (!llvmCompiler.empty()) {
573 // Compile bitcode using an external LLVM compiler.
574 // The code is optimized twice with the external opt tool.
575 std::string cmd = llvmCompiler;
576 for (auto option : llvmCompilerOptions) {
577 cmd += " " + option + " ";
578 }
579 cmd += " " + bundleCodeOutput;
580 std::string bundleObjectCodeOutputOpt;
581 if (!llvmOpt.empty()) {
582 bundleObjectCodeOutputOpt =
583 " -emit-llvm -o " +
584 (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".beforeopt.bc").str();
585 } else {
586 bundleObjectCodeOutputOpt =
587 " -o " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".o").str();
588 }
590 cmd += bundleObjectCodeOutputOpt;
591 CHECK(!system(cmd.c_str()))
592 << "Error running external LLVM compiler: " << cmd;
594 // Running opt tool to optimize a second time.
595 // TODO: Only run the appropriate passes as needed.
596 if (!llvmOpt.empty()) {
597 cmd.clear();
598 cmd = llvmOpt;
599 cmd +=
600 " " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".beforeopt.bc").str();
601 cmd +=
602 " -O3 -o " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".opt.bc").str();
603 CHECK(!system(cmd.c_str()))
604 << "Error running external opt compiler: " << cmd;
606 if (llvmSaveAsm) {
607 cmd.clear();
608 cmd = llvmCompiler;
609 for (auto option : llvmCompilerOptions) {
610 cmd += " " + option + " ";
611 }
612 cmd += " " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".opt.bc").str();
613 cmd += " -S -o " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".s").str();
614 CHECK(!system(cmd.c_str()))
615 << "Error running external LLVM compiler: " << cmd;
616 }
618 cmd.clear();
619 cmd = llvmCompiler;
620 for (auto option : llvmCompilerOptions) {
621 cmd += " " + option + " ";
622 }
623 cmd += " " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".opt.bc").str();
624 cmd += " -o " + (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".o").str();
625 CHECK(!system(cmd.c_str()))
626 << "Error running external LLVM compiler: " << cmd;
627 }
628 }
629 } else if (fileName.endswith(".o")) {
630 // Emit the object file.
631 llvm::legacy::PassManager PM;
632 auto &TM = irgen_->getTargetMachine();
634 // Create asm output file.
635 if (llvmSaveAsm) {
636 auto asm_FileName = (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".s").str();
637 llvm::StringRef asmFileName = asm_FileName;
638 std::error_code EC2;
639 llvm::raw_fd_ostream outputFileAsm(asmFileName, EC2,
640 llvm::sys::fs::OF_None);
641 CHECK(!EC2) << "Could not open the output file for saving the asm "
642 "code with file name: "
643 << asmFileName.str();
644 llvm::legacy::PassManager PM2;
646 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(
647 PM2, outputFileAsm,
648 llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType::CGFT_AssemblyFile);
649#elif LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR < 10
650 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(
651 PM2, outputFileAsm, nullptr,
652 llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType::CGFT_AssemblyFile);
654 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(PM2, outputFileAsm, nullptr,
655 llvm::CGFT_AssemblyFile);
657 PM2.run(M);
658 }
661 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(
662 PM, outputFile, llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType::CGFT_ObjectFile);
663#elif LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR < 10
664 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(
665 PM, outputFile, nullptr,
666 llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType::CGFT_ObjectFile);
668 TM.addPassesToEmitFile(PM, outputFile, nullptr, llvm::CGFT_ObjectFile);
670 PM.run(M);
671 }
672 outputFile.close();
673 // Create bundle archive with additional object files.
674 createBundleArchive(fileName, irgen_->getObjectRegistry(),
675 irgen_->getBundleObjects());
676 // Output weights.
677 if (saveWeights_) {
678 saveWeights(bundleWeightsBinOut);
679 }
680 // Header file.
681 if (saveHeader_) {
682 saveHeader(bundleHeaderOutput);
683 }
684 // Save weights also in text format for Static API.
685 if (saveWeightsAsText_) {
686 if (bundleAPI_ == BundleApiType::Static) {
687 auto bundleWeightsTxtOut =
688 (outputDir + "/" + savedBundleName + ".weights.txt").str();
689 serializeBinaryToText(bundleWeightsBinOut, bundleWeightsTxtOut);
690 }
691 }
694/// Emit the entry function for the bundle. It simply calls the main entry of
695/// the module and forwards its arguments to it. As the last argument it
696/// provides the constant array of offsets. Since these offsets are constants,
697/// the LLVM optimizer will constant propagate them into relative addressing
698/// computations and the like and produce a very efficient code that uses
699/// absolute addressing whenever possible.
700void BundleSaver::emitBundleEntryFunction(
701 BundleSaver::SavedIRFunction &savedF) {
702 auto *func = irgen_->getModule().getFunction(savedF.entryName);
703 if (!func) {
704 // The bundle entry point has the following API:
705 // int entry(uint8_t *constantWeight,
706 // uint8_t *mutableWeight,
707 // uint8_t *activations);
708 auto int8PtrTy = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(irgen_->getLLVMContext());
709 llvm::Type *retTy = llvm::Type::getIntNTy(irgen_->getLLVMContext(),
710 irgen_->getLibjitIntWidth());
711 llvm::FunctionType *bundleFuncTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(
712 retTy, {int8PtrTy, int8PtrTy, int8PtrTy}, false);
713 func = llvm::Function::Create(bundleFuncTy, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
714 savedF.entryName, &irgen_->getModule());
715 }
716 CHECK(func->isDeclaration()) << "Function definition of " << savedF.entryName
717 << " already exists in the LLVM module";
719 llvm::BasicBlock *entry_bb =
720 llvm::BasicBlock::Create(irgen_->getLLVMContext(), "entry", func);
721 llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(entry_bb);
722 // Add a provisional terminator to make the function well-formed.
723 auto *zero = builder.getIntN(irgen_->getLibjitIntWidth(), 0);
724 auto *ret = builder.CreateRet(zero);
725 builder.SetInsertPoint(ret);
727 // Prepare arguments for the "main" function.
728 llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Value *, 4> initFunctionCallArgs;
729 initFunctionCallArgs.push_back(func->args().begin());
730 initFunctionCallArgs.push_back(func->args().begin() + 1);
731 initFunctionCallArgs.push_back(func->args().begin() + 2);
732 // Now form the offsets array and pass it as the last argument.
733 auto offsetsArray = irgen_->emitConstOffsetsArray(builder, allocationsInfo_);
734 initFunctionCallArgs.push_back(offsetsArray);
735 // Invoke the main entry with constant arguments and let LLVM optimizer make
736 // use of it.
737 auto *entryF = savedF.llvmF;
738 entryF->setLinkage(llvm::Function::InternalLinkage);
739 auto *result = irgen_->createCall(builder, entryF, initFunctionCallArgs);
740 // Terminate the function.
741 builder.CreateRet(result);
742 // Remove the provisional terminator.
743 ret->eraseFromParent();
744 // Create the debug info for the bundle entry point function.
745 irgen_->generateFunctionDebugInfo(func);
748// Create a config for this network. It will be exposed to the clients,
749// so that they know how much memory they need to allocate, etc.
750// Config consists of the following fields:
751// struct BundleConfig {
752// uint64_t constantWeightVarsMemSize;
753// uint64_t mutableWeightVarsMemSize;
754// uint64_t activationsMemSize;
755// uint64_t alignment;
756// uint64_t numSymbols;
757// SymbolTableEntry *symbolTable;
758// };
759void BundleSaver::emitBundleConfig() {
760 auto symbolTableName = irgen_->getBundleName().str() + "SymbolTable";
761 auto symbolTable =
762 irgen_->getModule().getGlobalVariable(symbolTableName, true);
763 CHECK(symbolTable)
764 << "Expected to find a symbol table for the AOT bundle with name: "
765 << symbolTableName;
766 // Get the integer type having the same size in bits as uint64_t.
767 auto *uint64TType = irgen_->getBuilder().getIntNTy(sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
768 auto symbolTableEntryTy = symbolTable->getType()->getPointerElementType();
769 auto *bundleConfigTy =
770 llvm::StructType::get(irgen_->getLLVMContext(),
771 {uint64TType, uint64TType, uint64TType, uint64TType,
772 uint64TType, symbolTableEntryTy->getPointerTo()});
773 // Checking if LLVM module already has <bundle>_config otherwise creating new.
774 auto config = irgen_->getModule().getGlobalVariable(
775 irgen_->getBundleName().str() + "_config");
776 if (!config) {
777 config = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
778 irgen_->getModule(), bundleConfigTy, /* isConst */ true,
779 llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes::ExternalLinkage, nullptr,
780 irgen_->getBundleName().str() + "_config");
781 } else {
782 bundleConfigTy = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::StructType>(
783 config->getType()->getPointerElementType());
784 }
786 // If symbolTable is not the same type as bundleConfig struct's symbolTable
787 // member, bitcast the pointer to the appropriate type.
788 llvm::Constant *symbolTableTyped = symbolTable;
789 llvm::Type *configSymbolTableType =
790 config->getValueType()->getStructElementType(5);
791 if (symbolTableEntryTy->getPointerTo() != configSymbolTableType) {
792 symbolTableTyped = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(
793 symbolTable, config->getValueType()->getStructElementType(5));
794 }
796 CHECK(!config->hasInitializer())
797 << "Bundle config has already been initialized";
799 config->setInitializer(llvm::ConstantStruct::get(
800 bundleConfigTy,
801 llvm::ConstantInt::get(
802 uint64TType, irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().constantWeightVarsMemSize_),
803 llvm::ConstantInt::get(
804 uint64TType, irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().mutableWeightVarsMemSize_),
805 llvm::ConstantInt::get(uint64TType,
806 irgen_->getAllocationsInfo().activationsMemSize_),
807 llvm::ConstantInt::get(uint64TType, TensorAlignment),
808 llvm::ConstantInt::get(uint64TType, findPlaceholders().size()),
809 symbolTableTyped));
812void BundleSaver::performBundleMemoryAllocation() {
813 // Perform memory allocation for the current function.
814 auto *F = savedIRFunctions_.back().savedF;
815 allocationsInfo_.numberValues(F);
816 // Tell the allocateWeightVars to not reuse any existing addresses for
817 // weights and to assign new ones.
818 allocationsInfo_.allocateWeightVars(F);
819 allocationsInfo_.allocateActivations(F);
820 allocationsInfo_.allocateTensorViews(F);
823void BundleSaver::save(llvm::StringRef mainEntryName, const IRFunction *F) {
824 // Object files generation works properly only in small mode.
825 irgen_->setMainEntryName(mainEntryName.str());
826 // Set current IRFunction using the legalized name.
827 setIRFunction(irgen_->getMainEntryName(), F);
828 // irgen_->initCodeGen();
829 // Perform the address assignment for activations and WeightVars.
830 performBundleMemoryAllocation();
831 // Emit the code for the body of the entry function.
832 irgen_->performCodeGen();
833 savedIRFunctions_.back().llvmF = irgen_->getLLVMFunction();
836LLVMIRGen *BundleSaver::getLLVMIRGen() { return irgen_.get(); }