2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
21 * \file tir/analysis/usmp/algo/hill_climb.cc
22 * \brief Implement greedy by size memory planning algorithm
23 */
24#include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h>
25#include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h>
26#include <tvm/tir/builtin.h>
27#include <tvm/tir/function.h>
28#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
29#include <tvm/tir/usmp/algo/greedy.h>
30#include <tvm/tir/usmp/utils.h>
32#include <algorithm>
33#include <numeric>
34#include <sstream>
36namespace tvm {
37namespace tir {
38namespace usmp {
39namespace algo {
42 * Simulated annealing / Hill climb
43 *
44 * Works by continiously invoking 'greedy-by-size' allocation,
45 * assessing the result, and introducing permutations to the allocation
46 * order which hopefully will led to more 'compact' memory allocation.
47 * Do not forget to use srand for repeatable results
48 */
49class HillClimbAllocator : public GreedyBase {
50 private:
51 size_t memory_pressure_ = 0;
53 public:
54 explicit HillClimbAllocator(size_t memory_pressure)
55 : GreedyBase(), memory_pressure_(memory_pressure) {}
57 protected:
58 using alloc_map_t = std::unordered_map<const BufferInfoNode*, PoolAllocation>;
60 /*
61 * Initial sorting routine
62 */
63 template <typename T>
64 void sort_vector(std::vector<T>* buffer_info_vec) {
65 std::sort(buffer_info_vec->begin(), buffer_info_vec->end(), [](const T& a, const T& b) {
66 if (a->size_bytes->value == b->size_bytes->value) {
67 if (a->conflicts.size() == b->conflicts.size()) {
68 return std::string(a->name_hint->data) > std::string(b->name_hint->data);
69 } else {
70 return a->conflicts.size() > b->conflicts.size();
71 }
72 }
73 return a->size_bytes->value > b->size_bytes->value;
74 });
75 }
77 /*
78 * HillClimb's version of greedy allocation
79 * \param buffer_info_vec - buffers in specific order for allocation
80 */
81 alloc_map_t greedy(const std::vector<BufferInfo>& buffer_info_vec, bool* could_not_fit) {
82 alloc_map_t pool_allocations(buffer_info_vec.size());
83 for (const auto& buf_info : buffer_info_vec) {
84 std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> pool_offset_candidates;
86 // check whether we can fit the buffer into the empty pool candidate
87 for (const auto& pool_info : buf_info->pool_candidates) {
88 if (IsValidPlacement(pool_info, 0, buf_info->size_bytes->value)) {
89 pool_offset_candidates[pool_info] = 0;
90 }
91 }
92 // select conflicting buffers which have already been allocated
93 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> buf_conf;
94 for (const auto& conflict_buf_info_obj : buf_info->conflicts) {
95 const BufferInfoNode* conflict_buf_info = conflict_buf_info_obj.as<BufferInfoNode>();
96 if (pool_allocations.end() != pool_allocations.find(conflict_buf_info)) {
97 buf_conf.push_back(conflict_buf_info);
98 }
99 }
101 // extra sorting for pool offsets
102 std::sort(buf_conf.begin(), buf_conf.end(),
103 [&pool_allocations](const auto* a, const auto* b) {
104 return pool_allocations[a]->byte_offset->value <
105 pool_allocations[b]->byte_offset->value;
106 });
108 for (const auto* conflict_buf_info : buf_conf) {
109 size_t next_offset = 0;
110 auto pool_allocation = pool_allocations[conflict_buf_info];
111 if (!pool_offset_candidates.count(pool_allocation->pool_info)) {
112 continue;
113 }
115 next_offset =
116 pool_allocation->byte_offset.IntValue() + conflict_buf_info->size_bytes.IntValue();
117 next_offset = round_up_to_byte_alignment(next_offset, conflict_buf_info->alignment->value);
119 if (IsValidPlacement(pool_allocation->pool_info, next_offset,
120 buf_info->size_bytes->value)) {
121 // extra check whether the previous attempt to fit the buffer is clashing with the current
122 // conflict
123 if (next_offset > pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] &&
124 pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] +
125 static_cast<size_t>(buf_info->size_bytes.IntValue()) >
126 static_cast<size_t>(pool_allocation->byte_offset.IntValue())) {
127 pool_offset_candidates[pool_allocation->pool_info] = next_offset;
128 }
129 } else {
130 pool_offset_candidates.erase(pool_allocation->pool_info);
131 }
132 }
133 auto selected_pool = NullValue<PoolInfo>();
134 for (const auto& pi : buf_info->pool_candidates) {
135 if (pool_offset_candidates.count(pi)) {
136 selected_pool = pi;
137 break;
138 }
139 }
141 if (selected_pool.same_as(NullValue<PoolInfo>())) {
142 *could_not_fit = true;
143 }
145 pool_allocations[buf_info.as<BufferInfoNode>()] =
146 PoolAllocation(selected_pool, Integer(pool_offset_candidates[selected_pool]));
147 }
148 return pool_allocations;
149 }
151 /*
152 * Finds highest allocated memory address for each pool
153 */
154 std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> find_highest(
155 alloc_map_t* pool_allocations) {
156 std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> pool_sizes;
157 for (const auto& it : *pool_allocations) {
158 const BufferInfoNode* buf = it.first;
159 const PoolAllocation& pa = it.second;
160 if (pa->pool_info.same_as(NullValue<PoolInfo>())) {
161 continue;
162 }
163 size_t high_sz = pa->byte_offset.IntValue() + buf->size_bytes.IntValue();
164 if (pool_sizes[pa->pool_info] <= high_sz) {
165 pool_sizes[pa->pool_info] = high_sz;
166 }
167 }
168 return pool_sizes;
169 }
171 /*
172 * Collects lists of first and secind level neigbors for provided buf.
173 * First level are the immediate neighbors of the buf and
174 * second level are the immediate neighbors of the first level nodes
175 */
176 template <typename TPos>
177 void collect_neighbor_lists(const BufferInfoNode* buf,
178 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*>* first_level,
179 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*>* second_level, const TPos& _pos) {
180 auto buf_pos = _pos(buf);
181 for (const auto& c1 : buf->conflicts) {
182 const auto* c1_buf = c1.as<BufferInfoNode>();
183 int c1_pos = _pos(c1_buf);
184 if (buf_pos > c1_pos) {
185 first_level->push_back(c1_buf);
186 }
187 int c2_pos = -1;
188 for (const auto& c2 : c1_buf->conflicts) {
189 const auto c2_buf = c2.as<BufferInfoNode>();
190 if (c1_pos > (c2_pos = _pos(c2_buf))) {
191 second_level->push_back(c2_buf);
192 }
193 }
194 }
195 }
197 public:
198 Map<BufferInfo, PoolAllocation> PlanMemory(const Array<BufferInfo>& buffer_info_arr) {
199// rand_r does not exist on Windows platform
200#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
201 unsigned int _seedp = 0;
202#define rnd_func() rand_r(&_seedp)
204#define rnd_func() rand()
206 Map<BufferInfo, PoolAllocation> result;
207 if (!buffer_info_arr.size()) {
208 return result;
209 }
210 std::vector<BufferInfo> buffer_info_vec;
211 for (const auto& buffer_info : buffer_info_arr) {
212 ICHECK(buffer_info->pool_candidates.size())
213 << "Cannot process buffer \"" << buffer_info->name_hint << "\" with no pool candidates";
214 buffer_info_vec.push_back(std::move(buffer_info));
215 }
216 sort_vector<BufferInfo>(&buffer_info_vec);
218 // populate positional index map
219 std::unordered_map<const BufferInfoNode*, int> _pos_map;
220 for (size_t index = 0; index < buffer_info_vec.size(); ++index) {
221 _pos_map[buffer_info_vec[index].as<BufferInfoNode>()] = index;
222 }
224 size_t total_size = 0;
225 int attempts = 0;
227 int swap_i1 = -1;
228 int swap_i2 = -1;
229 size_t desired_bytes_ = memory_pressure_;
230 constexpr auto _max_attempts = 500;
231 alloc_map_t rollback_pool_allocations;
232 alloc_map_t result_pool_allocations;
233 alloc_map_t pool_allocations;
235 auto swap_buffers = [&buffer_info_vec, &_pos_map](int i1, int i2) {
236 if (i1 == i2) return;
237 auto b1 = buffer_info_vec[i1];
238 auto b2 = buffer_info_vec[i2];
239 buffer_info_vec[i1] = b2;
240 buffer_info_vec[i2] = b1;
242 _pos_map[b1.as<BufferInfoNode>()] = i2;
243 _pos_map[b2.as<BufferInfoNode>()] = i1;
244 };
246 auto _pos = [&_pos_map](const auto* e) {
247 auto it = _pos_map.find(e);
248 if (it != _pos_map.end()) {
249 return it->second;
250 }
251 LOG(FATAL) << "node is not indexed in the _pos_map";
252 };
254 for (; attempts < _max_attempts; ++attempts) {
255 rollback_pool_allocations = std::move(pool_allocations);
256 bool could_not_fit = false;
257 pool_allocations = std::move(greedy(buffer_info_vec, &could_not_fit));
259 // estimate result buffers
260 std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> pool_sizes =
261 find_highest(&pool_allocations);
262 if (!pool_sizes.size()) {
263 CHECK(false) << "TVM USMP Error: Please increase the size_hints for memory pools.";
264 }
266 // calculate summary
267 size_t total = 0;
268 for (const auto& el : pool_sizes) {
269 total += el.second;
270 }
271 // accept/reject result heuristic
272 if (!total_size || /* first run */
273 (!could_not_fit &&
274 (total_size > total || /* always accept if better or with some probability */
275 rnd_func() % 100 < static_cast<int>(50 * (total - total_size) / total / attempts)))) {
276 // remember winning combination
277 result_pool_allocations = pool_allocations;
278 if (!could_not_fit) {
279 total_size = total;
280 // reached desired size
281 if (total_size <= desired_bytes_) {
282 break;
283 }
284 }
286 } else {
287 // rollback
288 swap_buffers(swap_i2, swap_i1);
289 pool_allocations = std::move(rollback_pool_allocations);
290 pool_sizes = find_highest(&pool_allocations);
291 }
293 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> max_pool_buf;
295 for (const auto& it : pool_allocations) {
296 const auto* buf = it.first;
297 const auto pa = it.second;
298 if (pa->pool_info.same_as(NullValue<PoolInfo>())) {
299 continue;
300 }
301 size_t high_sz = pa->byte_offset.IntValue() + buf->size_bytes.IntValue();
302 if (pool_sizes[pa->pool_info] == high_sz) {
303 max_pool_buf.push_back(buf);
304 }
305 }
306 if (!max_pool_buf.size()) {
307 CHECK(false) << "TVM USMP Error: Please increase the size_hints for memory pools.";
308 }
309 sort(max_pool_buf.begin(), max_pool_buf.end(),
310 [&_pos](const auto* a, const auto* b) { return _pos(a) < _pos(b); });
311 // pick highest
312 const BufferInfoNode* node = max_pool_buf[rnd_func() % max_pool_buf.size()];
313 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> first_level;
314 std::vector<const BufferInfoNode*> second_level;
315 collect_neighbor_lists(node, &first_level, &second_level, _pos);
316 sort(first_level.begin(), first_level.end(),
317 [&_pos](const auto* a, const auto* b) { return _pos(a) < _pos(b); });
318 sort(second_level.begin(), second_level.end(),
319 [&_pos](const auto* a, const auto* b) { return _pos(a) < _pos(b); });
321 // retry if no first level neightbors were collected
322 if (!first_level.size()) {
323 continue;
324 }
326 // pick the buffers
327 const BufferInfoNode* swap_buf1 = first_level[rnd_func() % first_level.size()];
328 const BufferInfoNode* swap_buf2 = swap_buf1;
329 while (swap_buf2 == swap_buf1) {
330 swap_buf2 = second_level.size() && (!first_level.size() || (rnd_func() % 100 > 25))
331 ? second_level[rnd_func() % second_level.size()]
332 : first_level[rnd_func() % first_level.size()];
334 if (second_level.size() < 2 && first_level.size() < 2) break;
335 }
336 if (swap_buf1 == swap_buf2) {
337 continue;
338 }
340 swap_i1 = _pos(swap_buf1);
341 swap_i2 = _pos(swap_buf2);
342 // do swap
343 swap_buffers(swap_i1, swap_i2);
344 }
346 // return winning combination
347 for (auto it : result_pool_allocations) {
348 // post-check that everything was fit
349 const BufferInfoNode* buf = it.first;
350 const PoolAllocation& pa = it.second;
351 if (NullValue<PoolInfo>().same_as(pa->pool_info) ||
352 !IsValidPlacement(pa->pool_info, pa->byte_offset->value, buf->size_bytes->value)) {
353 std::unordered_map<PoolInfo, size_t, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> m = {};
354 SelectPlacementPool(GetRef<BufferInfo>(buf), m);
355 }
356 result.Set(GetRef<BufferInfo>(it.first), it.second);
357 }
358 return result;
359 }
362Map<BufferInfo, PoolAllocation> HillClimb(const Array<BufferInfo>& buffer_info_arr,
363 const Integer& memory_pressure) {
364 return HillClimbAllocator(memory_pressure.IntValue()).PlanMemory(buffer_info_arr);
368 .set_body_typed([](Array<BufferInfo> buffer_info_arr, Integer memory_pressure) {
369 return HillClimb(buffer_info_arr, memory_pressure);
370 });
372} // namespace algo
373} // namespace usmp
374} // namespace tir
375} // namespace tvm