2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
21 * \file src/relay/transforms/dead_code.cc
22 * \brief Elides or inlines let-bindings.
23 *
24 * TODO(mbs): Track dead writes into references.
25 */
27#include <tvm/relay/analysis.h>
28#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
29#include <tvm/relay/pattern_functor.h>
30#include <tvm/relay/transform.h>
32#include "../op/call/call.h"
34namespace tvm {
35namespace relay {
36namespace {
38/*! \brief Maximum depth of calls to analyize. */
39constexpr int kMaxCallDepth = 25;
42 * \brief Captures (an approximation of) the purity for a Relay sub-expression. A pure
43 * sub-expression is guaranteed never to access or mutate state. Thus the sub-expression
44 * can safely be elided (if its result is never used), or inlined (which may change the
45 * number of times and program order for the evaluation.)
46 */
47struct Purity {
48 /*!
49 * \brief True if evaling the sub-expression itself is pure.
50 */
51 bool pure_eval;
52 /*!
53 * \brief If the sub-expression is first-order then always true. Otherwise true only if evaling
54 * a call to the sub-expression is pure. See [RULE A] below.
55 */
56 bool pure_call;
60 * \brief Visits all the global functions in a module and records the purity of every let-bound
61 * value.
62 *
63 * (See also inline.cc for function inlining.)
64 *
65 * Generally we track whether evaluation of a sub-expression is definitely pure. However for
66 * sub-expressions f of higher-order type we also track the 'call purity' of evaling a call to f:
67 * - [RULE A] If f's result is itself higher-order then f is call-pure only if the result of f is
68 * also call-pure.
69 * - [RULE B] Higher-order function arguments are assumed call impure.
70 * - [RULE C] We assume functions extracted from tuples are call impure.
71 * - [RULE D] We assume functions extracted from references are call impure.
72 * - [RULE E] We assume functions extracted from ADTs are call impure.
73 * - [RULE F] We assume all external Functions and PrimFuncs are call impure.
74 */
75class PurityVisitor : ExprFunctor<Purity(const Expr&)> {
76 public:
77 explicit PurityVisitor(IRModule mod) : mod_(std::move(mod)), current_call_depth_(0) {}
79 /*! \brief Visit all the functions in the module. */
80 void VisitModule() {
81 VLOG_CONTEXT << "PurityVisitor";
82 // It is safe to visit the global functions in any order. Recursive global functions are
83 // allowed.
84 for (const auto& kv : mod_->functions) {
85 if (const auto* function_node = kv.second.as<FunctionNode>()) {
86 if (function_node->HasNonzeroAttr(attr::kPrimitive) ||
87 function_node->HasNonzeroAttr(attr::kExtern)) {
88 // Ignore primitive and external functions.
89 continue;
90 }
91 // Everything of interest will be recorded in the purity maps so we ignore the result.
92 (void)VisitGlobalFunction(kv.first, GetRef<Function>(function_node));
93 }
94 }
95 }
97 /*!
98 * \brief Returns a map from every let-bound variable to whether its let-bound value is
99 * definitely pure.
100 */
101 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool> GetPurityMap() const {
102 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool> result;
103 for (const auto& kv : var_to_purity_) {
104 result.emplace(kv.first, kv.second.pure_eval);
105 }
106 return result;
107 }
109 private:
110 Purity VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final {
111 auto it = memo_.find(expr.get());
112 if (it != this->memo_.end()) {
113 return it->second;
114 } else {
115 Purity result = ExprFunctor::VisitExpr(expr);
116 memo_[expr.get()] = result;
117 return result;
118 }
119 }
121 Purity VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode*) final { return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/true}; }
123 Purity VisitExpr_(const ConstructorNode*) final {
124 return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/true};
125 }
127 Purity VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op_node) final {
128 // Primitive operators are pure unless marked as 'stateful'.
129 static OpAttrMap<bool> attr_map = Op::GetAttrMap<TOpIsStateful>("TOpIsStateful");
130 bool is_stateful = attr_map.count(GetRef<Op>(op_node)) && attr_map[GetRef<Op>(op_node)];
131 return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/!is_stateful};
132 }
134 Purity VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* global_var_node) final {
135 auto global_var = GetRef<GlobalVar>(global_var_node);
136 ICHECK(mod_->ContainGlobalVar(global_var_node->name_hint))
137 << "No definition for '" << global_var_node->name_hint << "'";
138 auto func = mod_->Lookup(global_var);
139 if (const auto* function_node = func.as<FunctionNode>()) {
140 if (!function_node->HasNonzeroAttr(attr::kExtern)) {
141 return VisitGlobalFunction(global_var, GetRef<Function>(function_node));
142 }
143 }
144 // Assume externals and PrimFuncs are call-impure [RULE F].
145 // (If they are pure then we should have dealt with them before lowering.)
146 return {/*pure_eval==*/true, /*pure_call=*/false};
147 }
149 Purity VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final {
150 // The var is bound to a value, but if that value is a function we need to propagate the
151 // function body's purity.
152 ICHECK(var_to_purity_.count(var_node)) << PrettyPrint(GetRef<Var>(var_node));
153 return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/var_to_purity_[var_node].pure_call};
154 }
156 Purity VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* function_node) final {
157 for (const auto& param : function_node->params) {
158 // Any higher-order parameters are assumed to be call-impure [RULE B]
159 var_to_purity_[param.get()] = {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/IsFirstOrder(param)};
160 }
161 Purity body_purity = VisitExpr(function_node->body);
162 // The function itself is a value and thus pure. If the function returns
163 // a function we'll fold its purity in here [RULE A]
164 return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/body_purity.pure_eval && body_purity.pure_call};
165 }
167 Purity VisitExpr_(const LetNode* let_node) final {
168 Expr expr = GetRef<Expr>(let_node);
169 bool all_values_pure_eval = true;
170 while (const auto* inner_let_node = expr.as<LetNode>()) {
171 // In case the value is a recursive function assume the let-bound variable is call-pure.
172 var_to_purity_[inner_let_node->var.get()] = {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/true};
173 Purity value_purity = VisitExpr(inner_let_node->value);
174 // Now revise the variable to it's true purity.
175 var_to_purity_[inner_let_node->var.get()] = value_purity;
176 VLOG(2) << (value_purity.pure_eval ? "pure" : "impure") << " expression:" << std::endl
177 << PrettyPrint(inner_let_node->value) << std::endl
178 << "let-bound to variable:" << std::endl
179 << PrettyPrint(inner_let_node->var);
180 all_values_pure_eval = all_values_pure_eval && value_purity.pure_eval;
181 expr = inner_let_node->body;
182 }
183 Purity body_purity = VisitExpr(expr);
184 return {/*pure_eval=*/all_values_pure_eval && body_purity.pure_eval,
185 /*pure_call=*/body_purity.pure_call};
186 }
188 Purity VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
189 auto call = GetRef<Call>(call_node);
190 if (current_call_depth_ >= kMaxCallDepth) {
191 // Assume impure.
192 VLOG(2) << "assuming call is impure since too deeply nested";
193 return {/*pure_eval=*/false, /*pure_call*/ IsFirstOrder(call)};
194 }
196 ++current_call_depth_;
198 // We can work with calls in both pre- and post-lowered form.
199 Call vanilla_call = GetAnyCall(call_node);
201 // Find purity for the callee and the args.
202 Purity callee_purity = VisitExpr(vanilla_call->op);
203 bool all_args_pure_eval = true;
204 for (const auto& arg : vanilla_call->args) {
205 Purity arg_purity = VisitExpr(arg);
206 all_args_pure_eval = all_args_pure_eval && arg_purity.pure_eval;
207 }
209 VLOG(2) << (callee_purity.pure_call ? "pure" : "impure") << " call to:" << std::endl
210 << PrettyPrint(vanilla_call->op);
212 ICHECK_GT(current_call_depth_, 0);
213 --current_call_depth_;
215 // If the callee's result is itself a function then by [RULE A] its purity
216 // is given by callee_purity.pure_call.
217 return {/*pure_eval=*/all_args_pure_eval && callee_purity.pure_eval && callee_purity.pure_call,
218 /*pure_call=*/IsFirstOrder(call) || callee_purity.pure_call};
219 }
221 Purity VisitExpr_(const IfNode* if_node) final {
222 Purity cond_purity = VisitExpr(if_node->cond);
223 ICHECK(cond_purity.pure_call); // conditional is first-order
224 Purity true_purity = VisitExpr(if_node->true_branch);
225 Purity false_purity = VisitExpr(if_node->false_branch);
226 return {/*pure_eval=*/cond_purity.pure_eval && true_purity.pure_eval && false_purity.pure_eval,
227 /*pure_call=*/true_purity.pure_call && false_purity.pure_call};
228 }
230 Purity VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* tuple_node) final {
231 bool all_fields_pure = true;
232 for (const auto& field : tuple_node->fields) {
233 // The call purity of each tuple field is lost [RULE C].
234 Purity field_purity = VisitExpr(field);
235 if (!field_purity.pure_eval) {
236 all_fields_pure = false;
237 }
238 }
239 return {/*pure_eval=*/all_fields_pure, /*pure_call=*/true};
240 }
242 Purity VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* tuple_get_item_node) final {
243 Purity tuple_purity = VisitExpr(tuple_get_item_node->tuple);
244 ICHECK(tuple_purity.pure_call); // tuple is first-order
245 // We don't track call purity through tuple fields, so if the result is a function type we
246 // must assume it is call impure [RULE C].
247 return {/*pure_eval=*/tuple_purity.pure_eval,
248 /*pure_call=*/IsFirstOrder(GetRef<TupleGetItem>(tuple_get_item_node))};
249 }
251 Purity VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode*) final {
252 // The creation of the ref itself is unobservable other than via the reads/writes into it.
253 return {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/true};
254 }
256 Purity VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* ref_write_node) final {
257 Purity ref_purity = VisitExpr(ref_write_node->ref);
258 ICHECK(ref_purity.pure_call); // reference is first-order
259 // The call purity of the written value is lost [RULE D].
260 // (But we must still visit to accumulate purity for any let-bindings within in.)
261 (void)VisitExpr(ref_write_node->value);
262 return {/*pure_eval=*/false, /*pure_call=*/true};
263 }
265 Purity VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* ref_read_node) final {
266 Purity ref_purity = VisitExpr(ref_read_node->ref);
267 ICHECK(ref_purity.pure_call); // reference is first-order
268 // We don't track call purity through reference values, so if the result is a function
269 // type we must assume it is call impure [RULE D].
270 return {/*pure_eval=*/false, /*pure_call=*/IsFirstOrder(GetRef<RefRead>(ref_read_node))};
271 }
273 class PurityPatternVisitor : public PatternVisitor {
274 public:
275 explicit PurityPatternVisitor(PurityVisitor* outer) : outer_(outer) {}
277 private:
278 void VisitPattern_(const PatternVarNode* pattern_var_node) final {
279 // We don't track call purity through ADTs, so if var is a function type we must assume
280 // it is call impure [RULE E].
281 outer_->var_to_purity_[pattern_var_node->var.get()] = {
282 /*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/IsFirstOrder(pattern_var_node->var)};
283 }
285 /*! \brief (Mutable borrow of) the outer visitor. */
286 PurityVisitor* outer_;
287 };
289 Purity VisitExpr_(const MatchNode* match_node) final {
290 Purity data_purity = VisitExpr(match_node->data);
291 ICHECK(data_purity.pure_call); // ADT is first order
292 bool all_clauses_pure_eval = true;
293 bool all_clauses_pure_call = true;
294 for (const auto& clause : match_node->clauses) {
295 PurityPatternVisitor pattern_visitor(this);
296 pattern_visitor.VisitPattern(clause->lhs);
297 Purity rhs_purity = VisitExpr(clause->rhs);
298 all_clauses_pure_eval = all_clauses_pure_eval && rhs_purity.pure_eval;
299 all_clauses_pure_call = all_clauses_pure_call && rhs_purity.pure_call;
300 }
301 return {/*pure_eval=*/data_purity.pure_eval && all_clauses_pure_eval,
302 /*pure_call=*/all_clauses_pure_call};
303 }
305 /*! \brief Visits \p func bound to global \p var and returns it's purity. */
306 Purity VisitGlobalFunction(const GlobalVar& var, const Function& func) {
307 VLOG_CONTEXT << "func " << var->name_hint;
308 VLOG(2) << "visiting";
309 auto itr = global_var_to_purity_.find(var.get());
310 if (itr != global_var_to_purity_.end()) {
311 // We've already visited the function body.
312 return itr->second;
313 }
314 // We are entering the body of a possibly-recursive global function. Assume it's body is pure.
315 global_var_to_purity_[var.get()] = {/*pure_eval=*/true, /*pure_call=*/true};
316 // Visit the global function for the first time.
317 Purity func_purity = VisitExpr(func);
318 // Update with the true purity.
319 global_var_to_purity_[var.get()] = func_purity;
320 return func_purity;
321 }
323 static bool IsFirstOrder(const Expr& expr) {
324 return expr->checked_type().as<FuncTypeNode>() == nullptr;
325 }
327 /*! \brief The module we're analyzing. */
328 IRModule mod_;
330 /*!
331 * \brief Maps each let-bound and global variable to the purity of the value it is bound to.
332 * If the variable is bound to a function then the purity of saturating that function is also
333 * tracked.
334 *
335 * Note that global_var_to_purity_, and all the 'pure_call' fields, are only needed internally
336 * during the analysis, andonly the var_to_purity_ 'pure_eval' fields are used downstream.
337 */
338 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Purity> var_to_purity_;
339 std::unordered_map<const GlobalVarNode*, Purity> global_var_to_purity_;
341 /*! \brief The current call depth. We'll just assume deeply nested calls are impure rather than
342 * spending all that time to check for sure. A deeply nested call is almost certain to be needed
343 * anyway.
344 */
346 int current_call_depth_;
348 /*! \brief Internal map used for memoization. */
349 std::unordered_map<const ExprNode*, Purity> memo_;
353 * \brief Accumulate the bound values and usage count for each let-bound variable.
354 *
355 * We don't attempt to track the number of calls to local functions, and instead just assume they
356 * are called at least twice.
357 */
358class UsageVisitor : public ExprVisitor {
359 public:
360 /*! \brief Accumulates the expression bound to every let-bound variable. */
361 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Expr> let_bound_values_;
362 /*! \brief Accumulates the usage count for every let-bound variable. */
363 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, size_t> use_map_;
365 explicit UsageVisitor(const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool>* var_to_purity,
366 bool default_purity)
367 : var_to_purity_(var_to_purity), default_purity_(default_purity) {}
369 void VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final {
370 // Once we've seen 2 usages of a variable we know it can be neither elided nor inlined,
371 // so can stop visiting again.
372 if (++visit_counter_[expr.get()] <= 2) {
373 ExprFunctor<void(const Expr&)>::VisitExpr(expr);
374 }
375 }
377 void VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* function_node) final {
378 ++current_scope_level_;
379 ExprVisitor::VisitExpr_(function_node);
380 ICHECK_GT(current_scope_level_, 0);
381 --current_scope_level_;
382 }
384 void VisitExpr_(const LetNode* let_node) final {
385 Expr expr = GetRef<Expr>(let_node);
386 while (const auto* inner_let_node = expr.as<LetNode>()) {
387 ++visit_counter_[inner_let_node];
388 let_bound_values_[inner_let_node->var.get()] = inner_let_node->value;
389 VLOG(2) << "seen let-binding for:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(inner_let_node->var);
390 use_map_[inner_let_node->var.get()] = 0;
391 scope_level_map_[inner_let_node->var.get()] = current_scope_level_;
392 if (is_pure(inner_let_node->var.get())) {
393 // We'll defer visiting the let-bound value until we've seen the first use of the let-bound
394 // variable and thus know it must be evaluated.
395 // no-op.
396 } else {
397 // The let-bound value is impure so must always be evaluated. Visit now.
398 VisitExpr(inner_let_node->value);
399 }
400 expr = inner_let_node->body;
401 }
402 VisitExpr(expr);
403 }
405 void VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final {
406 if (let_bound_values_.count(var_node)) {
407 size_t& n = use_map_[var_node];
408 ++n;
409 VLOG(2) << var_node->name_hint() << " = " << n;
410 if (n == 1 && is_pure(var_node)) {
411 // Now that we have at least one use of the let-bound var, we know the let-bound
412 // value is necessary.
413 VisitExpr(let_bound_values_[var_node]);
414 }
415 if (scope_level_map_[var_node] < current_scope_level_) {
416 // Since the variable was bound outside of the current local function, assume the
417 // function will be called at least twice.
418 ++n;
419 VLOG(2) << var_node->name_hint() << " = " << n << " (bound at level "
420 << scope_level_map_[var_node] << " but used at level " << current_scope_level_
421 << ")";
422 }
423 }
424 // else: nothing to be done for function parameters or variable in match patterns.
425 }
427 bool is_pure(const VarNode* var_node) const {
428 auto itr = var_to_purity_->find(var_node);
429 return itr == var_to_purity_->end() ? default_purity_ : itr->second;
430 }
432 /*! \brief (Immutable borrow of) the already determined purity for every let-bound variable. */
433 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool>* var_to_purity_;
434 /*! \brief The default purity for variables which are not in the above map. */
435 bool default_purity_;
436 /*!
437 * \brief The current scope level. 0 for global functions. Incremented by one within each
438 * let-bound local function. Necessary so we can avoid inlining an expensive let-bound computation
439 * into a function which could be called more than once.
440 */
441 int current_scope_level_ = 0;
442 /*! \brief Accumulates the scope level for every let-bound variable. */
443 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, int> scope_level_map_;
446/*! \brief Eliminate/inline let-bound values when sound to do so. */
447class EliminatorMutator : public ExprMutator {
448 public:
449 EliminatorMutator(bool inline_once,
450 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Expr>* let_bound_values,
451 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, size_t>* use_map,
452 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool>* var_to_purity,
453 bool default_purity)
454 : inline_once_(inline_once),
455 let_bound_values_(let_bound_values),
456 use_map_(use_map),
457 var_to_purity_(var_to_purity),
458 default_purity_(default_purity) {}
460 private:
461 enum Action { kElide, kInline, kNoChange };
463 /*! \brief What should we do with let-binding for \p var_node? */
464 Action ActionFor(const VarNode* var_node) {
465 if (let_bound_values_->count(var_node) == 0) {
466 // Not let-bound var.
467 return kNoChange;
468 }
469 if (!is_pure(var_node)) {
470 // The let-bound value is impure -- we must leave it exactly where it is.
471 return kNoChange;
472 }
473 switch (use_map_->count(var_node) ? use_map_->at(var_node) : 0) {
474 case 0:
475 return kElide;
476 case 1:
477 return inline_once_ ? kInline : kNoChange;
478 default:
479 return kNoChange;
480 }
481 }
483 Expr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final {
484 if (ActionFor(var_node) == kInline) {
485 VLOG(1) << "inlining let-bound variable:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(GetRef<Var>(var_node));
486 return VisitExpr(let_bound_values_->at(var_node));
487 } else {
488 return GetRef<Var>(var_node);
489 }
490 }
492 Expr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
493 auto pre_visit = [this](const LetNode* op) {
494 if (ActionFor(op->var.get()) != kElide) {
495 (void)VisitExpr(op->value);
496 }
497 };
498 auto post_visit = [this](const LetNode* op) {
499 Expr body = VisitExpr(op->body);
500 auto expr = GetRef<Expr>(op);
501 switch (ActionFor(op->var.get())) {
502 case kElide:
503 VLOG(1) << "eliding let-bound variable:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(op->var);
504 memo_[expr] = body;
505 break;
506 case kInline:
507 // Already inlined at use-side.
508 memo_[expr] = body;
509 break;
510 case kNoChange:
511 Expr value = VisitExpr(op->value);
512 memo_[expr] = Let(op->var, value, body);
513 break;
514 }
515 };
516 ExpandANormalForm(op, pre_visit, post_visit);
517 return memo_[GetRef<Expr>(op)];
518 }
520 bool is_pure(const VarNode* var_node) const {
521 auto itr = var_to_purity_->find(var_node);
522 return itr == var_to_purity_->end() ? default_purity_ : itr->second;
523 }
525 bool inline_once_;
526 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Expr>* let_bound_values_;
527 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, size_t>* use_map_;
528 const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool>* var_to_purity_;
529 bool default_purity_;
532} // namespace
534namespace transform {
536// Declared in relay/transform.h
537Pass DeadCodeElimination(bool inline_once, bool ignore_impurity) {
538 auto pass_func = [=](IRModule mod, PassContext pc) -> IRModule {
539 VLOG(1) << "Before:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(mod);
540 // Which let bindings are pure and can be safely elided?
541 std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, bool> var_to_purity;
542 if (!ignore_impurity) {
543 VLOG(1) << "determine purity";
544 PurityVisitor purity_visitor(mod);
545 purity_visitor.VisitModule();
546 var_to_purity = purity_visitor.GetPurityMap();
547 }
549 IRModule result(/*functions=*/{}, mod->type_definitions, mod->Imports(), mod->source_map,
550 mod->attrs);
551 for (const auto& kv : mod->functions) {
552 if (const auto* function_node = kv.second.as<FunctionNode>()) {
553 auto function = GetRef<Function>(function_node);
555 VLOG(1) << "processing " << PrettyPrint(kv.first);
557 VLOG(2) << "count usage";
558 UsageVisitor usage_visitor(&var_to_purity, /*default_purity=*/ignore_impurity);
559 usage_visitor.VisitExpr(function);
561 // Actually eliminate/inline the let-bindings.
562 VLOG(2) << "eliminate";
563 EliminatorMutator eliminator_mutator(inline_once, &usage_visitor.let_bound_values_,
564 &usage_visitor.use_map_, &var_to_purity,
565 /*default_purity=*/ignore_impurity);
566 result->Add(kv.first, Downcast<Function>(eliminator_mutator.VisitExpr(function)));
567 } else {
568 // PrimFuncs come across unchanged.
569 result->Add(kv.first, kv.second);
570 }
571 }
572 VLOG(1) << "After:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(result);
574 return result;
575 };
576 return tvm::transform::CreateModulePass(pass_func, /*opt_level=*/1, "DeadCodeElimination",
577 {"InferType"});
582} // namespace transform
584} // namespace relay
585} // namespace tvm