2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information
5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 * under the License.
18 */
21 * \file topi/reduction.h
22 * \brief Reduction op constructors
23 */
27#include <tvm/te/operation.h>
28#include <tvm/topi/broadcast.h>
29#include <tvm/topi/detail/constant_utils.h>
30#include <tvm/topi/detail/ravel_unravel.h>
31#include <tvm/topi/elemwise.h>
32#include <tvm/topi/tags.h>
33#include <tvm/topi/transform.h>
35#include <algorithm>
36#include <iterator>
37#include <string>
38#include <vector>
40namespace tvm {
41namespace topi {
43using namespace tvm::te;
45/*! \brief The operation to use for CommReduce */
46using FReduce = std::function<PrimExpr(PrimExpr source, const Array<IterVar>& axis,
47 Array<PrimExpr> init, Span span)>;
49/*! \brief The operation to use for CommReduceIdx */
50using FCommReduce = std::function<Array<PrimExpr>(Array<PrimExpr> exprs, const Array<IterVar>& axis,
51 PrimExpr* condition)>;
54 * \brief Convert a reduction axis which could be empty or have negative
55 * elements into a real axis with valid dimension indices.
56 *
57 * \param ndim Number of dimensions in the target.
58 * \param axis The axis parameter.
59 *
60 * \return A non-empty sorted array of valid dimension indices, with no duplicates.
61 * If the input axis is empty, the result will be an axis including all dimensions.
62 * If any input element is negative, it will be treated as an offset from the
63 * last dimension (same as python indexing rules).
64 */
65inline std::vector<int> GetRealAxis(int ndim, const Array<Integer>& axis) {
66 std::vector<int> real_axis;
67 if (!axis.defined() || axis.size() == 0) {
68 for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
69 real_axis.push_back(i);
70 }
71 } else {
72 // Use a set so duplicates are removed and the dims are sorted
73 for (auto elem : axis) {
74 int64_t val = elem->value;
75 if (val < 0) {
76 val += ndim;
77 }
78 ICHECK_LE(val, ndim) << " exceeds the maximum dimension " << ndim;
79 ICHECK_GE(val, 0);
80 real_axis.push_back(static_cast<int>(val));
81 }
82 std::sort(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end());
83 real_axis.resize(std::unique(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end()) - real_axis.begin());
84 }
85 return real_axis;
88/*! \brief Enumerate the axes for a reduce op */
89inline Array<IterVar> MakeReduceAxes(const std::vector<int>& real_axis, const Tensor& data) {
90 Array<IterVar> reduce_axes;
91 for (auto i : real_axis) {
92 std::string name = "k" + std::to_string(i);
93 reduce_axes.push_back(tvm::te::reduce_axis(Range(0, data->shape[i]), name));
94 }
95 return reduce_axes;
98/*! \brief Calculate the target shape for a reduce op */
99inline Array<PrimExpr> MakeReduceTargetShape(const std::vector<int>& real_axis, const Tensor& data,
100 bool keepdims, bool atleast1d) {
101 auto ndim = data->shape.size();
102 Array<PrimExpr> target_shape;
103 if (keepdims) {
104 for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
105 if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) != real_axis.end()) {
106 // real_axis contains i
107 target_shape.push_back(1);
108 } else {
109 target_shape.push_back(data->shape[i]);
110 }
111 }
112 } else {
113 for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
114 if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) == real_axis.end()) {
115 // real_axis does not contain i
116 target_shape.push_back(data->shape[i]);
117 }
118 }
119 }
120 if (target_shape.size() == 0 && atleast1d) {
121 target_shape.push_back(1);
122 }
123 return target_shape;
127 * \brief Create a reduction operation.
128 *
129 * \param data The input tensor.
130 * \param func The reduction function eg. tvm::sum
131 * \param target_shape The output Tensor shape.
132 * \param reduce_axes The real axes along which the reduction is performed.
133 * \param squeeze_axes The real axes to squeeze. Unsqueezed, reduced axes will
134 * have shape 1 in the output tensor.
135 * \param span The location of this reducer in the source.
136 *
137 * \return The result tensor.
138 */
139inline Tensor DoCommReduce(const Tensor& data, FReduce func, const Array<PrimExpr>& target_shape,
140 const std::vector<int>& reduce_axes,
141 const std::vector<int>& squeeze_axes, Span span = Span()) {
142 auto r_axes = MakeReduceAxes(reduce_axes, data);
143 auto compute = [&](const Array<Var>& indices) {
144 Array<PrimExpr> eval_range;
145 Array<Var> eval_indices;
146 int arg_counter = 0;
147 int red_counter = 0;
149 for (size_t i = 0; i < data->shape.size(); ++i) {
150 bool squeeze_i = std::find(squeeze_axes.begin(), squeeze_axes.end(), i) != squeeze_axes.end();
151 if (std::find(reduce_axes.begin(), reduce_axes.end(), i) != reduce_axes.end()) {
152 // real_axis contains i
153 eval_range.push_back(r_axes[red_counter]);
154 eval_indices.push_back(r_axes[red_counter]->var);
155 red_counter++;
156 arg_counter += !squeeze_i;
157 continue;
158 }
159 eval_range.push_back(indices[arg_counter]);
160 arg_counter++;
161 }
163 return func(data(eval_range), r_axes, {}, span);
164 };
166 return tvm::te::compute(target_shape, compute, data->op->name + "_red", kCommReduce);
170 * \brief Create a reduction operation.
171 *
172 * \param data The input tensor.
173 * \param axis The axes along which the reduction is performed.
174 * \param func The reduction function eg. tvm::sum
175 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
176 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
177 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
178 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
179 *
180 * \return The result tensor.
181 */
182inline Tensor CommReduce(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, FReduce func,
183 bool keepdims, bool atleast1d) {
184 auto ndim = data->shape.size();
185 ICHECK_NE(ndim, 0) << "Cannot reduce a 0 dim Tensor";
186 auto real_axis = GetRealAxis(static_cast<int>(ndim), axis);
187 auto target_shape = MakeReduceTargetShape(real_axis, data, keepdims, atleast1d);
188 return DoCommReduce(data, func, target_shape, real_axis,
189 keepdims ? std::vector<int>() : real_axis);
193 * \brief Create an index reduction operation.
194 *
195 * \param data The input tensor.
196 * \param axis The axes along which the reduction is performed.
197 * \param func The reduction function
198 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
199 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
200 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
201 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
202 *
203 * \return The result tensor.
204 */
205inline Tensor CommReduceIdx(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, FCommReduce func,
206 bool keepdims, bool atleast1d) {
207 auto ndim = data->shape.size();
208 ICHECK_NE(ndim, 0) << "Cannot reduce a 0 dim Tensor";
209 auto real_axis = GetRealAxis(static_cast<int>(ndim), axis);
210 auto reduce_axes = MakeReduceAxes(real_axis, data);
211 auto target_shape = MakeReduceTargetShape(real_axis, data, keepdims, atleast1d);
213 auto compute = [ndim, keepdims, &real_axis, &reduce_axes, &func,
214 &data](const Array<Var>& indices) {
215 Array<PrimExpr> eval_range;
216 Array<PrimExpr> eval_indices;
217 int arg_counter = 0;
218 int red_counter = 0;
220 for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
221 if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) != real_axis.end()) {
222 // real_axis contains i
223 eval_range.push_back(reduce_axes[red_counter]);
224 eval_indices.push_back(reduce_axes[red_counter]->var);
225 red_counter++;
226 } else {
227 if (!keepdims) {
228 eval_range.push_back(indices[arg_counter]);
229 arg_counter++;
230 } else {
231 eval_range.push_back(indices[i]);
232 }
233 }
234 }
236 Array<PrimExpr> ravel_shape;
237 for (auto i : real_axis) {
238 ravel_shape.push_back(data->shape[i]);
239 }
240 auto idx = detail::RavelIndex(eval_indices, ravel_shape);
241 return func({idx, data(eval_range)}, reduce_axes, nullptr);
242 };
244 auto temp_idx_val =
245 tvm::te::compute(target_shape, compute, data->op->name + "_red_temp", kCommReduceIdx);
246 auto temp_idx = temp_idx_val[0];
247 auto temp_val = temp_idx_val[1];
248 return tvm::te::compute(
249 target_shape, [&temp_idx](const Array<Var>& indices) { return temp_idx(indices); },
250 data->op->name + "_red", kCommReduceIdx);
253/*! \brief A combiner function for a reduction */
254using FCombine = std::function<Array<PrimExpr>(Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs)>;
256/*! \brief An initializer function for a reduction */
257using FIdentity = std::function<Array<PrimExpr>(std::vector<DataType> types)>;
260 * \brief Create a commutative reducer for a reduction
261 *
262 * \param fcombine A function to combine exprs
263 * \param fidentity A function to initialize elements
264 * \param name The name of the operation
265 *
266 * \return A reducer function which creates a reduce expression over an axis.
267 */
268inline FCommReduce MakeCommReducer(FCombine fcombine, FIdentity fidentity,
269 std::string name = "reduce") {
270 return [fcombine, fidentity, name](Array<PrimExpr> exprs, const Array<IterVar>& axis,
271 PrimExpr* condition) {
272 Array<Var> lhs, rhs;
273 std::vector<DataType> dtypes;
275 for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
276 auto dtype = exprs[i].dtype();
277 dtypes.push_back(dtype);
278 lhs.push_back(var(name + "_lhs_" + std::to_string(i), dtype));
279 rhs.push_back(var(name + "_rhs_" + std::to_string(i), dtype));
280 }
282 auto result = fcombine(lhs, rhs);
283 auto id_elem = fidentity(dtypes);
284 auto cond = condition != nullptr ? *condition : tir::const_true();
286 auto combiner = tvm::tir::CommReducer(lhs, rhs, result, id_elem);
287 Array<PrimExpr> outputs;
288 for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
289 outputs.push_back(tvm::tir::Reduce(combiner, exprs, axis, cond, static_cast<int>(i), {}));
290 }
291 return outputs;
292 };
295/*! \brief Wrap tvm::min to ensure we get the correct overload */
296inline PrimExpr MinOp(PrimExpr source, Array<IterVar> axis, Array<PrimExpr> init = {},
297 Span span = Span()) {
298 return tvm::min(source, axis, init, span);
301/*! \brief Wrap tvm::max to ensure we get the correct overload */
302inline PrimExpr MaxOp(PrimExpr source, Array<IterVar> axis, Array<PrimExpr> init = {},
303 Span span = Span()) {
304 return tvm::max(source, axis, init, span); // NOLINT(*)
307/*! \brief Wrap tvm::prod to ensure we get the correct overload */
308inline PrimExpr ProdOp(PrimExpr source, Array<IterVar> axis, Array<PrimExpr> init = {},
309 Span span = Span()) {
310 return tvm::prod(source, axis, init, span); // NOLINT(*)
314 * \brief Creates an operation that sums array elements over a given axis
315 *
316 * \param data The input tensor
317 * \param axis The axis to sum over. If axis is empty, the operation will
318 * sum over all elements of the array.
319 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
320 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
321 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
322 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
323 *
324 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the sum operation
325 */
326inline Tensor sum(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
327 bool atleast1d = false) {
328 return CommReduce(data, axis, tvm::sum, keepdims, atleast1d);
331inline Tensor collapse_sum(const Tensor& data, Array<PrimExpr> target_shape) {
332 ICHECK_GE(data->shape.size(), target_shape.size());
333 auto ishape = detail::GetConstIntValues(data->shape, "ishape");
334 auto oshape = detail::GetConstIntValues(target_shape, "oshape");
336 std::vector<int> reduce_axes;
337 std::vector<int> squeeze_axes;
338 for (int i_ax = ishape.size() - 1, o_ax = oshape.size() - 1; i_ax >= 0; --i_ax) {
339 if (o_ax >= 0 && ishape[i_ax] == oshape[o_ax]) {
340 --o_ax;
341 continue;
342 }
343 reduce_axes.push_back(i_ax);
344 if (o_ax < 0) { // squeeze o_ax if was added during expansion
345 squeeze_axes.push_back(i_ax);
346 } else if (oshape[o_ax] == 1) {
347 --o_ax;
348 }
349 }
351 if (reduce_axes.size() == 0) return topi::identity(data, "tensor", kCommReduce);
353 std::reverse(reduce_axes.begin(), reduce_axes.end());
354 std::reverse(squeeze_axes.begin(), squeeze_axes.end());
355 return DoCommReduce(data, tvm::sum, target_shape, reduce_axes, squeeze_axes);
359 * \brief Creates an operation that computes the logical AND of elements
360 * over a given axis
361 *
362 * \param data The input boolean tensor
363 * \param axis The axes to reduce. If axis is empty, the operation will
364 * perform logical AND over all elements of the array.
365 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
366 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
367 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
368 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
369 *
370 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the all operation
371 */
372inline Tensor all(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
373 bool atleast1d = false) {
374 return CommReduce(data, axis, tvm::all, keepdims, atleast1d);
378 * \brief Creates an operation that computes the logical OR of elements
379 * over a given axis
380 *
381 * \param data The input boolean tensor
382 * \param axis The axes to reduce. If axis is empty, the operation will
383 * perform logical OR over all elements of the array.
384 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
385 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
386 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
387 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
388 *
389 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the all operation
390 */
391inline Tensor any(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
392 bool atleast1d = false) {
393 return CommReduce(data, axis, tvm::any, keepdims, atleast1d);
397 * \brief Creates an operation that finds the minimum of elements over
398 * a given axis.
399 *
400 * \param data The input tensor
401 * \param axis The axis to find the minimum over. If axis is empty, the
402 * operation will find the minimum over all elements of the array.
403 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
404 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
405 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
406 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
407 *
408 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the min operation
409 */
410inline Tensor min(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
411 bool atleast1d = false) {
412 return CommReduce(data, axis, MinOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
416 * \brief Creates an operation that finds the maximum of elements over
417 * a given axis.
418 *
419 * \param data The input tensor
420 * \param axis The axis to find the maximum over. If axis is empty, the
421 * operation will find the maximum over all elements of the array.
422 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
423 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
424 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
425 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
426 *
427 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the max operation
428 */
429inline Tensor max(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
430 bool atleast1d = false) {
431 return CommReduce(data, axis, MaxOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
434inline FCommReduce MakeArgminReducer(bool select_last_index = false) {
435 // Create a Commutative Reducer with a comparison operation, and method to get the initial value.
436 auto fcombine = [=](Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs) {
437 Array<PrimExpr> result;
439 // Casting to avoid operator ambiguity
440 PrimExpr lhs_idx = static_cast<PrimExpr>(lhs[0]);
441 PrimExpr rhs_idx = static_cast<PrimExpr>(rhs[0]);
442 PrimExpr lhs_val = static_cast<PrimExpr>(lhs[1]);
443 PrimExpr rhs_val = static_cast<PrimExpr>(rhs[1]);
445 // These variables compare the actual values of the array
446 auto is_smaller = lhs_val < rhs_val;
447 auto is_same = lhs_val == rhs_val;
449 // This checks if the indices are correct for the reduction. E.g. for select_last_index
450 // it gives precedence for later indices of the same element and precedence for sooner
451 // indices if not select_last_index;
452 PrimExpr proper_index;
453 if (select_last_index) {
454 proper_index = lhs_idx > rhs_idx;
455 } else {
456 proper_index = lhs_idx < rhs_idx;
457 }
459 PrimExpr update_index = is_smaller || (is_same && proper_index);
460 result.push_back(tvm::tir::Select(update_index, lhs[0], rhs[0])); // idx
461 result.push_back(tvm::tir::Select(is_smaller, lhs[1], rhs[1])); // val
462 return result;
463 };
464 auto fidentity = [&](std::vector<DataType> types) {
465 Array<PrimExpr> result;
466 result.push_back(tvm::tir::make_const(types[0], -1)); // idx
467 result.push_back(tvm::max_value(types[1])); // val
468 return result;
469 };
470 return MakeCommReducer(fcombine, fidentity, "argmin");
474 * \brief Creates an operation that finds the indices of the minimum
475 * values over a given axis.
476 *
477 * \param data The input tensor
478 * \param axis The axis along which the argmin is performed. If axis is empty,
479 * the operation will find the minimum index over all elements of the array.
480 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
481 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
482 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
483 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
484 * \param select_last_index Whether to select the last index if the minimum element
485 * appears multiple times, else select the first index.
486 *
487 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the argmin operation
488 */
489inline Tensor argmin(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
490 bool atleast1d = false, bool select_last_index = false) {
491 auto reducer = MakeArgminReducer(select_last_index);
492 return CommReduceIdx(data, axis, reducer, keepdims, atleast1d);
495inline FCommReduce MakeArgmaxReducer(bool select_last_index = false) {
496 // Create a Commutative Reducer with a comparison operation, and method to get the initial value.
497 auto fcombine = [=](Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs) {
498 Array<PrimExpr> result;
500 // Casting to avoid operator ambiguity
501 PrimExpr lhs_idx = static_cast<PrimExpr>(lhs[0]);
502 PrimExpr rhs_idx = static_cast<PrimExpr>(rhs[0]);
503 PrimExpr lhs_val = static_cast<PrimExpr>(lhs[1]);
504 PrimExpr rhs_val = static_cast<PrimExpr>(rhs[1]);
506 // These variables compare the actual values of the array
507 auto is_bigger = lhs_val > rhs_val;
508 auto is_same = lhs_val == rhs_val;
510 // This checks if the indices are correct for the reduction. E.g. for select_last_index
511 // it gives precedence for later indices of the same element and precedence for sooner
512 // indices if not select_last_index;
513 PrimExpr proper_index;
514 if (select_last_index) {
515 proper_index = lhs_idx > rhs_idx;
516 } else {
517 proper_index = lhs_idx < rhs_idx;
518 }
520 PrimExpr update_index = is_bigger || (is_same && proper_index);
521 result.push_back(tvm::tir::Select(update_index, lhs[0], rhs[0])); // idx
522 result.push_back(tvm::tir::Select(is_bigger, lhs[1], rhs[1])); // val
523 return result;
524 };
525 auto fidentity = [&](std::vector<DataType> types) {
526 Array<PrimExpr> result;
527 result.push_back(tvm::tir::make_const(types[0], -1)); // idx
528 result.push_back(tvm::min_value(types[1])); // val
529 return result;
530 };
531 return MakeCommReducer(fcombine, fidentity, "argmax");
535 * \brief Creates an operation that finds the indices of the maximum
536 * values over a given axis.
537 *
538 * \param data The input tensor
539 * \param axis The axis along which the argmax is performed. If axis is empty,
540 * the operation will find the maximum index over all elements of the array.
541 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
542 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
543 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
544 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
545 * \param select_last_index Whether to select the last index if the maximum element
546 * appears multiple times, else select the first index.
547 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the argmax operation
548 */
549inline Tensor argmax(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
550 bool atleast1d = false, bool select_last_index = false) {
551 auto reducer = MakeArgmaxReducer(select_last_index);
552 return CommReduceIdx(data, axis, reducer, keepdims, atleast1d);
556 * \brief Creates product operation over given axis.
557 *
558 * \param data The input tensor
559 * \param axis The axis to do product over. If axis is empty, the
560 * operation will do the product over all elements of the array.
561 * \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
562 * left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
563 * to broadcast correctly against the input array.
564 * \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
565 *
566 * \return A Tensor whose op member is the prod operation
567 */
568inline Tensor prod(const Tensor& data, const Array<Integer>& axis, bool keepdims = false,
569 bool atleast1d = false) {
570 return CommReduce(data, axis, ProdOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
574 * \brief Create communitive reducer summing over tuples
575 */
576inline FCommReduce MakeTupleSumReducer() {
577 auto fcombine = [](Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs) {
578 Array<PrimExpr> result;
579 ICHECK_EQ(lhs.size(), rhs.size());
580 result.reserve(lhs.size());
581 for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i) {
582 result.push_back(lhs[i] + rhs[i]);
583 }
584 return result;
585 };
586 auto fidentity = [](std::vector<DataType> types) {
587 Array<PrimExpr> result;
588 for (size_t i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
589 result.push_back(tvm::tir::make_const(types[i], 0));
590 }
591 return result;
592 };
593 return MakeCommReducer(fcombine, fidentity, "tuple_sum");
596} // namespace topi
597} // namespace tvm
598#endif // TVM_TOPI_REDUCTION_H_