1/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13limitations under the License.
18#include <stddef.h>
20#include <algorithm>
21#include <string>
22#include <vector>
24#include "tensorflow/core/framework/kernel_def_builder.h"
25#include "tensorflow/core/framework/numeric_types.h"
26#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
27#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
28#include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h"
29#include "tensorflow/core/framework/shape_inference.h"
30#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
31#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
32#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb.h"
33#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_types.h"
34#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
35#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/broadcast_to_op.h"
36#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/list_kernels.h"
37#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
38#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
39#include "tensorflow/core/platform/bfloat16.h"
40#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
41#include "tensorflow/core/util/bcast.h"
42#include "tensorflow/core/util/ragged_to_dense_util.h"
44namespace tensorflow {
46namespace {
47typedef Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice CPUDevice;
48using ::std::vector;
50const int kShapeInputIndex = 0;
51const int kValueInputIndex = 1;
52const int kDefaultValueInputIndex = 2;
53const int kFirstPartitionInputIndex = 3;
55template <typename INDEX_TYPE>
56class RaggedTensorToTensorBaseOp : public OpKernel {
57 public:
58 typedef
59 typename ::tensorflow::TTypes<const INDEX_TYPE>::Flat RowPartitionTensor;
61 explicit RaggedTensorToTensorBaseOp(OpKernelConstruction* context)
62 : OpKernel(context) {
63 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, GetRowPartitionTypes<OpKernelConstruction>(
64 context, &row_partition_types_));
65 ragged_rank_ = GetRaggedRank(row_partition_types_);
66 }
68 // Returns the relationship between dimension and dimension + 1.
69 RowPartitionType GetRowPartitionTypeByDimension(int dimension) {
70 if (row_partition_types_[0] == RowPartitionType::FIRST_DIM_SIZE) {
71 return row_partition_types_[dimension + 1];
72 } else {
73 return row_partition_types_[dimension];
74 }
75 }
77 // Returns the relationship between dimension and dimension + 1.
78 RowPartitionTensor GetRowPartitionTensor(OpKernelContext* c, int dimension) {
79 if (row_partition_types_[0] == RowPartitionType::FIRST_DIM_SIZE) {
80 return c->input(dimension + 1 + kFirstPartitionInputIndex)
81 .flat<INDEX_TYPE>();
82 } else {
83 return c->input(dimension + kFirstPartitionInputIndex).flat<INDEX_TYPE>();
84 }
85 }
87 Status GetMaxWidth(OpKernelContext* c, int dimension, INDEX_TYPE* result) {
88 const RowPartitionTensor row_partition_tensor =
89 GetRowPartitionTensor(c, dimension - 1);
90 switch (GetRowPartitionTypeByDimension(dimension - 1)) {
91 case RowPartitionType::VALUE_ROWIDS:
92 *result = GetMaxWidthValueRowID(row_partition_tensor);
93 return OkStatus();
94 case RowPartitionType::ROW_SPLITS:
95 *result = GetMaxWidthRowSplit(row_partition_tensor);
96 return OkStatus();
97 default:
98 return errors::InvalidArgument(
99 "Cannot handle partition type ",
100 RowPartitionTypeToString(
101 GetRowPartitionTypeByDimension(dimension - 1)));
102 }
103 }
105 static INDEX_TYPE GetMaxWidthRowSplit(const RowPartitionTensor& row_split) {
106 const INDEX_TYPE tensor_length = row_split.size();
107 if (tensor_length == 0 || tensor_length == 1) {
108 return 0;
109 }
110 INDEX_TYPE max_width = 0;
111 for (INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < tensor_length - 1; ++i) {
112 const INDEX_TYPE current_width = row_split(i + 1) - row_split(i);
113 if (current_width > max_width) {
114 max_width = current_width;
115 }
116 }
117 return max_width;
118 }
120 static INDEX_TYPE GetMaxWidthValueRowID(
121 const RowPartitionTensor& value_rowids) {
122 const INDEX_TYPE index_length = value_rowids.size();
123 if (index_length == 0) {
124 return 0;
125 }
126 INDEX_TYPE first_equal_index = 0;
127 INDEX_TYPE first_equal_index_value = value_rowids(0);
128 INDEX_TYPE max_width = 0;
129 for (INDEX_TYPE i = 1; i < index_length; ++i) {
130 const INDEX_TYPE value = value_rowids(i);
131 if (value != first_equal_index_value) {
132 first_equal_index_value = value;
133 max_width = std::max(i - first_equal_index, max_width);
134 first_equal_index = i;
135 }
136 }
137 return std::max(index_length - first_equal_index, max_width);
138 }
140 Status CalculateOutputSize(INDEX_TYPE first_dim, OpKernelContext* c,
141 vector<INDEX_TYPE>* result) {
142 TensorShapeProto value_shape_proto;
143 c->input(kValueInputIndex).shape().AsProto(&value_shape_proto);
145 TensorShapeProto default_value_shape_proto;
146 c->input(kDefaultValueInputIndex)
147 .shape()
148 .AsProto(&default_value_shape_proto);
150 TensorShapeProto output_shape_proto;
151 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ValidateDefaultValueShape(default_value_shape_proto,
152 value_shape_proto));
154 TensorShapeProto shape_proto;
155 {
156 PartialTensorShape partial_tensor_shape;
157 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TensorShapeFromTensor(c->input(kShapeInputIndex),
158 &partial_tensor_shape));
159 partial_tensor_shape.AsProto(&shape_proto);
160 }
162 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CombineRaggedTensorToTensorShapes(
163 ragged_rank_, shape_proto, value_shape_proto, &output_shape_proto));
165 result->reserve(output_shape_proto.dim_size());
166 for (const TensorShapeProto::Dim& dim : output_shape_proto.dim()) {
167 // Note that this may be -1 (if dimension size is unknown).
168 result->push_back(dim.size());
169 }
171 if ((*result)[0] < 0) {
172 (*result)[0] = first_dim;
173 }
174 for (int i = 1; i <= ragged_rank_; ++i) {
175 if ((*result)[i] < 0) {
176 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetMaxWidth(c, i, &(*result)[i]));
177 }
178 }
179 return OkStatus();
180 }
182 /**
183 * The output_index represents the index in the output tensor
184 * where the first element of a particular dimension would be written.
185 * If it is -1, it indicates that the index is out of scope.
186 * Example, given first_dimension = 10, first_dimension_output = 6,
187 * and output_index_multiplier = 100:
188 * result = [0 100 200 300 400 500 -1 -1 -1 -1]
189 * If first_dimension_output = 11 instead, then:
190 * result = [0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900]
191 */
192 void CalculateFirstParentOutputIndex(INDEX_TYPE first_dimension,
193 INDEX_TYPE output_index_multiplier,
194 INDEX_TYPE first_dimension_output,
195 vector<INDEX_TYPE>* result) {
196 const INDEX_TYPE min_dimension =
197 std::min(first_dimension, first_dimension_output);
198 result->reserve(first_dimension);
199 int current_output_index = 0;
200 for (INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < min_dimension;
201 ++i, current_output_index += output_index_multiplier) {
202 result->push_back(current_output_index);
203 }
204 for (INDEX_TYPE i = min_dimension; i < first_dimension; ++i) {
205 result->push_back(-1);
206 }
207 DCHECK_EQ(result->size(), first_dimension);
208 }
210 Status CalculateOutputIndexRowSplit(
211 const RowPartitionTensor& row_split,
212 const vector<INDEX_TYPE>& parent_output_index,
213 INDEX_TYPE output_index_multiplier, INDEX_TYPE output_size,
214 vector<INDEX_TYPE>* result) {
215 INDEX_TYPE row_split_size = row_split.size();
216 if (row_split_size > 0) {
217 result->reserve(row_split(row_split_size - 1));
218 }
219 for (INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < row_split_size - 1; ++i) {
220 INDEX_TYPE row_length = row_split(i + 1) - row_split(i);
221 INDEX_TYPE real_length = std::min(output_size, row_length);
222 INDEX_TYPE parent_output_index_current = parent_output_index[i];
224 if (parent_output_index_current == -1) {
225 real_length = 0;
226 }
227 for (INDEX_TYPE j = 0; j < real_length; ++j) {
228 result->push_back(parent_output_index_current);
229 parent_output_index_current += output_index_multiplier;
230 }
231 for (INDEX_TYPE j = 0; j < row_length - real_length; ++j) {
232 result->push_back(-1);
233 }
234 }
235 if (row_split_size > 0 && result->size() != row_split(row_split_size - 1)) {
236 return errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid row split size.");
237 }
239 return OkStatus();
240 }
242 // Calculate the output index of the first element of a list.
243 // The parent_output_index is the same computation for the previous list.
244 // -1 indicates an element or list that is out of range.
245 // The output_index_multiplier is the number of output indices one moves
246 // forward for each column.
247 // E.g., given:
248 // value_rowids:[0 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 6]
249 // parent_output_index:[1000 1100 2000 2100 -1 3000 4000]
250 // output_index_multiplier: 10
251 // output_size: 2
252 // You get:
253 // result = [1000 1100 2000 2010 -1 2100 -1 -1 3000]
254 // result[0] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[0]]
255 // result[1] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[1]]
256 // result[2] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[2]]
257 // result[3] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[2] + 10]
258 // result[4] = -1 because it is the third element the size is 2.
259 // result[5] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[3]]
260 // result[6] = -1 because parent_output_index[value_rowids[6]] == -1
261 // result[7] = -1 because parent_output_index[value_rowids[6]] == -1
262 // result[8] = parent_output_index[value_rowids[7]]
263 Status CalculateOutputIndexValueRowID(
264 const RowPartitionTensor& value_rowids,
265 const vector<INDEX_TYPE>& parent_output_index,
266 INDEX_TYPE output_index_multiplier, INDEX_TYPE output_size,
267 vector<INDEX_TYPE>* result) {
268 const INDEX_TYPE index_size = value_rowids.size();
269 result->reserve(index_size);
270 if (index_size == 0) {
271 return OkStatus();
272 }
274 INDEX_TYPE current_output_column = 0;
275 INDEX_TYPE current_value_rowid = value_rowids(0);
277 if (current_value_rowid >= parent_output_index.size()) {
278 return errors::InvalidArgument(
279 "Got current_value_rowid=", current_value_rowid,
280 " which is not less than ", parent_output_index.size());
281 }
283 INDEX_TYPE current_output_index = parent_output_index[current_value_rowid];
284 result->push_back(current_output_index);
285 for (INDEX_TYPE i = 1; i < index_size; ++i) {
286 INDEX_TYPE next_value_rowid = value_rowids(i);
287 if (next_value_rowid == current_value_rowid) {
288 if (current_output_index >= 0) {
289 ++current_output_column;
290 if (current_output_column < output_size) {
291 current_output_index += output_index_multiplier;
292 } else {
293 current_output_index = -1;
294 }
295 }
296 } else {
297 current_output_column = 0;
298 current_value_rowid = next_value_rowid;
300 if (next_value_rowid >= parent_output_index.size()) {
301 return errors::InvalidArgument(
302 "Got next_value_rowid=", next_value_rowid,
303 " which is not less than ", parent_output_index.size());
304 }
306 current_output_index = parent_output_index[next_value_rowid];
307 }
308 result->push_back(current_output_index);
309 }
311 if (result->size() != value_rowids.size()) {
312 return errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid row ids.");
313 }
315 return OkStatus();
316 }
318 Status CalculateOutputIndex(OpKernelContext* context, int dimension,
319 const vector<INDEX_TYPE>& parent_output_index,
320 INDEX_TYPE output_index_multiplier,
321 INDEX_TYPE output_size,
322 vector<INDEX_TYPE>* result) {
323 const RowPartitionTensor row_partition_tensor =
324 GetRowPartitionTensor(context, dimension);
325 auto partition_type = GetRowPartitionTypeByDimension(dimension);
326 switch (partition_type) {
327 case RowPartitionType::VALUE_ROWIDS:
328 return CalculateOutputIndexValueRowID(
329 row_partition_tensor, parent_output_index, output_index_multiplier,
330 output_size, result);
331 case RowPartitionType::ROW_SPLITS:
332 if (row_partition_tensor.size() - 1 > parent_output_index.size()) {
333 return errors::InvalidArgument(
334 "Row partition size is greater than output size: ",
335 row_partition_tensor.size() - 1, " > ",
336 parent_output_index.size());
337 }
338 return CalculateOutputIndexRowSplit(
339 row_partition_tensor, parent_output_index, output_index_multiplier,
340 output_size, result);
341 default:
342 return errors::InvalidArgument(
343 "Unsupported partition type:",
344 RowPartitionTypeToString(partition_type));
345 }
346 }
348 Status GetFirstDimensionSize(OpKernelContext* context, INDEX_TYPE* result) {
349 const Tensor first_partition_tensor =
350 context->input(kFirstPartitionInputIndex);
351 if (row_partition_types_.empty()) {
352 return errors::InvalidArgument("No row_partition_types given.");
353 }
354 const RowPartitionType first_partition_type = row_partition_types_[0];
355 switch (first_partition_type) {
356 case RowPartitionType::FIRST_DIM_SIZE:
357 *result = first_partition_tensor.scalar<INDEX_TYPE>()();
358 return OkStatus();
359 case RowPartitionType::VALUE_ROWIDS:
360 return errors::InvalidArgument(
361 "Cannot handle VALUE_ROWIDS in first dimension.");
362 case RowPartitionType::ROW_SPLITS:
363 *result = first_partition_tensor.shape().dim_size(0) - 1;
364 return OkStatus();
365 default:
366 return errors::InvalidArgument(
367 "Cannot handle type ",
368 RowPartitionTypeToString(first_partition_type));
369 }
370 }
372 void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
373 INDEX_TYPE first_dimension;
374 const Tensor first_partition_tensor =
375 context->input(kFirstPartitionInputIndex);
376 OP_REQUIRES(context, first_partition_tensor.NumElements() > 0,
377 errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid first partition input. Tensor "
378 "requires at least one element."));
379 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, GetFirstDimensionSize(context, &first_dimension));
380 vector<INDEX_TYPE> output_size;
381 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context,
382 CalculateOutputSize(first_dimension, context, &output_size));
383 vector<INDEX_TYPE> multiplier;
384 multiplier.resize(ragged_rank_ + 1);
386 multiplier[multiplier.size() - 1] = 1;
387 for (int i = multiplier.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
388 multiplier[i] = multiplier[i + 1] * output_size[i + 1];
389 }
390 // Full size of the tensor.
391 TensorShape output_shape;
392 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context,
393 TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(output_size, &output_shape));
394 Tensor* output_tensor = nullptr;
396 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context,
397 context->allocate_output(0, output_shape, &output_tensor));
398 const INDEX_TYPE full_size = multiplier[0] * output_size[0];
399 if (full_size > 0) {
400 vector<INDEX_TYPE> output_index, new_output_index;
401 int nvals = context->input(kValueInputIndex).shape().dim_size(0);
402 output_index.reserve(nvals);
403 new_output_index.reserve(nvals);
405 CalculateFirstParentOutputIndex(first_dimension, multiplier[0],
406 output_size[0], &output_index);
407 for (int i = 1; i <= ragged_rank_; ++i) {
408 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, CalculateOutputIndex(
409 context, i - 1, output_index, multiplier[i],
410 output_size[i], &new_output_index));
411 output_index.swap(new_output_index);
412 new_output_index.clear();
413 }
415 SetOutput(context, ragged_rank_, output_index, output_tensor);
416 }
417 }
418 virtual void SetOutput(OpKernelContext* context, int ragged_rank,
419 const vector<INDEX_TYPE>& output_index,
420 Tensor* output_tensor) = 0;
422 private:
423 vector<RowPartitionType> row_partition_types_;
424 int ragged_rank_;
427template <typename VALUE_TYPE, typename INDEX_TYPE>
428void slow_copy_array(VALUE_TYPE* dst, const VALUE_TYPE* src, INDEX_TYPE size) {
429 for (INDEX_TYPE index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
430 dst[index] = src[index];
431 }
434template <typename VALUE_TYPE, typename INDEX_TYPE>
435void copy_array(VALUE_TYPE* dst, const VALUE_TYPE* src, INDEX_TYPE size) {
436 memcpy(dst, src, size * sizeof(VALUE_TYPE));
439template <>
440void copy_array<tstring, int64_t>(tstring* dst, const tstring* src,
441 int64_t size) {
442 slow_copy_array(dst, src, size);
445template <>
446void copy_array<tstring, int32>(tstring* dst, const tstring* src,
447 int32_t size) {
448 slow_copy_array(dst, src, size);
451// If we don't specialize for Eigen::half, we get:
452// undefined behavior, destination object type 'Eigen::half'
453// is not TriviallyCopyable
454template <>
455void copy_array<Eigen::half, int64_t>(Eigen::half* dst, const Eigen::half* src,
456 int64_t size) {
457 slow_copy_array(dst, src, size);
460template <>
461void copy_array<Eigen::half, int32>(Eigen::half* dst, const Eigen::half* src,
462 int32_t size) {
463 slow_copy_array(dst, src, size);
466template <typename VALUE_TYPE, typename INDEX_TYPE>
467class RaggedTensorToTensorOp : public RaggedTensorToTensorBaseOp<INDEX_TYPE> {
468 public:
469 explicit RaggedTensorToTensorOp(OpKernelConstruction* context)
470 : RaggedTensorToTensorBaseOp<INDEX_TYPE>(context) {}
472 void SetOutput(OpKernelContext* context, int ragged_rank,
473 const vector<INDEX_TYPE>& output_index,
474 Tensor* output_tensor) override {
475 // Note: it's ok to use OP_REQUIRES_OK (rather than TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR)
476 // in this function, but only because it's the last thing we do before
477 // returning from Compute().
479 if (output_tensor->NumElements() == 0) return;
481 const auto& values_tensor = context->input(kValueInputIndex);
482 const VALUE_TYPE* values_base = values_tensor.flat<VALUE_TYPE>().data();
483 const auto& default_value_tensor = context->input(kDefaultValueInputIndex);
484 VALUE_TYPE* output_base = output_tensor->flat<VALUE_TYPE>().data();
486 TensorShape element_shape = output_tensor->shape();
487 element_shape.RemoveDimRange(0, ragged_rank + 1);
488 int value_element_size = element_shape.num_elements();
489 size_t output_index_size = output_index.size();
491 // Broadcast the default value to value_element_size. (We can skip this
492 // if default_value_tensor.NumElements() == 1, since we use std::fill
493 // when that's true.)
494 const VALUE_TYPE* default_value =
495 default_value_tensor.flat<VALUE_TYPE>().data();
496 Tensor bcast_default; // Temporary tensor for result of broadcast
497 if (default_value_tensor.NumElements() != value_element_size &&
498 default_value_tensor.NumElements() != 1) {
499 const auto& src_shape = default_value_tensor.shape();
500 BCast bcast(BCast::FromShape(src_shape), BCast::FromShape(element_shape),
501 /*fewer_dims_optimization=*/true);
502 // Note: bcast should always be valid, since we rejected any incompatible
503 // shapes when we called ValidateDefaultValueShape().
504 OP_REQUIRES(context, bcast.IsValid(),
505 errors::InvalidArgument("Error broadcasting default_value"));
506 OP_REQUIRES_OK(context,
507 context->allocate_temp(default_value_tensor.dtype(),
508 element_shape, &bcast_default));
509 const CPUDevice& device = context->eigen_device<CPUDevice>();
510 functor::BroadcastTo<CPUDevice, VALUE_TYPE>()(
511 device, context, bcast_default, element_shape, default_value_tensor,
512 src_shape, bcast);
513 default_value = bcast_default.flat<VALUE_TYPE>().data();
514 }
516 // Loop through the output_index vector, finding contiguous regions that
517 // should be copied. Once we find the end of a contiguous region, copy it
518 // and add any necessary padding (with default_value).
519 INDEX_TYPE src_start = 0; // Start of contiguous region (in values)
520 INDEX_TYPE dst_start = 0; // Destination for contiguous region (in output)
521 INDEX_TYPE dst_end = 0; // Destination for contiguous region (in output)
522 for (int src_i = 0; src_i <= output_index_size; ++src_i) {
523 // dst_i is the destination where the value at src_i should be copied.
524 INDEX_TYPE dst_i = src_i < output_index_size ? output_index[src_i] : -1;
526 // If we're still in a contiguous region, then update dst_end go to the
527 // next src_i.
528 if (dst_i == dst_end) {
529 ++dst_end;
530 continue;
531 }
533 // We found the end of contiguous region. This can be because we found
534 // a gap (dst_i > dst_end), or a source value that shouldn't be copied
535 // because it's out-of-bounds (dst_i == -1), or the end of the tensor
536 // (dst_i = -1).
537 if (dst_start < dst_end) {
538 // Copy the contiguous region.
539 const VALUE_TYPE* src = values_base + src_start * value_element_size;
540 VALUE_TYPE* dst = output_base + dst_start * value_element_size;
541 INDEX_TYPE nvals = (dst_end - dst_start) * value_element_size;
542 copy_array<VALUE_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE>(dst, src, nvals);
543 }
545 // Add any necessary padding (w/ default_value).
546 if (src_i >= output_index_size) {
547 // We reached the end of values: pad to the end of output.
548 size_t output_size = output_tensor->NumElements();
549 dst_i = output_size / value_element_size;
550 }
551 if (dst_i > dst_end) {
552 if (default_value_tensor.NumElements() == 1) {
553 std::fill(output_base + dst_end * value_element_size,
554 output_base + dst_i * value_element_size, *default_value);
555 dst_end = dst_i;
556 } else {
557 while (dst_i > dst_end) {
558 VALUE_TYPE* dst = output_base + dst_end * value_element_size;
559 copy_array<VALUE_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE>(dst, default_value,
560 value_element_size);
561 ++dst_end;
562 }
563 }
564 }
566 // Update indices.
567 if (dst_i < 0) {
568 // src_i should be skipped -- leave it out of the contiguous region.
569 src_start = src_i + 1;
570 dst_start = dst_end;
571 } else {
572 // src_i should be copied -- include it in the contiguous region.
573 src_start = src_i;
574 dst_start = dst_end;
575 dst_end = dst_start + 1;
576 }
577 }
578 }
581#define REGISTER_CPU_KERNEL_INDEX_TYPE(value_type, index_type) \
582 REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("RaggedTensorToTensor") \
583 .Device(DEVICE_CPU) \
584 .TypeConstraint<value_type>("T") \
585 .TypeConstraint<index_type>("Tindex"), \
586 RaggedTensorToTensorOp<value_type, index_type>);
588#define REGISTER_CPU_KERNEL(value_type) \
589 REGISTER_CPU_KERNEL_INDEX_TYPE(value_type, int64_t); \
590 REGISTER_CPU_KERNEL_INDEX_TYPE(value_type, tensorflow::int32);
600} // namespace
601} // namespace tensorflow