1/*===- TableGen'erated file -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
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3|* Interface Definitions *|
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5|* Automatically generated file, do not edit! *|
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9/// Given a block argument that is a control token, return the associated
10/// data argument.
11mlir::BlockArgument mlir::tfg::ControlArgumentInterface::getDataValueOf(BlockArgument ctl) {
12 return getImpl()->getDataValueOf(ctl);
13 }
14/// Given a block argument that is a data value, return the associated
15/// control token.
16mlir::BlockArgument mlir::tfg::ControlArgumentInterface::getControlTokenOf(BlockArgument data) {
17 return getImpl()->getControlTokenOf(data);
18 }
19/// Get the data value corresponding to a given argument index.
20mlir::BlockArgument mlir::tfg::ControlArgumentInterface::getDataValue(Region & region, unsigned idx) {
21 return getImpl()->getDataValue(region, idx);
22 }
23/// Get the control token corresponding to a given argument index.
24mlir::BlockArgument mlir::tfg::ControlArgumentInterface::getControlToken(Region & region, unsigned idx) {
25 return getImpl()->getControlToken(region, idx);
26 }
27/// Get the (potentially null) RegionAttr corresponding to the region
28/// at the given index.
29mlir::tfg::RegionAttr mlir::tfg::PreservedAttributesInterface::getPreservedAttrs(unsigned idx) {
30 return getImpl()->getPreservedAttrs(getImpl(), getOperation(), idx);
31 }
32/// Set the non-null RegionAttr corresponding to the region at the
33/// given index.
34void mlir::tfg::PreservedAttributesInterface::setPreservedAttrs(unsigned idx, RegionAttr attrs) {
35 return getImpl()->setPreservedAttrs(getImpl(), getOperation(), idx, attrs);
36 }
37/// Returns true if the current op is stateful, according to TensorFlow.
38bool mlir::tfg::TensorFlowRegistryInterface::isStateful() {
39 return getImpl()->isStateful(getImpl(), getOperation());
40 }