1/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13limitations under the License.
16// Master implements the service MasterService.
18// A Master maintains the state of live graph computation
19// sessions, each session orchestrates both local and remote devices
20// to carry out the graph computation.
22// A Master knows ahead of time local devices available as
23// client devices.
25// A Master discovers remote devices on-demand and keeps track of
26// statistics of those remote devices.
28// Each session analyzes the graph, places nodes across available
29// devices, and ultimately drives the graph computation by initiating
30// RunGraph on the workers.
32#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/master.h"
34#include <unordered_set>
35#include <vector>
37#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_set.h"
38#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/process_util.h"
39#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/remote_device.h"
40#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/worker_cache.h"
41#include "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/worker_interface.h"
42#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph_def_util.h"
43#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
44#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/notification.h"
45#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
46#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/cleanup.h"
47#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/map_util.h"
48#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
49#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
50#include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h"
51#include "tensorflow/core/platform/regexp.h"
52#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
53#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/cluster.pb.h"
54#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/master.pb.h"
55#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/worker.pb.h"
56#include "tensorflow/core/public/session_options.h"
57#include "tensorflow/core/util/device_name_utils.h"
59namespace tensorflow {
61namespace {
62constexpr char kGrpcPrefixRegex[] = "^grpc.*://";
63} // namespace
65Master::Master(MasterEnv* env, double session_gc_seconds)
66 : env_(env),
67 last_1000_steps_(1000),
68 step_count_(0),
69 session_gc_seconds_(session_gc_seconds),
70 recent_request_ids_(10000, env_->experimental_num_shards) {
71 // Right now, a master service must be co-located with a device.
72 // Otherwise, fetches do not work.
73 CHECK(!env->local_devices.empty());
74 DCHECK_GT(env_->experimental_num_shards, 0);
76 if (session_gc_seconds_ > 0.0) {
77 gc_thread_ = env_->env->StartThread(ThreadOptions(), "TF_master_GC",
78 [this]() { GC(); });
79 } else {
80 gc_thread_ = nullptr;
81 }
84Master::~Master() {
85 if (gc_thread_) {
86 mutex_lock l(mu_);
87 shutdown_ = true;
88 shutdown_cv_.notify_all();
89 delete gc_thread_;
90 }
93void Master::GC() {
94 Env* env = Env::Default();
95 while (true) {
96 mutex_lock l(mu_);
97 const int kTimeoutMilliseconds = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds.
98 WaitForMilliseconds(&l, &shutdown_cv_, kTimeoutMilliseconds);
99 if (shutdown_) {
100 break;
101 }
102 std::vector<string> handles;
103 const int64_t num_micros =
104 static_cast<int64_t>(session_gc_seconds_ * 1000000);
105 for (const auto& entry : sessions_) {
106 int64_t lat = entry.second->last_access_time_usec();
107 if (static_cast<int64_t>(env->NowMicros()) - lat > num_micros) {
108 handles.push_back(entry.first);
109 auto* sess = entry.second;
110 SchedClosure([this, sess]() {
111 LOG(WARNING) << "GC session " << sess->handle() << " after "
112 << session_gc_seconds_ << " seconds. "
113 << "Note that if you are starting multiple replicas "
114 << "on a staggered delay, session_gc_seconds may need "
115 << "to be raised.";
116 sess->GarbageCollect();
117 });
118 }
119 }
120 for (const auto& handle : handles) sessions_.erase(handle);
121 }
124MasterSession* Master::FindMasterSession(const string& handle) {
125 MasterSession* session = nullptr;
126 {
127 mutex_lock l(mu_);
128 session = gtl::FindPtrOrNull(sessions_, handle);
129 if (session != nullptr) {
130 session->Ref();
131 }
132 }
133 return session;
136class DeviceFinder {
137 public:
138 static Status GetRemoteDevices(
139 const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<string>& device_filters, MasterEnv* env,
140 WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache,
141 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>* out_remote) {
142 DeviceFinder finder(device_filters, env, worker_cache);
143 finder.Start();
144 TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(finder.Wait());
145 finder.GetRemoteDevices(env->local_devices, out_remote);
146 return OkStatus();
147 }
149 static void GetRemoteWorkers(
150 const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<string>& device_filters, MasterEnv* env,
151 WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache, std::vector<string>* workers) {
152 DeviceFinder finder(device_filters, env, worker_cache);
153 *workers = finder.targets_;
154 }
156 private:
157 explicit DeviceFinder(
158 const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<string>& device_filters, MasterEnv* env,
159 WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache)
160 : env_(env), worker_cache_(worker_cache) {
161 CHECK(worker_cache) << "Worker cache was null!";
162 auto process_filter = [this](const string& filter) {
163 DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName parsed;
164 if (DeviceNameUtils::ParseFullName(filter, &parsed)) {
165 filters_.push_back(parsed);
166 } else {
167 LOG(FATAL) << "Skipping invalid filter: " << filter;
168 }
169 };
170 for (const string& filter : device_filters) {
171 process_filter(filter);
172 }
173 // Enumerates all known workers' target. A target name is a
174 // prefix of a device name. E.g., /job:mnist/replica:0/task:10.
175 if (filters_.empty()) {
176 // If no filters were specified, we list all known workers in
177 // `worker_cache`.
178 std::vector<string> workers;
179 worker_cache->ListWorkers(&workers);
180 std::swap(workers, targets_);
181 } else {
182 // When applying filters, we must include the local worker, even if it
183 // does not match any of the filters.
184 CHECK_GT(env_->local_devices.size(), 0) << "No local devices provided.";
185 const string& local_device_name = env_->local_devices[0]->name();
186 DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName local_parsed_name;
187 CHECK(DeviceNameUtils::ParseFullName(local_device_name,
188 &local_parsed_name));
189 bool all_filters_have_job = true;
190 std::unordered_set<string> filter_job_names({local_parsed_name.job});
191 for (const DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName& filter : filters_) {
192 all_filters_have_job = all_filters_have_job && filter.has_job;
193 if (filter.has_job) {
194 filter_job_names.insert(filter.job);
195 }
196 }
198 std::vector<string> workers;
199 if (all_filters_have_job) {
200 // If all of the device filters have a job specified, then we only need
201 // to list the workers in the jobs named in the filter, because a worker
202 // in any other job would not match any filter.
203 for (const string& job_name : filter_job_names) {
204 VLOG(2) << "Selectively listing workers in job: " << job_name;
205 std::vector<string> workers_in_job;
206 worker_cache->ListWorkersInJob(job_name, &workers_in_job);
207 workers.insert(workers.end(), workers_in_job.begin(),
208 workers_in_job.end());
209 }
210 } else {
211 // If any of the device filters does not have a job specified, then we
212 // must list the workers from all jobs.
213 VLOG(2) << "Listing workers in all jobs because some device "
214 << "filter has no job specified. Filters were:";
215 if (device_filters.empty()) {
216 VLOG(2) << "- <NO FILTERS>";
217 } else {
218 for (const string& filter : device_filters) {
219 VLOG(2) << "- " << filter;
220 }
221 }
222 worker_cache->ListWorkers(&workers);
223 }
224 for (const string& name : workers) {
225 if (MatchFilters(name) ||
226 DeviceNameUtils::IsSameAddressSpace(name, local_device_name)) {
227 targets_.push_back(name);
228 }
229 }
230 }
231 seen_targets_.assign(targets_.size(), false);
232 }
234 ~DeviceFinder() {
235 for (Device* dev : found_) delete dev;
236 }
238 void Start() {
239 {
240 mutex_lock l(mu_);
241 num_pending_ = targets_.size();
242 if (num_pending_ == 0) {
243 pending_zero_.notify_all();
244 }
245 }
246 // Talk to all workers to get the list of available devices.
247 using std::placeholders::_1;
248 using std::placeholders::_2;
249 for (size_t i = 0; i < targets_.size(); ++i) {
250 // TODO(mrry): Propagate a timeout here, since `this->WhenFound()` may
251 // never be called.
252 NewRemoteDevices(env_->env, worker_cache_, targets_[i],
253 std::bind(&ME::WhenFound, this, i, _1, _2));
254 }
255 }
257 // Every `kLoggingPeriodMs`, while the DeviceFinder is still waiting
258 // to hear from workers, log a list of the workers who have not
259 // responded.
260 const int32 kLoggingPeriodMs = 10 * 1000;
262 Status Wait() {
263 mutex_lock l(mu_);
264 // TODO(mrry): Propagate a timeout here, since `num_pending_` may
265 // never become zero.
266 while (num_pending_ != 0) {
267 pending_zero_.wait_for(l, std::chrono::milliseconds(kLoggingPeriodMs));
268 if (num_pending_ != 0) {
269 for (size_t i = 0; i < targets_.size(); ++i) {
270 if (!seen_targets_[i]) {
272 << "CreateSession still waiting for response from worker: "
273 << targets_[i];
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 return status_;
279 }
281 // The caller takes the ownership of returned remote devices.
282 void GetRemoteDevices(const std::vector<Device*>& local,
283 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>* remote) {
284 std::unordered_set<string> names(local.size());
285 for (Device* dev : local) names.insert(dev->name());
286 mutex_lock l(mu_);
287 for (Device* dev : found_) {
288 const string& name = dev->name();
289 if (names.insert(name).second && MatchFilters(name)) {
290 remote->push_back(std::unique_ptr<Device>(dev));
291 } else {
292 delete dev;
293 }
294 }
295 found_.clear();
296 }
298 typedef DeviceFinder ME;
299 const MasterEnv* env_;
300 WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache_;
301 std::vector<DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName> filters_;
303 mutex mu_;
304 int num_pending_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
305 condition_variable pending_zero_;
306 std::vector<Device*> found_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
307 // List of targets to be contacted by this DeviceFinder. The
308 // respective `bool` in `seen_targets_` indicates whether we have
309 // heard from this target or not.
310 std::vector<string> targets_;
311 std::vector<bool> seen_targets_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
312 Status status_;
314 void WhenFound(int target_index, const Status& s,
315 std::vector<Device*>* devices) {
316 mutex_lock l(mu_);
317 seen_targets_[target_index] = true;
318 if (!s.ok()) {
319 LOG(ERROR) << "CreateSession failed because worker "
320 << targets_[target_index] << " returned error: " << s;
321 status_.Update(s);
322 } else {
323 found_.insert(found_.end(), devices->begin(), devices->end());
324 devices->clear();
325 }
326 --num_pending_;
327 if (num_pending_ == 0) {
328 pending_zero_.notify_all();
329 }
330 }
332 // Returns true iff the set of devices allowed by 'x' intersects
333 // with the set of devices allowed by 'y'.
334 bool Intersects(const DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName& x,
335 const DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName& y) {
336 return (!x.has_job || !y.has_job || x.job == y.job) &&
337 (!x.has_replica || !y.has_replica || x.replica == y.replica) &&
338 (!x.has_task || !y.has_task || x.task == y.task) &&
339 (!x.has_type || !y.has_type || x.type == y.type) &&
340 (!x.has_id || !y.has_id || x.id == y.id);
341 }
343 // Returns true iff 'name' matches one of the filters_.
344 bool MatchFilters(const string& name) {
345 if (filters_.empty()) return true;
346 DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName x;
347 if (DeviceNameUtils::ParseFullName(name, &x)) {
348 for (const auto& filter : filters_) {
349 if (Intersects(x, filter)) return true;
350 }
351 }
352 return false;
353 }
358void Master::CreateSession(const CreateSessionRequest* req,
359 CreateSessionResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
360 SchedClosure([this, req, resp, done]() {
361 Status status;
362 WorkerCacheFactoryOptions worker_cache_factory_options;
363 string grpc_protocol("grpc");
364 worker_cache_factory_options.protocol = &grpc_protocol;
365 auto call_done = gtl::MakeCleanup([&status, &done] { done(status); });
366 status = ValidateExternalGraphDefSyntax(req->graph_def());
367 if (!status.ok()) return;
369 // The following 4 variables are set differently, depending on whether this
370 // session uses a client-provided clusterspec or not.
371 WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache = nullptr;
372 // Note: worker_cache_ptr will be null except if this session is using a
373 // client-supplied ClusterDef (ClusterSpec propagation).
374 std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache_ptr;
375 std::unique_ptr<DeviceSet> device_set;
376 // TODO(saeta): Convert to std::make_unique when available.
377 std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>> remote_devices(
378 new std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>());
380 const ClusterDef& cluster_def = req->config().cluster_def();
381 if (!cluster_def.job().empty()) {
382 worker_cache_factory_options.cluster_def = &cluster_def;
383 // If the target starts with gRPC protocol prefix, remove the prefix
384 string normalized_string(req->target());
385 RE2::Replace(&normalized_string, kGrpcPrefixRegex, "");
387 // Set the server_def's job_name and task_index fields.
388 for (auto&& job : cluster_def.job()) {
389 for (auto&& task : job.tasks()) {
390 if (task.second == normalized_string) {
391 if (worker_cache_factory_options.job_name != nullptr) {
392 status = errors::InvalidArgument(
393 "Found multiple matching tasks that correspond to "
394 "to the master. Master target: '",
395 req->target(),
396 "'. ClusterDef: ", cluster_def.ShortDebugString());
397 LOG(ERROR) << status;
398 return;
399 }
400 if (env_->local_devices[0]->parsed_name().job == job.name() &&
401 env_->local_devices[0]->parsed_name().task == task.first) {
402 // TODO(b/37868888): Remove this limitation when resolved
403 status = errors::InvalidArgument(
404 "The ClusterSpec names the job and task index to be the same "
405 "names that were provided when the server booted. This is "
406 "currently not allowed. Job: ",
407 job.name(), ", task index: ", task.first);
408 return;
409 }
410 worker_cache_factory_options.job_name = &job.name();
411 worker_cache_factory_options.task_index = task.first;
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 worker_cache_factory_options.rpc_options = &req->config().rpc_options();
416 // Create the worker cache from the computed server_def.
417 status = env_->worker_cache_factory(worker_cache_factory_options,
418 &worker_cache);
419 if (!status.ok()) return;
420 worker_cache_ptr = std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface>(worker_cache);
421 // Ping all the workers and build the list of devices that the
422 // session will use.
423 status =
424 DeviceFinder::GetRemoteDevices(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
425 worker_cache, remote_devices.get());
426 if (!status.ok()) return;
427 device_set.reset(new DeviceSet);
428 for (auto&& d : *remote_devices) {
429 device_set->AddDevice(d.get());
430 DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName name = d->parsed_name();
431 if (name.job == *worker_cache_factory_options.job_name &&
432 name.task == worker_cache_factory_options.task_index &&
433 name.type == "CPU" && name.id == 0) {
434 device_set->set_client_device(d.get());
435 }
436 }
437 } else {
438 worker_cache = env_->worker_cache;
439 // Ping all the workers and build the list of devices that the
440 // session will use.
441 status =
442 DeviceFinder::GetRemoteDevices(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
443 worker_cache, remote_devices.get());
444 if (!status.ok()) return;
445 device_set.reset(new DeviceSet);
446 for (auto&& d : *remote_devices) {
447 device_set->AddDevice(d.get());
448 }
449 int num_local_devices = 0;
450 for (Device* d : env_->local_devices) {
451 device_set->AddDevice(d);
452 if (num_local_devices == 0) {
453 // Uses the first local device as the client device.
454 device_set->set_client_device(d);
455 }
456 num_local_devices++;
457 }
458 }
460 CHECK(device_set->client_device()) << "No client device found. Missing "
461 << "CPU:0 device?";
463 SessionOptions options;
464 options.target = req->target();
465 options.config = req->config();
467 std::vector<string> filtered_worker_list;
468 DeviceFinder::GetRemoteWorkers(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
469 worker_cache, &filtered_worker_list);
471 MasterSession* session = env_->master_session_factory(
472 options, env_, std::move(remote_devices), std::move(worker_cache_ptr),
473 std::move(device_set), std::move(filtered_worker_list));
475 GraphDef* gdef =
476 const_cast<CreateSessionRequest*>(req)->mutable_graph_def();
478 status = session->Create(std::move(*gdef), cluster_def);
479 if (!status.ok()) {
480 session->Close().IgnoreError();
481 session->Unref();
482 return;
483 }
484 resp->set_session_handle(session->handle());
485 // Insert into the session map, which takes ownership of the session.
486 {
487 mutex_lock l(mu_);
488 CHECK(sessions_.insert({session->handle(), session}).second);
489 }
490 });
493void Master::ExtendSession(const ExtendSessionRequest* req,
494 ExtendSessionResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
495 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
496 if (session == nullptr) {
497 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
498 return;
499 }
501 SchedClosure([session, req, resp, done]() {
502 Status status = ValidateExternalGraphDefSyntax(req->graph_def());
503 if (status.ok()) {
504 status = session->Extend(req, resp);
505 }
506 session->Unref();
507 done(status);
508 });
511void Master::PartialRunSetup(const PartialRunSetupRequest* req,
512 PartialRunSetupResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
513 Status s = recent_request_ids_.TrackUnique(req->request_id(),
514 "PartialRunSetup (Master)", *req);
515 if (!s.ok()) {
516 done(s);
517 return;
518 }
519 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
520 if (session == nullptr) {
521 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
522 return;
523 }
525 SchedClosure([session, req, resp, done]() {
526 Status s = session->PartialRunSetup(req, resp);
527 session->Unref();
528 done(s);
529 });
532void Master::RunStep(CallOptions* opts, const RunStepRequestWrapper* req,
533 MutableRunStepResponseWrapper* resp, MyClosure done) {
534 Status s = recent_request_ids_.TrackUnique(req->request_id(),
535 "RunStep (Master)", req);
536 if (!s.ok()) {
537 done(s);
538 return;
539 }
540 auto start_time = env_->env->NowMicros();
541 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
542 if (session == nullptr) {
543 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
544 return;
545 }
547 SchedClosure([this, start_time, session, opts, req, resp, done]() {
548 Status status = session->Run(opts, *req, resp);
549 session->Unref();
550 uint64 done_time = env_->env->NowMicros();
551 done(status);
552 mutex_lock l(mu_);
553 last_1000_steps_.AddValue((done_time - start_time) / 1e9);
554 ++step_count_;
555 });
558void Master::CloseSession(const CloseSessionRequest* req,
559 CloseSessionResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
560 MasterSession* session = nullptr;
561 {
562 mu_.lock();
563 auto iter = sessions_.find(req->session_handle());
564 if (iter == sessions_.end()) {
565 mu_.unlock();
566 done(errors::Aborted(
567 "Session ", req->session_handle(),
568 " is not found. Possibly, this master has restarted."));
569 return;
570 }
571 // NOTE(mrry): One reference to the session is transferred from
572 // `sessions_[req->session_handle()]` to `session`.
573 session = iter->second;
574 sessions_.erase(iter);
575 mu_.unlock();
576 }
578 // Session Close() blocks on thread shutdown. Therefore, we need to
579 // delete it in non-critical thread.
580 SchedClosure([session, done]() {
581 Status s = session->Close();
582 session->Unref();
583 done(s);
584 });
587void Master::ListDevices(const ListDevicesRequest* req,
588 ListDevicesResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
589 SchedClosure([this, req, resp, done]() {
590 if (!req->session_handle().empty()) {
591 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
592 if (session == nullptr) {
593 done(errors::InvalidArgument(
594 "Session ", req->session_handle(),
595 " is not found. Possibly, this master has restarted."));
596 return;
597 }
598 core::ScopedUnref ref(session);
599 Status s = session->ListDevices(resp);
600 done(s);
601 return;
602 }
603 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>> remote_devices;
604 Status s = DeviceFinder::GetRemoteDevices({}, env_, env_->worker_cache,
605 &remote_devices);
606 if (s.ok()) {
607 for (Device* dev : env_->local_devices) {
608 *(resp->add_local_device()) = dev->attributes();
609 }
610 for (auto&& dev : remote_devices) {
611 *(resp->add_remote_device()) = dev->attributes();
612 }
613 }
614 done(s);
615 });
618void Master::CleanupWorkers(const ResetRequest& reset) {
619 std::vector<string> worker_names;
620 DeviceFinder::GetRemoteWorkers(reset.device_filters(), env_,
621 env_->worker_cache, &worker_names);
622 if (!worker_names.empty()) {
623 const int num_workers = worker_names.size();
624 std::vector<Notification> n(num_workers);
625 CleanupAllRequest req;
626 (*req.mutable_container()) = reset.container();
627 std::vector<CleanupAllResponse> resp(num_workers);
628 int c = 0;
629 for (int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i) {
630 const string& worker_name = worker_names[i];
631 auto worker = env_->worker_cache->GetOrCreateWorker(worker_name);
632 if (worker) {
633 worker->CleanupAllAsync(
634 &req, &resp[i], [this, &n, worker_name, worker, c](Status s) {
635 TF_CHECK_OK(s);
636 env_->worker_cache->ReleaseWorker(worker_name, worker);
637 n[c].Notify();
638 });
639 } else {
640 n[c].Notify();
641 }
642 ++c;
643 }
644 for (size_t i = 0; i < n.size(); ++i) {
645 n[i].WaitForNotification();
646 }
647 }
650void Master::Reset(const ResetRequest* req, ResetResponse* resp,
651 MyClosure done) {
652 // Vector to hold the session pointers present in the sessions_
653 // (string->Session*) map.
654 std::vector<MasterSession*> sessions_to_close;
655 {
656 mutex_lock l(mu_);
657 // NOTE(mrry): Transfer one reference to each session from the
658 // `sessions_` map to the `sessions_to_close` vector.
659 for (const auto& entry : sessions_) {
660 sessions_to_close.push_back(entry.second);
661 }
662 sessions_.clear();
663 }
665 CleanupWorkers(*req);
667 SchedClosure([sessions_to_close, done]() {
668 Status s;
669 for (MasterSession* session : sessions_to_close) {
670 s.Update(session->Close());
671 session->Unref();
672 }
673 done(s);
674 });
677void Master::MakeCallable(const MakeCallableRequest* req,
678 MakeCallableResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
679 Status s = recent_request_ids_.TrackUnique(req->request_id(),
680 "MakeCallable (Master)", *req);
681 if (!s.ok()) {
682 done(s);
683 return;
684 }
685 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
686 if (session == nullptr) {
687 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
688 return;
689 }
691 SchedClosure([session, req, resp, done = std::move(done)]() {
692 Status s = session->MakeCallable(*req, resp);
693 session->Unref();
694 done(s);
695 });
698void Master::RunCallable(CallOptions* opts, const RunCallableRequest* req,
699 RunCallableResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
700 Status s = recent_request_ids_.TrackUnique(req->request_id(),
701 "RunCallable (Master)", *req);
702 if (!s.ok()) {
703 done(s);
704 return;
705 }
706 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
707 if (session == nullptr) {
708 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
709 return;
710 }
712 SchedClosure([session, opts, req, resp, done = std::move(done)]() {
713 Status s = session->RunCallable(opts, *req, resp);
714 session->Unref();
715 done(s);
716 });
719void Master::ReleaseCallable(const ReleaseCallableRequest* req,
720 ReleaseCallableResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
721 auto session = FindMasterSession(req->session_handle());
722 if (session == nullptr) {
723 done(errors::Aborted("Session ", req->session_handle(), " is not found."));
724 return;
725 }
727 SchedClosure([session, req, resp, done = std::move(done)]() {
728 Status s = session->ReleaseCallable(*req, resp);
729 session->Unref();
730 done(s);
731 });
734} // end namespace tensorflow