1/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13limitations under the License.
18#include <functional>
19#include <unordered_map>
21// clang-format off
22// Required for IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM
23#include "tensorflow/core/platform/platform.h"
24// clang-format on
26#include "absl/types/optional.h"
27#include "absl/types/variant.h"
28#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/composite_device.h"
29#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_mgr.h"
30#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_set.h"
31#include "tensorflow/core/framework/function.h"
32#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
33#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
34#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.pb.h"
35#if !defined(IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM)
36#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/remote_tensor_handle.pb.h"
39namespace tensorflow {
41class FunctionArgsInterface {
42 public:
43 virtual ~FunctionArgsInterface() {}
45 virtual bool HasRemoteOrPackedInputs() const = 0;
47 virtual Status GetLocalArg(const FunctionArgIndex& index,
48 Tensor* val) const = 0;
50 virtual std::vector<Tensor> GetLocalTensors() const = 0;
52#if !defined(IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM)
53 virtual Status GetRemoteArg(const FunctionArgIndex& index,
54 eager::RemoteTensorHandle* val) const {
55 return errors::Unimplemented(
56 "Serializing a remote argument is not implemented.");
57 }
61// A class that stores all the FunctionLibraryRuntime objects, one per device.
62class ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime {
63 public:
64 // Creates FunctionLibraryRuntime objects for each device in the provided
65 // DeviceMgr. Caller needs to make sure that device_mgr, lib_def and parent
66 // (if provided) outlive this object.
67 ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime(
68 const DeviceMgr* device_mgr, Env* env, const ConfigProto* config,
69 int graph_def_version, const FunctionLibraryDefinition* lib_def,
70 const OptimizerOptions& optimizer_options,
71 thread::ThreadPool* thread_pool = nullptr,
72 DistributedFunctionLibraryRuntime* parent = nullptr,
73 const SessionMetadata* session_metadata = nullptr,
74 Rendezvous::Factory rendezvous_factory = Rendezvous::Factory());
76 ~ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime() {
77 // Deleting the FunctionLibraryRuntime map will delete the function handles
78 // registered in it, which may call ReleaseHandle in this class again to
79 // release their sub-function. These circular calls may cause segfault
80 // since the flr_map_ may have already been deleted. Explicitly releasing
81 // flr_map_ here and checking flr_map_ in ReleaseHandle to avoid this.
82 flr_map_.reset();
83 }
85 // Sends `tensors_to_send` from `source_device` to `target_device` using
86 // `rendezvous`. `key_prefix` is used as a prefix for the keys sent to the
87 // Rendezvous. `device_context` should be the DeviceContext of the device
88 // doing the sending. `alloc_attrs` should either be empty or be the size of
89 // `tensors_to_send` and indicates how the input tensors are allocated. Method
90 // takes references on each of the `tensors_to_send`. Method doesn't block.
91 static Status SendTensors(const string& source_device,
92 const string& target_device,
93 const string& key_prefix, int64_t src_incarnation,
94 gtl::ArraySlice<Tensor> tensors_to_send,
95 DeviceContext* device_context,
96 const std::vector<AllocatorAttributes>& alloc_attrs,
97 RendezvousInterface* rendezvous);
99 // Receives `received_tensors` from `target_device` (originally sent from
100 // `source_device`) using `rendezvous`. Uses `key_prefix` to construct the
101 // keys to be retrieved. `device_context` should be for the device receiving
102 // the tensors. `alloc_attrs` indicates how to allocate the received
103 // tensors and should either be empty or `num_tensors` in size. Method doesn't
104 // block and calls `done` when `num_tensors` are fetched.
105 static void ReceiveTensorsAsync(
106 const string& source_device, const string& target_device,
107 const string& key_prefix, int64_t src_incarnation, int64_t num_tensors,
108 DeviceContext* device_context,
109 const std::vector<AllocatorAttributes>& alloc_attrs,
110 RendezvousInterface* rendezvous, std::vector<Tensor>* received_tensors,
111 StatusCallback done);
113 static const char kDefaultFLRDevice[];
114 // Returns the FunctionLibraryRuntime for the corresponding device_name.
115 FunctionLibraryRuntime* GetFLR(const string& device_name) const;
117 // Returns the return types for the function identified by handle `h`.
118 Status GetRetTypes(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle h,
119 DataTypeVector* ret_types);
121 // Returns the device incarnation for the given device_name.
122 Status GetDeviceIncarnation(const string& device_name,
123 int64_t* incarnation) const;
125 // For a given canonicalized key signature of the function instantiated
126 // on device `device_name` and a `local_handle`, creates a handle and returns
127 // that value. Uses core/common_runtime/framework/function.h::Canonicalize
128 // to canonicalize the function signature.
129 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle AddHandle(
130 const string& function_key, const string& device_name,
131 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle local_handle);
133 // Returns a handle if found for the given key, else returns kInvalidHandle.
134 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle GetHandle(const string& function_key) const;
136 // For the given handle instantiated on device `device_name` returns the local
137 // index of instantiation of that function. If the function was not
138 // instantiated on `device_name` or the function is multi-device,
139 // returns kInvalidLocalHandle.
140 //
141 // If `include_multi_device` is true and `handle` is a multi-device function
142 // with a single component that is placed on `device_name`, then this method
143 // will return the local handle for that component.
144 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle GetHandleOnDevice(
145 const string& device_name, FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
146 bool include_multi_device = false) const;
148 // Fills `output_devices` with the devices on which the results will
149 // be produced. If some output is produced on CPU, the corresponding Device*
150 // is set to nullptr. If some output is DT_RESOURCE, the corresponding Device*
151 // is set to the device backing the resource.
152 // REQUIRES: `handle` identifies a multi-device function.
153 Status GetOutputDevices(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
154 std::vector<Device*>* output_devices) const;
156 // Instantiates the function. See framework/function.h for more details.
157 // Allows for function_name to be instantiated on different devices
158 // as specified in attrs.
159 Status Instantiate(const string& function_name, AttrSlice attrs,
160 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::InstantiateOptions& options,
161 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle* handle);
163 // Returns whether the function represented by the given handle needs to
164 // execute cross process.
165 Status IsCrossProcess(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
166 bool* is_cross_process) const;
168 // TODO(iga): Reword
169 // Pins each arg that emits a `DT_RESOURCE` tensor to the device on which the
170 // corresponding resource lives. This ensures that the Placer assigns ops that
171 // access these resources to the appropriate devices.
172 static Status PinArgsAndRets(const std::vector<string>& input_devices,
173 const std::vector<string>& output_devices,
174 const DeviceSet& device_set,
175 const std::vector<Node*>& arg_nodes,
176 const std::vector<Node*>& ret_nodes,
177 const FunctionLibraryDefinition* lib_def,
178 Device* default_device);
180 // Delegates to the local FLR that owns state corresponding to `handle` and
181 // tells it to release it. If the `handle` isn't needed at all, the local FLR
182 // might call RemoveHandle on this to get rid of the state owned by the Proc
183 // FLR.
184 // For multi-device functions, calls ReleaseHandle on local FLRs for each
185 // component function that is part of this multi-device function.
186 // Each local FLR might call RemoveHandle on this.
187 Status ReleaseHandle(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle);
189 // Runs the function with given `handle`. Function could have been
190 // instantiated on any device. More details in framework/function.h
191 void Run(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
192 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle, gtl::ArraySlice<Tensor> args,
193 std::vector<Tensor>* rets,
194 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done) const;
195 void Run(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
196 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle, CallFrameInterface* frame,
197 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done) const;
199 void Run(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
200 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
201 const FunctionArgsInterface& args, std::vector<FunctionRet>* rets,
202 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done) const;
204 Status RunSync(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
205 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
206 gtl::ArraySlice<Tensor> args, std::vector<Tensor>* rets) const;
207 Status RunSync(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
208 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
209 CallFrameInterface* frame) const;
211 const DeviceMgr* device_mgr() { return device_mgr_; }
213 const std::shared_ptr<DeviceSet> device_set() const {
214 tf_shared_lock l(mu_);
215 return device_set_;
216 }
218 // Initialize the set of local and remote devices and corresponding flr for op
219 // device selection.
220 void InitializeDeviceAndFlr();
222 const ConfigProto* config() const { return config_ ? &(*config_) : nullptr; }
224 const FunctionLibraryDefinition* GetFunctionLibraryDefinition() const {
225 return lib_def_;
226 }
228 // Add a CompositeDevice to `device_set_`
229 void AddCompositeDevice(CompositeDevice* d) TF_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mu_) {
230 mutex_lock l(mu_);
231 device_set_->AddDevice(d);
232 composite_devices_.push_back(d);
233 }
235 protected:
236 friend class FunctionLibraryRuntimeImpl;
238 struct InternalArgs {
239 std::vector<FunctionArg> args;
240#if !defined(IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM)
241 // Holds the RemoteTensorHandles referred by args.
242 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<eager::RemoteTensorHandle>> remote_args;
244 };
246 // Structure detailing the asynchronous assumptions of a component function,
247 // such as whether it can support synchronous execution and any information
248 // needed to execute in proper order to resolve inter-subgraph dependencies.
249 class AsyncAttributes {
250 public:
251 enum Summary { kSafeForSync = 0, kSendOnly, kRecvOnly, kAsyncRequired };
253 AsyncAttributes()
254 : allow_control_flow_sync_execution_(false), summary_(kSafeForSync) {}
255 explicit AsyncAttributes(const Graph* graph,
256 bool allow_control_flow_sync_execution)
257 : allow_control_flow_sync_execution_(allow_control_flow_sync_execution),
258 summary_(Summarize(graph)) {}
259 Summary summary() const { return summary_; }
260 bool allow_control_flow_sync_execution() const {
261 return allow_control_flow_sync_execution_;
262 }
264 private:
265 // This data member should be initialized before the summary_.
266 bool allow_control_flow_sync_execution_;
267 Summary summary_;
268 Summary Summarize(const Graph* graph);
269 };
271 // Structure to keep track of how a component function (a single-device
272 // piece of a multi-device function) fits into the multi-device function.
273 struct ComponentFunctionData {
274 // The handle for the instantiated component function.
275 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle;
276 // arg_indices.size() is the number of arguments to the component function.
277 // The i-th argument of the component function comes from the
278 // `arg_indices[i]`-th argument of the multi-device function.
279 std::vector<FunctionArgIndex> arg_indices;
280 // ret_indices.size() is the number of return values of the component
281 // function. The i-th return value of the component function goes to the
282 // `ret_indices[i]`-th return value of the multi-device function.
283 std::vector<int> ret_indices;
284 // arg_alloc_attrs[i] are the allocator attributes of the i-th argument to
285 // the component function.
286 std::vector<AllocatorAttributes> arg_alloc_attrs;
287 // ret_alloc_attrs[i] are the allocator attributes of the i-th return value
288 // of the component function.
289 std::vector<AllocatorAttributes> ret_alloc_attrs;
291 AsyncAttributes async_attributes;
292 };
294 // Data structure holding information for a single instantiated multi-device
295 // function.
296 // The fields are filled in during instantiation. Once the object is
297 // added to mdevice_data_, all fields are constant.
298 struct MultiDeviceFunctionData {
299 MultiDeviceFunctionData(const string& function_name,
300 const string& function_key, int num_outputs,
301 FunctionLibraryDefinition&& lib_def,
302 DataTypeVector ret_types)
303 : function_name_(function_name),
304 function_key_(function_key),
305 instantiation_counter_(1),
306 lib_def_(std::move(lib_def)),
307 num_outputs_(num_outputs),
308 ret_types_(std::move(ret_types)),
309 is_cross_process_(false),
310 has_remote_outputs(false) {}
312 const string function_name_;
313 const string function_key_;
314 uint64 instantiation_counter_;
315 // A library that contains definitions of component functions and their
316 // transitive dependencies.
317 FunctionLibraryDefinition lib_def_;
318 // Stored here to resize the output tensor vector when function is run.
319 const int num_outputs_;
320 DataTypeVector ret_types_;
322 // Indicates whether this function needs to execute cross process.
323 bool is_cross_process_;
324 // Indicates whether this function has remote outputs.
325 bool has_remote_outputs;
327 // Indicates if running this function synchronously is both allowed + safe.
328 bool enable_sync_execution;
330 // Maps the device name to the information about the component function
331 // be run on this device.
332 std::unordered_map<string, ComponentFunctionData> glue_;
333 };
335 struct CleanUpItem {
336 string device;
337 uint64 step_id;
338 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle local_handle;
339 };
341 // If `handle` represents a multi-device function, returns the multi-device
342 // data associated with `handle`. Else, nullptr.
343 MultiDeviceFunctionData* IsMultiDevice(
344 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle) const;
346 DistributedFunctionLibraryRuntime* const parent_;
348 private:
349 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle AddHandleLocked(
350 const string& function_key, const string& device_name,
351 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle local_handle)
354 // For a given device_name, returns a DeviceContext for copying
355 // tensors to/from the device.
356 Status GetDeviceContext(const string& device_name,
357 DeviceContext** device_context) const;
359 // Looks up the information for the given `handle` and returns the name
360 // of the device where the function is registered.
361 string GetDeviceName(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle) const;
363 // Removes handle from the state owned by this object.
364 Status RemoveHandle(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle);
366 // Clones ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime and FunctionLibraryDefinition
367 // (transferring ownership of both to the caller). Note that the
368 // ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime borrows a pointer to the
369 // FunctionLibraryDefinition and so the FunctionLibraryDefinition should
370 // outlive the ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime.
371 //
372 // The `skip_flib_def` argument controls whether the method should clone the
373 // FunctionLibraryDefinition (default behavior) or return an empty function
374 // library. The latter is used by tf.data, which manages
375 // FunctionLibraryDefinitions for its functions independently (and passes
376 // these into the FunctionLibraryRuntime through an overlay), to avoid linear
377 // runtime w.r.t. to number of functions in the current function library.
378 Status Clone(Env* env, int graph_def_version,
379 const OptimizerOptions& optimizer_options,
380 std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition>* out_lib_def,
381 std::unique_ptr<ProcessFunctionLibraryRuntime>* out_pflr,
382 bool skip_flib_def = false) const;
384 Status ReleaseMultiDeviceHandle(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle);
386 // Function graph related information after optimizations.
387 struct OptimizedFunctionGraphInfo {
388 // Optimized graph.
389 std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph;
390 // Optimized function library.
391 FunctionLibraryDefinition lib_def;
392 // Map from original node names to control return names.
393 std::unordered_map<string, string> node_name_to_control_ret;
394 // Return node types of the function.
395 DataTypeVector ret_types;
396 // Number of return nodes.
397 size_t num_return_nodes;
398 };
400 // Outputs graph optimization result after all the graph optimization (up till
401 // before graph partitioning); returns error if optimization fails.
402 StatusOr<OptimizedFunctionGraphInfo> OptimizeFunctionGraph(
403 const string& function_name, AttrSlice attrs,
404 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::InstantiateOptions& options,
405 const std::shared_ptr<DeviceSet>& dev_set);
407 Status InstantiateMultiDevice(
408 const string& function_name, AttrSlice attrs,
409 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::InstantiateOptions& options,
410 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle* handle);
412 void InstantiateRemote(
413 const string& function_name, AttrSlice attrs,
414 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::InstantiateOptions& options,
415 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle* handle,
416 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done);
418 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle AddMultiDeviceHandle(
419 const std::unique_ptr<MultiDeviceFunctionData> data,
420 const string& function_key);
422 bool HasMultiDeviceHandle(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle) const;
424 void RunInternal(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
425 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
426 gtl::ArraySlice<FunctionArg> args,
427 std::vector<FunctionRet>* rets,
428 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CleanUpItem>>* cleanup_items,
429 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done) const;
431 Status CreateRendezvous(FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
432 Rendezvous** created_rendezvous) const;
434 void CleanupCreatedRendezvous(const Rendezvous* created_rendezvous,
435 const int64_t step_id) const;
437 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback ApplyCleanUpToDoneCallback(
438 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CleanUpItem>>* items,
439 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done, const int64_t step_id,
440 const Rendezvous* rendezvous) const;
442 void CleanUp(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CleanUpItem>>* items,
443 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done) const;
445 static Status GetComponentArgs(gtl::ArraySlice<Tensor> args,
446 const ComponentFunctionData& comp_data,
447 InternalArgs* comp_args);
449#if !defined(IS_MOBILE_PLATFORM)
450 static Status GetComponentArgs(const FunctionArgsInterface& args,
451 const ComponentFunctionData& comp_data,
452 InternalArgs* comp_args);
455 std::vector<string> GetOrderedSubgraphs(
456 const MultiDeviceFunctionData* data) const;
458 Status PrepareRunMultiDevice(const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
459 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle,
460 const MultiDeviceFunctionData** data) const;
462 Status RunMultiDeviceSync(
463 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
464 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle, std::vector<FunctionRet>* rets,
465 std::function<Status(const ComponentFunctionData& comp_data,
466 InternalArgs* args)>
467 get_component_args) const;
469 void RunMultiDeviceAsync(
470 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::Options& opts,
471 FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle handle, std::vector<FunctionRet>* rets,
472 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CleanUpItem>>* cleanup_items,
473 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done,
474 std::function<Status(const ComponentFunctionData& comp_data,
475 InternalArgs* args)>
476 get_component_args) const;
478 // Data structure holding information for a single instantiated remote
479 // (to be executed on `target_device`) function.
480 class FunctionData {
481 public:
482 FunctionData(const string& target_device,
483 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle local_handle,
484 const string& function_key)
485 : target_device_(target_device),
486 local_handle_(local_handle),
487 function_key_(function_key) {}
489 const string& target_device() { return target_device_; }
490 const string& function_key() { return function_key_; }
492 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle local_handle() {
493 mutex_lock l(mu_);
494 return local_handle_;
495 }
497 // Initializes the FunctionData object by potentially making an Initialize
498 // call to the DistributedFunctionLibraryRuntime.
499 void DistributedInit(
500 DistributedFunctionLibraryRuntime* parent, const string& function_name,
501 const FunctionLibraryDefinition& lib_def, AttrSlice attrs,
502 const FunctionLibraryRuntime::InstantiateOptions& options,
503 FunctionLibraryRuntime::DoneCallback done);
505 bool is_cross_process() {
506 mutex_lock l(mu_);
507 return is_cross_process_;
508 }
510 private:
511 mutex mu_;
513 const string target_device_;
514 FunctionLibraryRuntime::LocalHandle local_handle_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
515 const string function_key_;
516 bool is_cross_process_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false;
517 bool init_started_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false;
518 Status init_result_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
519 Notification init_done_;
520 };
522 mutable mutex mu_;
524 Env* const env_;
525 const absl::optional<const ConfigProto> config_;
526 const DeviceMgr* const device_mgr_;
527 const FunctionLibraryDefinition* lib_def_;
528 thread::ThreadPool* default_thread_pool_;
530 // Cluster update can reinitialize the device_set_ due to remote device
531 // changes. At the same time, InstantiateMultiDevice can use the cached
532 // devices to instantiate multi-worker functions. Function instantiation would
533 // fail if it spans the changed remote devices.
534 std::shared_ptr<DeviceSet> device_set_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
536 // Composite devices owned by a EagerContext.
537 std::vector<CompositeDevice*> composite_devices_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
539 // Holds all the function instantiations. Maps function_keys to handles.
540 std::unordered_map<string, FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle> table_
541 TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
543 // Function data for instantiated remote functions.
544 std::unordered_map<FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle,
545 std::unique_ptr<FunctionData>>
546 function_data_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
548 // Function data for instantiated multi-device functions.
549 std::unordered_map<FunctionLibraryRuntime::Handle,
550 std::unique_ptr<MultiDeviceFunctionData>>
551 mdevice_data_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
553 std::unique_ptr<
554 std::unordered_map<Device*, std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryRuntime>>>
555 flr_map_;
556 int next_handle_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
557 const SessionMetadata* const session_metadata_;
558 const Rendezvous::Factory rendezvous_factory_;
560 const OptimizerOptions optimizer_options_;
561 const int graph_def_version_;
564} // namespace tensorflow