1// This file is MACHINE GENERATED! Do not edit.
6// This file is MACHINE GENERATED! Do not edit.
8#include "tensorflow/cc/framework/ops.h"
9#include "tensorflow/cc/framework/scope.h"
10#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
11#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
12#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
13#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
15namespace tensorflow {
16namespace ops {
17namespace internal {
18// NOTE: This namespace has internal TensorFlow details that
19// are not part of TensorFlow's public API.
21/// @defgroup image_ops_internal Image Ops Internal
22/// @{
24/// Extracts a glimpse from the input tensor.
26/// Returns a set of windows called glimpses extracted at location
27/// `offsets` from the input tensor. If the windows only partially
28/// overlaps the inputs, the non overlapping areas will be filled with
29/// random noise.
31/// The result is a 4-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, glimpse_height,
32/// glimpse_width, channels]`. The channels and batch dimensions are the
33/// same as that of the input tensor. The height and width of the output
34/// windows are specified in the `size` parameter.
36/// The argument `normalized` and `centered` controls how the windows are built:
38/// * If the coordinates are normalized but not centered, 0.0 and 1.0
39/// correspond to the minimum and maximum of each height and width
40/// dimension.
41/// * If the coordinates are both normalized and centered, they range from
42/// -1.0 to 1.0. The coordinates (-1.0, -1.0) correspond to the upper
43/// left corner, the lower right corner is located at (1.0, 1.0) and the
44/// center is at (0, 0).
45/// * If the coordinates are not normalized they are interpreted as
46/// numbers of pixels.
48/// Args:
49/// * scope: A Scope object
50/// * input: A 4-D float tensor of shape `[batch_size, height, width, channels]`.
51/// * size: A 1-D tensor of 2 elements containing the size of the glimpses
52/// to extract. The glimpse height must be specified first, following
53/// by the glimpse width.
54/// * offsets: A 2-D integer tensor of shape `[batch_size, 2]` containing
55/// the y, x locations of the center of each window.
57/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
58/// * centered: indicates if the offset coordinates are centered relative to
59/// the image, in which case the (0, 0) offset is relative to the center
60/// of the input images. If false, the (0,0) offset corresponds to the
61/// upper left corner of the input images.
62/// * normalized: indicates if the offset coordinates are normalized.
63/// * uniform_noise: indicates if the noise should be generated using a
64/// uniform distribution or a Gaussian distribution.
65/// * noise: indicates if the noise should `uniform`, `gaussian`, or
66/// `zero`. The default is `uniform` which means the noise type
67/// will be decided by `uniform_noise`.
69/// Returns:
70/// * `Output`: A tensor representing the glimpses `[batch_size,
71/// glimpse_height, glimpse_width, channels]`.
72class ExtractGlimpseV2 {
73 public:
74 /// Optional attribute setters for ExtractGlimpseV2
75 struct Attrs {
76 /// indicates if the offset coordinates are centered relative to
77 /// the image, in which case the (0, 0) offset is relative to the center
78 /// of the input images. If false, the (0,0) offset corresponds to the
79 /// upper left corner of the input images.
80 ///
81 /// Defaults to true
82 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs Centered(bool x) {
83 Attrs ret = *this;
84 ret.centered_ = x;
85 return ret;
86 }
88 /// indicates if the offset coordinates are normalized.
89 ///
90 /// Defaults to true
91 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs Normalized(bool x) {
92 Attrs ret = *this;
93 ret.normalized_ = x;
94 return ret;
95 }
97 /// indicates if the noise should be generated using a
98 /// uniform distribution or a Gaussian distribution.
99 ///
100 /// Defaults to true
101 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs UniformNoise(bool x) {
102 Attrs ret = *this;
103 ret.uniform_noise_ = x;
104 return ret;
105 }
107 /// indicates if the noise should `uniform`, `gaussian`, or
108 /// `zero`. The default is `uniform` which means the noise type
109 /// will be decided by `uniform_noise`.
110 ///
111 /// Defaults to "uniform"
112 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs Noise(StringPiece x) {
113 Attrs ret = *this;
114 ret.noise_ = x;
115 return ret;
116 }
118 bool centered_ = true;
119 bool normalized_ = true;
120 bool uniform_noise_ = true;
121 StringPiece noise_ = "uniform";
122 };
123 ExtractGlimpseV2(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input input,
124 ::tensorflow::Input size, ::tensorflow::Input offsets);
125 ExtractGlimpseV2(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input input,
126 ::tensorflow::Input size, ::tensorflow::Input offsets, const
127 ExtractGlimpseV2::Attrs& attrs);
128 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return glimpse; }
129 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return glimpse; }
130 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return glimpse.node(); }
132 static Attrs Centered(bool x) {
133 return Attrs().Centered(x);
134 }
135 static Attrs Normalized(bool x) {
136 return Attrs().Normalized(x);
137 }
138 static Attrs UniformNoise(bool x) {
139 return Attrs().UniformNoise(x);
140 }
141 static Attrs Noise(StringPiece x) {
142 return Attrs().Noise(x);
143 }
145 Operation operation;
146 ::tensorflow::Output glimpse;
149/// This op produces Region of Interests from given bounding boxes(bbox_deltas) encoded wrt anchors according to eq.2 in arXiv:1506.01497
151/// The op selects top `pre_nms_topn` scoring boxes, decodes them with respect to anchors,
152/// applies non-maximal suppression on overlapping boxes with higher than
153/// `nms_threshold` intersection-over-union (iou) value, discarding boxes where shorter
154/// side is less than `min_size`.
155/// Inputs:
156/// `scores`: A 4D tensor of shape [Batch, Height, Width, Num Anchors] containing the scores per anchor at given position
157/// `bbox_deltas`: is a tensor of shape [Batch, Height, Width, 4 x Num Anchors] boxes encoded to each anchor
158/// `anchors`: A 1D tensor of shape [4 x Num Anchors], representing the anchors.
159/// Outputs:
160/// `rois`: output RoIs, a 3D tensor of shape [Batch, post_nms_topn, 4], padded by 0 if less than post_nms_topn candidates found.
161/// `roi_probabilities`: probability scores of each roi in 'rois', a 2D tensor of shape [Batch,post_nms_topn], padded with 0 if needed, sorted by scores.
163/// Args:
164/// * scope: A Scope object
165/// * scores: A 4-D float tensor of shape `[num_images, height, width, num_achors]` containing scores of the boxes for given anchors, can be unsorted.
166/// * bbox_deltas: A 4-D float tensor of shape `[num_images, height, width, 4 x num_anchors]`. encoding boxes with respec to each anchor.
167/// Coordinates are given in the form [dy, dx, dh, dw].
168/// * image_info: A 2-D float tensor of shape `[num_images, 5]` containing image information Height, Width, Scale.
169/// * anchors: A 2-D float tensor of shape `[num_anchors, 4]` describing the anchor boxes. Boxes are formatted in the form [y1, x1, y2, x2].
170/// * nms_threshold: A scalar float tensor for non-maximal-suppression threshold.
171/// * pre_nms_topn: A scalar int tensor for the number of top scoring boxes to be used as input.
172/// * min_size: A scalar float tensor. Any box that has a smaller size than min_size will be discarded.
174/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
175/// * post_nms_topn: An integer. Maximum number of rois in the output.
177/// Returns:
178/// * `Output` rois: A 3-D float tensor of shape `[num_images,post_nms_topn,4]` representing the selected
179/// region of interest boxes. Sorted in descending order in scores.
180/// * `Output` roi_probabilities: A 2-D float tensor of shape `[num_images, post_nms_topn]` representing the score of the
181/// region of interest box in `rois` tensor at the same index.
182class GenerateBoundingBoxProposals {
183 public:
184 /// Optional attribute setters for GenerateBoundingBoxProposals
185 struct Attrs {
186 /// An integer. Maximum number of rois in the output.
187 ///
188 /// Defaults to 300
189 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs PostNmsTopn(int64 x) {
190 Attrs ret = *this;
191 ret.post_nms_topn_ = x;
192 return ret;
193 }
195 int64 post_nms_topn_ = 300;
196 };
197 GenerateBoundingBoxProposals(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
198 ::tensorflow::Input scores, ::tensorflow::Input
199 bbox_deltas, ::tensorflow::Input image_info,
200 ::tensorflow::Input anchors, ::tensorflow::Input
201 nms_threshold, ::tensorflow::Input pre_nms_topn,
202 ::tensorflow::Input min_size);
203 GenerateBoundingBoxProposals(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
204 ::tensorflow::Input scores, ::tensorflow::Input
205 bbox_deltas, ::tensorflow::Input image_info,
206 ::tensorflow::Input anchors, ::tensorflow::Input
207 nms_threshold, ::tensorflow::Input pre_nms_topn,
208 ::tensorflow::Input min_size, const
209 GenerateBoundingBoxProposals::Attrs& attrs);
211 static Attrs PostNmsTopn(int64 x) {
212 return Attrs().PostNmsTopn(x);
213 }
215 Operation operation;
216 ::tensorflow::Output rois;
217 ::tensorflow::Output roi_probabilities;
220/// Applies the given transform to each of the images.
222/// If one row of `transforms` is `[a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1]`, then it maps
223/// the *output* point `(x, y)` to a transformed *input* point
224/// `(x', y') = ((a0 x + a1 y + a2) / k, (b0 x + b1 y + b2) / k)`, where
225/// `k = c0 x + c1 y + 1`. If the transformed point lays outside of the input
226/// image, the output pixel is set to 0.
228/// Args:
229/// * scope: A Scope object
230/// * images: 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
231/// * transforms: 2-D Tensor, `[batch, 8]` or `[1, 8]` matrix, where each row corresponds to a 3 x 3
232/// projective transformation matrix, with the last entry assumed to be 1. If there
233/// is one row, the same transformation will be applied to all images.
234/// * output_shape: 1-D Tensor [new_height, new_width].
235/// * interpolation: Interpolation method, "NEAREST" or "BILINEAR".
237/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
238/// * fill_mode: Fill mode, "REFLECT", "WRAP", or "CONSTANT".
240/// Returns:
241/// * `Output`: 4-D with shape
242/// `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
243class ImageProjectiveTransformV2 {
244 public:
245 /// Optional attribute setters for ImageProjectiveTransformV2
246 struct Attrs {
247 /// Fill mode, "REFLECT", "WRAP", or "CONSTANT".
248 ///
249 /// Defaults to "CONSTANT"
250 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs FillMode(StringPiece x) {
251 Attrs ret = *this;
252 ret.fill_mode_ = x;
253 return ret;
254 }
256 StringPiece fill_mode_ = "CONSTANT";
257 };
258 ImageProjectiveTransformV2(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
259 ::tensorflow::Input images, ::tensorflow::Input
260 transforms, ::tensorflow::Input output_shape,
261 StringPiece interpolation);
262 ImageProjectiveTransformV2(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
263 ::tensorflow::Input images, ::tensorflow::Input
264 transforms, ::tensorflow::Input output_shape,
265 StringPiece interpolation, const
266 ImageProjectiveTransformV2::Attrs& attrs);
267 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return transformed_images; }
268 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return transformed_images; }
269 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return transformed_images.node(); }
271 static Attrs FillMode(StringPiece x) {
272 return Attrs().FillMode(x);
273 }
275 Operation operation;
276 ::tensorflow::Output transformed_images;
279/// Applies the given transform to each of the images.
281/// If one row of `transforms` is `[a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1]`, then it maps
282/// the *output* point `(x, y)` to a transformed *input* point
283/// `(x', y') = ((a0 x + a1 y + a2) / k, (b0 x + b1 y + b2) / k)`, where
284/// `k = c0 x + c1 y + 1`. If the transformed point lays outside of the input
285/// image, the output pixel is set to fill_value.
287/// Args:
288/// * scope: A Scope object
289/// * images: 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
290/// * transforms: 2-D Tensor, `[batch, 8]` or `[1, 8]` matrix, where each row corresponds to a 3 x 3
291/// projective transformation matrix, with the last entry assumed to be 1. If there
292/// is one row, the same transformation will be applied to all images.
293/// * output_shape: 1-D Tensor [new_height, new_width].
294/// * fill_value: float, the value to be filled when fill_mode is constant".
295/// * interpolation: Interpolation method, "NEAREST" or "BILINEAR".
297/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
298/// * fill_mode: Fill mode, "REFLECT", "WRAP", "CONSTANT", or "NEAREST".
300/// Returns:
301/// * `Output`: 4-D with shape
302/// `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
303class ImageProjectiveTransformV3 {
304 public:
305 /// Optional attribute setters for ImageProjectiveTransformV3
306 struct Attrs {
307 /// Fill mode, "REFLECT", "WRAP", "CONSTANT", or "NEAREST".
308 ///
309 /// Defaults to "CONSTANT"
310 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs FillMode(StringPiece x) {
311 Attrs ret = *this;
312 ret.fill_mode_ = x;
313 return ret;
314 }
316 StringPiece fill_mode_ = "CONSTANT";
317 };
318 ImageProjectiveTransformV3(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
319 ::tensorflow::Input images, ::tensorflow::Input
320 transforms, ::tensorflow::Input output_shape,
321 ::tensorflow::Input fill_value, StringPiece
322 interpolation);
323 ImageProjectiveTransformV3(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope,
324 ::tensorflow::Input images, ::tensorflow::Input
325 transforms, ::tensorflow::Input output_shape,
326 ::tensorflow::Input fill_value, StringPiece
327 interpolation, const
328 ImageProjectiveTransformV3::Attrs& attrs);
329 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return transformed_images; }
330 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return transformed_images; }
331 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return transformed_images.node(); }
333 static Attrs FillMode(StringPiece x) {
334 return Attrs().FillMode(x);
335 }
337 Operation operation;
338 ::tensorflow::Output transformed_images;
341/// Computes the gradient of bicubic interpolation.
343/// Args:
344/// * scope: A Scope object
345/// * grads: 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
346/// * original_image: 4-D with shape `[batch, orig_height, orig_width, channels]`,
347/// The image tensor that was resized.
349/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
350/// * align_corners: If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
351/// aligned. Defaults to false.
353/// Returns:
354/// * `Output`: 4-D with shape `[batch, orig_height, orig_width, channels]`.
355/// Gradients with respect to the input image. Input image must have been
356/// float or double.
357class ResizeBicubicGrad {
358 public:
359 /// Optional attribute setters for ResizeBicubicGrad
360 struct Attrs {
361 /// If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
362 /// aligned. Defaults to false.
363 ///
364 /// Defaults to false
365 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
366 Attrs ret = *this;
367 ret.align_corners_ = x;
368 return ret;
369 }
371 /// Defaults to false
372 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
373 Attrs ret = *this;
374 ret.half_pixel_centers_ = x;
375 return ret;
376 }
378 bool align_corners_ = false;
379 bool half_pixel_centers_ = false;
380 };
381 ResizeBicubicGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input grads,
382 ::tensorflow::Input original_image);
383 ResizeBicubicGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input grads,
384 ::tensorflow::Input original_image, const
385 ResizeBicubicGrad::Attrs& attrs);
386 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return output; }
387 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return output; }
388 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return output.node(); }
390 static Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
391 return Attrs().AlignCorners(x);
392 }
393 static Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
394 return Attrs().HalfPixelCenters(x);
395 }
397 Operation operation;
398 ::tensorflow::Output output;
401/// Computes the gradient of bilinear interpolation.
403/// Args:
404/// * scope: A Scope object
405/// * grads: 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
406/// * original_image: 4-D with shape `[batch, orig_height, orig_width, channels]`,
407/// The image tensor that was resized.
409/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
410/// * align_corners: If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
411/// aligned. Defaults to false.
413/// Returns:
414/// * `Output`: 4-D with shape `[batch, orig_height, orig_width, channels]`.
415/// Gradients with respect to the input image. Input image must have been
416/// float or double.
417class ResizeBilinearGrad {
418 public:
419 /// Optional attribute setters for ResizeBilinearGrad
420 struct Attrs {
421 /// If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
422 /// aligned. Defaults to false.
423 ///
424 /// Defaults to false
425 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
426 Attrs ret = *this;
427 ret.align_corners_ = x;
428 return ret;
429 }
431 /// Defaults to false
432 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
433 Attrs ret = *this;
434 ret.half_pixel_centers_ = x;
435 return ret;
436 }
438 bool align_corners_ = false;
439 bool half_pixel_centers_ = false;
440 };
441 ResizeBilinearGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input grads,
442 ::tensorflow::Input original_image);
443 ResizeBilinearGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input grads,
444 ::tensorflow::Input original_image, const
445 ResizeBilinearGrad::Attrs& attrs);
446 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return output; }
447 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return output; }
448 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return output.node(); }
450 static Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
451 return Attrs().AlignCorners(x);
452 }
453 static Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
454 return Attrs().HalfPixelCenters(x);
455 }
457 Operation operation;
458 ::tensorflow::Output output;
461/// Computes the gradient of nearest neighbor interpolation.
463/// Args:
464/// * scope: A Scope object
465/// * grads: 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
466/// * size: = A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: `orig_height, orig_width`. The
467/// original input size.
469/// Optional attributes (see `Attrs`):
470/// * align_corners: If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
471/// aligned. Defaults to false.
473/// Returns:
474/// * `Output`: 4-D with shape `[batch, orig_height, orig_width, channels]`. Gradients
475/// with respect to the input image.
476class ResizeNearestNeighborGrad {
477 public:
478 /// Optional attribute setters for ResizeNearestNeighborGrad
479 struct Attrs {
480 /// If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and grad tensors are
481 /// aligned. Defaults to false.
482 ///
483 /// Defaults to false
484 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
485 Attrs ret = *this;
486 ret.align_corners_ = x;
487 return ret;
488 }
490 /// Defaults to false
491 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
492 Attrs ret = *this;
493 ret.half_pixel_centers_ = x;
494 return ret;
495 }
497 bool align_corners_ = false;
498 bool half_pixel_centers_ = false;
499 };
500 ResizeNearestNeighborGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input
501 grads, ::tensorflow::Input size);
502 ResizeNearestNeighborGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input
503 grads, ::tensorflow::Input size, const
504 ResizeNearestNeighborGrad::Attrs& attrs);
505 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return output; }
506 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return output; }
507 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return output.node(); }
509 static Attrs AlignCorners(bool x) {
510 return Attrs().AlignCorners(x);
511 }
512 static Attrs HalfPixelCenters(bool x) {
513 return Attrs().HalfPixelCenters(x);
514 }
516 Operation operation;
517 ::tensorflow::Output output;
520/// TODO: add doc.
522/// Args:
523/// * scope: A Scope object
525/// Returns:
526/// * `Output`: The output tensor.
527class ScaleAndTranslateGrad {
528 public:
529 /// Optional attribute setters for ScaleAndTranslateGrad
530 struct Attrs {
531 /// Defaults to "lanczos3"
532 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs KernelType(StringPiece x) {
533 Attrs ret = *this;
534 ret.kernel_type_ = x;
535 return ret;
536 }
538 /// Defaults to true
539 TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs Antialias(bool x) {
540 Attrs ret = *this;
541 ret.antialias_ = x;
542 return ret;
543 }
545 StringPiece kernel_type_ = "lanczos3";
546 bool antialias_ = true;
547 };
548 ScaleAndTranslateGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input
549 grads, ::tensorflow::Input original_image,
550 ::tensorflow::Input scale, ::tensorflow::Input
551 translation);
552 ScaleAndTranslateGrad(const ::tensorflow::Scope& scope, ::tensorflow::Input
553 grads, ::tensorflow::Input original_image,
554 ::tensorflow::Input scale, ::tensorflow::Input
555 translation, const ScaleAndTranslateGrad::Attrs& attrs);
556 operator ::tensorflow::Output() const { return output; }
557 operator ::tensorflow::Input() const { return output; }
558 ::tensorflow::Node* node() const { return output.node(); }
560 static Attrs KernelType(StringPiece x) {
561 return Attrs().KernelType(x);
562 }
563 static Attrs Antialias(bool x) {
564 return Attrs().Antialias(x);
565 }
567 Operation operation;
568 ::tensorflow::Output output;
571} // namespace internal
572} // namespace ops
573} // namespace tensorflow