1/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13limitations under the License.
19#include <stddef.h>
20#include <stdint.h>
22#include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"
23#include "tensorflow/c/eager/c_api.h"
25// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26// Experimental C API for TensorFlow.
28// The API here is subject to changes in the future.
29// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
31// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
32// .dylib, .dll).
33// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
34// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
35// of any other includes.$a
36#ifdef SWIG
37#define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
39#if defined(_WIN32)
41#define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
43#define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
46#define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
47#endif // _WIN32
48#endif // SWIG
50#ifdef __cplusplus
51extern "C" {
54// When `enable` is true, set
55// tensorflow.ConfigProto.OptimizerOptions.global_jit_level to ON_1, and also
56// set XLA flag values to prepare for XLA compilation. Otherwise set
57// global_jit_level to OFF.
59// This and the next API are syntax sugar over TF_SetConfig(), and is used by
60// clients that cannot read/write the tensorflow.ConfigProto proto.
61// TODO: Migrate to TF_CreateConfig() below.
62TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_EnableXLACompilation(TF_SessionOptions* options,
63 unsigned char enable);
65// Set XLA's internal BuildXlaOpsPassFlags.tf_xla_enable_lazy_compilation to the
66// value of 'enabled'. Also returns the original value of that flag.
68// Use in tests to allow XLA to fallback to TF classic. This has global effect.
69TF_CAPI_EXPORT unsigned char TF_SetXlaEnableLazyCompilation(
70 unsigned char enable);
71TF_CAPI_EXPORT unsigned char TF_SetTfXlaCpuGlobalJit(unsigned char enable);
73// Sets XLA's auto jit mode according to the specified string, which is parsed
74// as if passed in XLA_FLAGS. This has global effect.
75TF_CAPI_EXPORT void TF_SetXlaAutoJitMode(const char* mode);
77// Returns whether the single GPU or general XLA auto jit optimizations are
78// enabled through MarkForCompilationPassFlags.
79TF_CAPI_EXPORT unsigned char TF_GetXlaAutoJitEnabled();
81// Sets XLA's minimum cluster size. This has global effect.
82TF_CAPI_EXPORT void TF_SetXlaMinClusterSize(int size);
84// Gets/Sets TF/XLA flag for whether(true) or not(false) to disable constant
85// folding. This is for testing to ensure that XLA is being tested rather than
86// Tensorflow's CPU implementation through constant folding.
87TF_CAPI_EXPORT unsigned char TF_GetXlaConstantFoldingDisabled();
88TF_CAPI_EXPORT void TF_SetXlaConstantFoldingDisabled(
89 unsigned char should_enable);
91// Create a serialized tensorflow.ConfigProto proto, where:
93// a) ConfigProto.optimizer_options.global_jit_level is set to ON_1 if
94// `enable_xla_compilation` is non-zero, and OFF otherwise.
95// b) ConfigProto.gpu_options.allow_growth is set to `gpu_memory_allow_growth`.
96// c) ConfigProto.device_count is set to `num_cpu_devices`.
97TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_Buffer* TF_CreateConfig(
98 unsigned char enable_xla_compilation, unsigned char gpu_memory_allow_growth,
99 unsigned int num_cpu_devices);
101// Create a serialized tensorflow.RunOptions proto, where RunOptions.trace_level
102// is set to FULL_TRACE if `enable_full_trace` is non-zero, and NO_TRACE
103// otherwise.
104TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_Buffer* TF_CreateRunOptions(
105 unsigned char enable_full_trace);
107// Returns the graph content in a human-readable format, with length set in
108// `len`. The format is subject to change in the future.
109// The returned string is heap-allocated, and caller should call free() on it.
110TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern const char* TF_GraphDebugString(TF_Graph* graph,
111 size_t* len);
113// Returns the function content in a human-readable format, with length set in
114// `len`. The format is subject to change in the future.
115// The returned string is heap-allocated, and caller should call free() on it.
117// Do not return const char*, because some foreign language binding
118// (e.g. swift) cannot then call free() on the returned pointer.
119TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern char* TF_FunctionDebugString(TF_Function* func,
120 size_t* len);
122// On success, dequeues a tensor from a TF-managed FifoQueue given by
123// `tensor_id`, associated with `session`. There must be a graph node named
124// "fifo_queue_dequeue_<tensor_id>", to be executed by this API call.
126// Caller must call TF_DeleteTensor() over the returned tensor. If the queue is
127// empty, this call is blocked.
129// Tensors are enqueued via the corresponding TF enqueue op.
130// TODO(hongm): Add support for `timeout_ms`.
131TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_Tensor* TF_DequeueNamedTensor(TF_Session* session,
132 int tensor_id,
133 TF_Status* status);
135// On success, enqueues `tensor` into a TF-managed FifoQueue given by
136// `tensor_id`, associated with `session`. There must be a graph node named
137// "fifo_queue_enqueue_<tensor_id>", to be executed by this API call. It reads
138// from a placeholder node "arg_tensor_enqueue_<tensor_id>".
140// `tensor` is still owned by the caller. This call will be blocked if the queue
141// has reached its capacity, and will be unblocked when the queued tensors again
142// drop below the capacity due to dequeuing.
144// Tensors are dequeued via the corresponding TF dequeue op.
145// TODO(hongm): Add support for `timeout_ms`.
146TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_EnqueueNamedTensor(TF_Session* session,
147 int tensor_id,
148 TF_Tensor* tensor,
149 TF_Status* status);
150// Create a serialized tensorflow.ServerDef proto.
151TF_Buffer* TFE_GetServerDef(const char* text_proto, TF_Status* status);
153TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_MakeInternalErrorStatus(TF_Status* status,
154 const char* errMsg);
156// TF_NewCheckpointReader() return the CheckpointReader that can be use to
157// investigate or load the variable from the checkpoint file
158typedef struct TF_CheckpointReader TF_CheckpointReader;
159TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_CheckpointReader* TF_NewCheckpointReader(
160 const char* filename, TF_Status* status);
161TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_DeleteCheckpointReader(
162 TF_CheckpointReader* reader);
163TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern int TF_CheckpointReaderHasTensor(
164 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, const char* name);
165// Get the variable name at the given index
166TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern const char* TF_CheckpointReaderGetVariable(
167 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, int index);
168// Get the number of variable in the checkpoint
169TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern int TF_CheckpointReaderSize(TF_CheckpointReader* reader);
170// Get the DataType of a variable
171TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_DataType TF_CheckpointReaderGetVariableDataType(
172 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, const char* name);
173// Read the shape of a variable and write to `dims`
174TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_CheckpointReaderGetVariableShape(
175 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, const char* name, int64_t* dims, int num_dims,
176 TF_Status* status);
177// Get the number of dimension of a variable
178TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern int TF_CheckpointReaderGetVariableNumDims(
179 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, const char* name);
180// Load the weight of a variable
181TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_Tensor* TF_CheckpointReaderGetTensor(
182 TF_CheckpointReader* reader, const char* name, TF_Status* status);
184// TF_NewAttrBuilder() returns an object that you can set attributes on as
185// though it were an op. This allows querying properties of that op for
186// type-checking purposes like if the op will run on a particular device type.
187typedef struct TF_AttrBuilder TF_AttrBuilder;
188TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_AttrBuilder* TF_NewAttrBuilder(const char* op_name);
189TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_DeleteAttrBuilder(TF_AttrBuilder* builder);
190TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_AttrBuilderSetType(TF_AttrBuilder* builder,
191 const char* attr_name,
192 TF_DataType value);
193TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_AttrBuilderSetTypeList(TF_AttrBuilder* builder,
194 const char* attr_name,
195 const TF_DataType* values,
196 int num_values);
198// Checks the tensorflow::NodeDef built via the methods above to see if it can
199// run on device_type.
200TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_AttrBuilderCheckCanRunOnDevice(
201 TF_AttrBuilder* builder, const char* device_type, TF_Status* status);
203// For argument number input_index, fetch the corresponding number_attr that
204// needs to be updated with the argument length of the input list.
205// Returns nullptr if there is any problem like op_name is not found, or the
206// argument does not support this attribute type.
207TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern const char* TF_GetNumberAttrForOpListInput(
208 const char* op_name, int input_index, TF_Status* status);
210// Returns 1 if the op is stateful, 0 otherwise. The return value is undefined
211// if the status is not ok.
212TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern int TF_OpIsStateful(const char* op_type,
213 TF_Status* status);
215// Platform specific initialization routine. Very few platforms actually require
216// this to be called.
217TF_CAPI_EXPORT void TF_InitMain(const char* usage, int* argc, char*** argv);
219// Platform-specific implementation to return an unused port. (This should used
220// in tests only.)
221TF_CAPI_EXPORT int TF_PickUnusedPortOrDie(void);
223// Fast path method that makes constructing a single scalar tensor require less
224// overhead and copies.
225TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TFE_TensorHandle* TFE_NewTensorHandleFromScalar(
226 TF_DataType data_type, void* data, size_t len, TF_Status* status);
228// Specify the server_def that enables collective ops.
229// This is different to the above function in that it doesn't create remote
230// contexts, and remotely executing ops is not possible. It just enables
231// communication for collective ops.
232TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TFE_EnableCollectiveOps(TFE_Context* ctx,
233 const void* proto,
234 size_t proto_len,
235 TF_Status* status);
237// Aborts all ongoing collectives with the specified status. After abortion,
238// subsequent collectives will error with this status immediately. To reset the
239// collectives, create a new EagerContext.
241// This is intended to be used when a peer failure is detected.
242TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TFE_AbortCollectiveOps(TFE_Context* ctx,
243 TF_Status* status);
245// Checks the health of collective ops peers. Explicit health check is needed in
246// multi worker collective ops to detect failures in the cluster. If a peer is
247// down, collective ops may hang.
248TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TFE_CollectiveOpsCheckPeerHealth(
249 TFE_Context* ctx, const char* task, int64_t timeout_in_ms,
250 TF_Status* status);
252// Information about the shape of a Tensor and its type.
253struct TF_ShapeAndType {
254 // Number of dimensions. -1 indicates unknown rank.
255 int num_dims;
256 // Array of dimensions. -1 indicates unknown dim.
257 int64_t* dims;
258 // The data type. May be 0 to denote unknown type.
259 TF_DataType dtype;
262typedef struct TF_ShapeAndType TF_ShapeAndType;
264// A list of TF_ShapeAndType elements..
265struct TF_ShapeAndTypeList {
266 int num_items;
267 TF_ShapeAndType* items;
269typedef struct TF_ShapeAndTypeList TF_ShapeAndTypeList;
271// API for manipulating TF_ShapeAndTypeList objects.
273TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_ShapeAndTypeList* TF_NewShapeAndTypeList(
274 int num_shapes);
275TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_ShapeAndTypeListSetShape(
276 TF_ShapeAndTypeList* shape_list, int index, const int64_t* dims,
277 int num_dims);
278TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_ShapeAndTypeListSetUnknownShape(
279 TF_ShapeAndTypeList* shape_list, int index);
280TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_ShapeAndTypeListSetDtype(
281 TF_ShapeAndTypeList* shape_list, int index, TF_DataType dtype);
282TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_DeleteShapeAndTypeList(
283 TF_ShapeAndTypeList* shape_list);
284TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_DeleteShapeAndTypeListArray(
285 TF_ShapeAndTypeList** shape_list_array, int num_items);
287// Infer shapes for the given `op`. The arguments mimic the arguments of the
288// `shape_inference::InferenceContext` constructor. Note the following:
289// - The inputs of the `op` are not used for shape inference. So, it is
290// OK to not have the inputs properly set in `op`. See `input_tensors`
291// if you want shape inference to consider the input tensors of the
292// op for shape inference.
293// - The types need not be set in `input_shapes` as it is not used.
294// - The number of `input_tensors` should be the same as the number of items
295// in `input_shapes`.
297// The results are returned in `output_shapes` and
298// `output_resource_shapes_and_types`. The caller is responsible for freeing the
299// memory in these buffers by calling `TF_DeleteShapeAndTypeList`.
300TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TFE_InferShapes(
301 TFE_Op* op, TF_ShapeAndTypeList* input_shapes, TF_Tensor** input_tensors,
302 TF_ShapeAndTypeList* input_tensor_as_shapes,
303 TF_ShapeAndTypeList** input_resource_shapes_and_types,
304 TF_ShapeAndTypeList** output_shapes,
305 TF_ShapeAndTypeList*** output_resource_shapes_and_types, TF_Status* status);
307TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void
309 TF_ImportGraphDefOptions* opts, unsigned char enable);
311// Load the library specified by library_filename and register the pluggable
312// device and related kernels present in that library. This function is not
313// supported on embedded on mobile and embedded platforms and will fail if
314// called.
316// Pass "library_filename" to a platform-specific mechanism for dynamically
317// loading a library. The rules for determining the exact location of the
318// library are platform-specific and are not documented here.
320// On success, returns the newly created library handle and places OK in status.
321// The caller owns the library handle.
323// On failure, returns nullptr and places an error status in status.
324TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern TF_Library* TF_LoadPluggableDeviceLibrary(
325 const char* library_filename, TF_Status* status);
327// Frees the memory associated with the library handle.
328// Does NOT unload the library.
329TF_CAPI_EXPORT extern void TF_DeletePluggableDeviceLibraryHandle(
330 TF_Library* lib_handle);
332#ifdef __cplusplus
333} /* end extern "C" */