1#pragma once
3#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
4#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
5#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
6#include "llvm/Pass.h"
7#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
8#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
9#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
10#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
11#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
12#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
13#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
14#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
16#if defined(TI_WITH_AMDGPU)
17#include "taichi/rhi/amdgpu/amdgpu_context.h"
20namespace taichi {
21namespace lang {
22using namespace llvm;
24struct AddStructForFuncPass : public ModulePass {
25 static inline char ID{0};
26 std::string func_name_;
27 int tls_size_;
28 AddStructForFuncPass(std::string func_name, int tls_size) : ModulePass(ID) {
29 func_name_ = func_name;
30 tls_size_ = tls_size;
31 }
32 bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &M) override {
33 auto struct_for_func = M.getFunction("parallel_struct_for");
34 auto &llvm_context = M.getContext();
35 auto value_map = llvm::ValueToValueMapTy();
36 auto patched_struct_for_func =
37 llvm::CloneFunction(struct_for_func, value_map);
38 patched_struct_for_func->setName(func_name_);
40 int num_found_alloca = 0;
41 llvm::AllocaInst *alloca = nullptr;
43 auto char_type = llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(llvm_context);
45 // Find the "1" in "char tls_buffer[1]" and replace it with
46 // "tls_buffer_size"
47 for (auto &bb : *patched_struct_for_func) {
48 for (llvm::Instruction &inst : bb) {
49 auto now_alloca = llvm::dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&inst);
50 if (!now_alloca || now_alloca->getAlign().value() != 8)
51 continue;
52 auto alloca_type = now_alloca->getAllocatedType();
53 // Allocated type should be array [1 x i8]
54 if (alloca_type->isArrayTy() &&
55 alloca_type->getArrayNumElements() == 1 &&
56 alloca_type->getArrayElementType() == char_type) {
57 alloca = now_alloca;
58 num_found_alloca++;
59 }
60 }
61 }
62 TI_ASSERT(num_found_alloca == 1 && alloca);
63 auto new_type = llvm::ArrayType::get(char_type, tls_size_);
64 llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(alloca);
65 auto *new_alloca = builder.CreateAlloca(new_type);
66 new_alloca->setAlignment(Align(8));
67 TI_ASSERT(alloca->hasOneUse());
68 auto *gep = llvm::cast<llvm::GetElementPtrInst>(alloca->user_back());
69 TI_ASSERT(gep->getPointerOperand() == alloca);
70 std::vector<Value *> indices(gep->idx_begin(), gep->idx_end());
71 builder.SetInsertPoint(gep);
72 auto *new_gep = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(new_type, new_alloca, indices);
73 gep->replaceAllUsesWith(new_gep);
74 gep->eraseFromParent();
75 alloca->eraseFromParent();
76 return false;
77 }
80#if defined(TI_WITH_AMDGPU)
81struct AMDGPUConvertAllocaInstAddressSpacePass : public FunctionPass {
82 static inline char ID{0};
83 AMDGPUConvertAllocaInstAddressSpacePass() : FunctionPass(ID) {
84 }
85 bool runOnFunction(llvm::Function &f) override {
86 f.addFnAttr("target-cpu",
87 "gfx" + AMDGPUContext::get_instance().get_mcpu().substr(3, 4));
88 f.addFnAttr("target-features", "");
89 for (auto &bb : f) {
90 std::vector<AllocaInst *> alloca_inst_vec;
91 for (Instruction &inst : bb) {
92 AllocaInst *now_alloca = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&inst);
93 if (!now_alloca ||
94 now_alloca->getType()->getAddressSpace() != (unsigned)0) {
95 continue;
96 }
97 alloca_inst_vec.push_back(now_alloca);
98 }
99 for (auto &allocainst : alloca_inst_vec) {
100 auto alloca_type = allocainst->getAllocatedType();
101 llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(allocainst);
102 auto *new_alloca = builder.CreateAlloca(alloca_type, (unsigned)5);
103 auto new_type = llvm::PointerType::get(alloca_type, (unsigned)0);
104 new_alloca->setAlignment(Align(allocainst->getAlign().value()));
105 auto *addrspacecast = builder.CreateAddrSpaceCast(new_alloca, new_type);
106 allocainst->replaceAllUsesWith(addrspacecast);
107 allocainst->eraseFromParent();
108 }
109 }
110 return false;
111 }
114struct AMDGPUAddStructForFuncPass : public ModulePass {
115 static inline char ID{0};
116 std::string func_name_;
117 int tls_size_;
118 AMDGPUAddStructForFuncPass(std::string func_name, int tls_size)
119 : ModulePass(ID) {
120 func_name_ = func_name;
121 tls_size_ = tls_size;
122 }
123 bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &M) override {
124 auto struct_for_func = M.getFunction("parallel_struct_for");
125 auto &llvm_context = M.getContext();
126 auto value_map = llvm::ValueToValueMapTy();
127 auto patched_struct_for_func =
128 llvm::CloneFunction(struct_for_func, value_map);
129 patched_struct_for_func->setName(func_name_);
131 int num_found_alloca = 0;
132 llvm::AllocaInst *alloca = nullptr;
134 auto char_type = llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(llvm_context);
136 // Find the "1" in "char tls_buffer[1]" and replace it with
137 // "tls_buffer_size"
138 for (auto &bb : *patched_struct_for_func) {
139 for (llvm::Instruction &inst : bb) {
140 auto now_alloca = llvm::dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&inst);
141 if (!now_alloca || now_alloca->getAlign().value() != 8)
142 continue;
143 auto alloca_type = now_alloca->getAllocatedType();
144 // Allocated type should be array [1 x i8]
145 if (alloca_type->isArrayTy() &&
146 alloca_type->getArrayNumElements() == 1 &&
147 alloca_type->getArrayElementType() == char_type) {
148 alloca = now_alloca;
149 num_found_alloca++;
150 }
151 }
152 }
153 TI_ASSERT(num_found_alloca == 1 && alloca);
154 auto new_type = llvm::ArrayType::get(char_type, tls_size_);
155 llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(alloca);
156 auto *new_alloca = builder.CreateAlloca(new_type, (unsigned)5);
157 new_alloca->setAlignment(Align(8));
158 auto new_ty = llvm::PointerType::get(new_type, unsigned(0));
159 auto *new_cast = builder.CreateAddrSpaceCast(new_alloca, new_ty);
160 new_alloca->setAlignment(Align(8));
161 TI_ASSERT(alloca->hasOneUse());
162 auto *cast = llvm::cast<llvm::AddrSpaceCastInst>(alloca->user_back());
163 TI_ASSERT(cast->hasOneUse());
164 auto *gep = llvm::cast<llvm::GetElementPtrInst>(cast->user_back());
165 TI_ASSERT(gep->getPointerOperand() == cast);
166 std::vector<Value *> indices(gep->idx_begin(), gep->idx_end());
167 builder.SetInsertPoint(gep);
168 auto *new_gep = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(new_type, new_cast, indices);
169 gep->replaceAllUsesWith(new_gep);
170 gep->eraseFromParent();
171 cast->eraseFromParent();
172 alloca->eraseFromParent();
173 return false;
174 }
177struct AMDGPUConvertFuncParamAddressSpacePass : public ModulePass {
178 static inline char ID{0};
179 AMDGPUConvertFuncParamAddressSpacePass() : ModulePass(ID) {
180 }
181 bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &M) override {
182 for (auto &f : M) {
183 bool is_kernel = false;
184 const std::string func_name = f.getName().str();
185 if (starts_with(func_name, "runtime_")) {
186 f.setCallingConv(llvm::CallingConv::AMDGPU_KERNEL);
187 // ref https://llvm.org/docs/AMDGPUUsage.html
188 // “amdgpu-flat-work-group-size”=”min,max”
189 // Specify the minimum and maximum flat work group sizes that will be
190 // specified when the kernel is dispatched. Generated by the
191 // amdgpu_flat_work_group_size CLANG attribute [CLANG-ATTR]. The implied
192 // default value is 1,1024.
193 f.addFnAttr("amdgpu-flat-work-group-size", "1, 1024");
194 is_kernel = true;
195 }
196 if (!is_kernel && !f.isDeclaration())
197 f.setLinkage(llvm::Function::PrivateLinkage);
198 }
199 std::vector<llvm::Function *> kernel_function;
200 for (auto &f : M) {
201 if (f.getCallingConv() == llvm::CallingConv::AMDGPU_KERNEL)
202 kernel_function.push_back(&f);
203 }
204 for (auto &f : kernel_function) {
205 llvm::FunctionType *func_type = f->getFunctionType();
206 std::vector<llvm::Type *> new_func_params;
207 for (auto &arg : f->args()) {
208 if (arg.getType()->getTypeID() == llvm::Type::PointerTyID) {
209 auto new_type = llvm::PointerType::get(
210 arg.getType()->getPointerElementType(), unsigned(1));
211 new_func_params.push_back(new_type);
212 } else {
213 new_func_params.push_back(arg.getType());
214 }
215 }
216 auto new_func_type = llvm::FunctionType::get(func_type->getReturnType(),
217 new_func_params, false);
218 auto new_func = llvm::Function::Create(new_func_type, f->getLinkage(),
219 f->getAddressSpace());
220 new_func->setCallingConv(llvm::CallingConv::AMDGPU_KERNEL);
221 new_func->addFnAttr("amdgpu-flat-work-group-size", "1, 1024");
222 new_func->addFnAttr(
223 "target-cpu",
224 "gfx" + AMDGPUContext::get_instance().get_mcpu().substr(3, 4));
225 new_func->setComdat(f->getComdat());
226 f->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(f->getIterator(), new_func);
227 new_func->takeName(f);
228 new_func->getBasicBlockList().splice(new_func->begin(),
229 f->getBasicBlockList());
230 for (llvm::Function::arg_iterator I = f->arg_begin(), E = f->arg_end(),
231 I2 = new_func->arg_begin();
232 I != E; ++I, ++I2) {
233 if (I->getType()->getTypeID() == llvm::Type::PointerTyID) {
234 auto &front_bb = new_func->getBasicBlockList().front();
235 llvm::Instruction *addrspacecast =
236 new AddrSpaceCastInst(I2, I->getType());
237 front_bb.getInstList().insertAfter(front_bb.getFirstInsertionPt(),
238 addrspacecast);
239 I->replaceAllUsesWith(addrspacecast);
240 I2->takeName(&*I);
241 } else {
242 I->replaceAllUsesWith(&*I2);
243 I2->takeName(&*I);
244 }
245 }
247 f->eraseFromParent();
248 }
249 return false;
250 }
255} // namespace lang
256} // namespace taichi