1#include <utility>
3#include <torch/csrc/utils/pybind.h>
4#include <torch/csrc/utils/python_arg_parser.h>
5#include <torch/csrc/utils/python_numbers.h>
6#include <torch/csrc/utils/python_strings.h>
8#include <pybind11/chrono.h>
9#include <pybind11/functional.h>
10#include <pybind11/operators.h>
11#include <pybind11/stl.h>
13#include <torch/csrc/monitor/counters.h>
14#include <torch/csrc/monitor/events.h>
16namespace pybind11 {
17namespace detail {
18template <>
19struct type_caster<torch::monitor::data_value_t> {
20 public:
21 PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(torch::monitor::data_value_t, _("data_value_t"));
23 // Python -> C++
24 bool load(handle src, bool) {
25 PyObject* source = src.ptr();
26 if (THPUtils_checkLong(source)) {
27 this->value = THPUtils_unpackLong(source);
28 } else if (THPUtils_checkDouble(source)) {
29 this->value = THPUtils_unpackDouble(source);
30 } else if (THPUtils_checkString(source)) {
31 this->value = THPUtils_unpackString(source);
32 } else if (PyBool_Check(source)) {
33 this->value = THPUtils_unpackBool(source);
34 } else {
35 return false;
36 }
37 return !PyErr_Occurred();
38 }
40 // C++ -> Python
41 static handle cast(
42 torch::monitor::data_value_t src,
43 return_value_policy /* policy */,
44 handle /* parent */) {
45 if (c10::holds_alternative<double>(src)) {
46 return PyFloat_FromDouble(c10::get<double>(src));
47 } else if (c10::holds_alternative<int64_t>(src)) {
48 return THPUtils_packInt64(c10::get<int64_t>(src));
49 } else if (c10::holds_alternative<bool>(src)) {
50 if (c10::get<bool>(src)) {
52 } else {
54 }
55 } else if (c10::holds_alternative<std::string>(src)) {
56 std::string str = c10::get<std::string>(src);
57 return THPUtils_packString(str);
58 }
59 throw std::runtime_error("unknown data_value_t type");
60 }
62} // namespace detail
63} // namespace pybind11
65namespace torch {
66namespace monitor {
68namespace {
69class PythonEventHandler : public EventHandler {
70 public:
71 explicit PythonEventHandler(std::function<void(const Event&)> handler)
72 : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
74 void handle(const Event& e) override {
75 handler_(e);
76 }
78 private:
79 std::function<void(const Event&)> handler_;
81} // namespace
83void initMonitorBindings(PyObject* module) {
84 auto rootModule = py::handle(module).cast<py::module>();
86 auto m = rootModule.def_submodule("_monitor");
88 py::enum_<Aggregation>(
89 m,
90 "Aggregation",
91 R"DOC(
92 These are types of aggregations that can be used to accumulate stats.
93 )DOC")
94 .value(
95 "VALUE",
96 Aggregation::NONE,
97 R"DOC(
98 VALUE returns the last value to be added.
99 )DOC")
100 .value(
101 "MEAN",
102 Aggregation::MEAN,
103 R"DOC(
104 MEAN computes the arithmetic mean of all the added values.
105 )DOC")
106 .value(
107 "COUNT",
108 Aggregation::COUNT,
109 R"DOC(
110 COUNT returns the total number of added values.
111 )DOC")
112 .value(
113 "SUM",
114 Aggregation::SUM,
115 R"DOC(
116 SUM returns the sum of the added values.
117 )DOC")
118 .value(
119 "MAX",
120 Aggregation::MAX,
121 R"DOC(
122 MAX returns the max of the added values.
123 )DOC")
124 .value(
125 "MIN",
126 Aggregation::MIN,
127 R"DOC(
128 MIN returns the min of the added values.
129 )DOC")
130 .export_values();
132 py::class_<Stat<double>>(
133 m,
134 "Stat",
135 R"DOC(
136 Stat is used to compute summary statistics in a performant way over
137 fixed intervals. Stat logs the statistics as an Event once every
138 ``window_size`` duration. When the window closes the stats are logged
139 via the event handlers as a ``torch.monitor.Stat`` event.
141 ``window_size`` should be set to something relatively high to avoid a
142 huge number of events being logged. Ex: 60s. Stat uses millisecond
143 precision.
145 If ``max_samples`` is set, the stat will cap the number of samples per
146 window by discarding `add` calls once ``max_samples`` adds have
147 occurred. If it's not set, all ``add`` calls during the window will be
148 included. This is an optional field to make aggregations more directly
149 comparable across windows when the number of samples might vary.
151 When the Stat is destructed it will log any remaining data even if the
152 window hasn't elapsed.
153 )DOC")
154 .def(
155 py::init<
156 std::string,
157 std::vector<Aggregation>,
158 std::chrono::milliseconds,
159 int64_t>(),
160 py::arg("name"),
161 py::arg("aggregations"),
162 py::arg("window_size"),
163 py::arg("max_samples") = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
164 R"DOC(
165 Constructs the ``Stat``.
166 )DOC")
167 .def(
168 "add",
169 &Stat<double>::add,
170 py::arg("v"),
171 R"DOC(
172 Adds a value to the stat to be aggregated according to the
173 configured stat type and aggregations.
174 )DOC")
175 .def(
176 "get",
177 &Stat<double>::get,
178 R"DOC(
179 Returns the current value of the stat, primarily for testing
180 purposes. If the stat has logged and no additional values have been
181 added this will be zero.
182 )DOC")
183 .def_property_readonly(
184 "name",
185 &Stat<double>::name,
186 R"DOC(
187 The name of the stat that was set during creation.
188 )DOC")
189 .def_property_readonly(
190 "count",
191 &Stat<double>::count,
192 R"DOC(
193 Number of data points that have currently been collected. Resets
194 once the event has been logged.
195 )DOC");
197 py::class_<Event>(
198 m,
199 "Event",
200 R"DOC(
201 Event represents a specific typed event to be logged. This can represent
202 high-level data points such as loss or accuracy per epoch or more
203 low-level aggregations such as through the Stats provided through this
204 library.
206 All Events of the same type should have the same name so downstream
207 handlers can correctly process them.
208 )DOC")
209 .def(
210 py::init([](const std::string& name,
211 std::chrono::system_clock::time_point timestamp,
212 std::unordered_map<std::string, data_value_t> data) {
213 Event e;
214 e.name = name;
215 e.timestamp = timestamp;
216 e.data = data;
217 return e;
218 }),
219 py::arg("name"),
220 py::arg("timestamp"),
221 py::arg("data"),
222 R"DOC(
223 Constructs the ``Event``.
224 )DOC")
225 .def_readwrite(
226 "name",
227 &Event::name,
228 R"DOC(
229 The name of the ``Event``.
230 )DOC")
231 .def_readwrite(
232 "timestamp",
233 &Event::timestamp,
234 R"DOC(
235 The timestamp when the ``Event`` happened.
236 )DOC")
237 .def_readwrite(
238 "data",
239 &Event::data,
240 R"DOC(
241 The structured data contained within the ``Event``.
242 )DOC");
244 m.def(
245 "log_event",
246 &logEvent,
247 py::arg("event"),
248 R"DOC(
249 log_event logs the specified event to all of the registered event
250 handlers. It's up to the event handlers to log the event out to the
251 corresponding event sink.
253 If there are no event handlers registered this method is a no-op.
254 )DOC");
256 py::class_<data_value_t> dataClass(
257 m,
258 "data_value_t",
259 R"DOC(
260 data_value_t is one of ``str``, ``float``, ``int``, ``bool``.
261 )DOC");
263 py::implicitly_convertible<std::string, data_value_t>();
264 py::implicitly_convertible<double, data_value_t>();
265 py::implicitly_convertible<int64_t, data_value_t>();
266 py::implicitly_convertible<bool, data_value_t>();
268 py::class_<PythonEventHandler, std::shared_ptr<PythonEventHandler>>
269 eventHandlerClass(m, "EventHandlerHandle", R"DOC(
270 EventHandlerHandle is a wrapper type returned by
271 ``register_event_handler`` used to unregister the handler via
272 ``unregister_event_handler``. This cannot be directly initialized.
273 )DOC");
274 m.def(
275 "register_event_handler",
276 [](std::function<void(const Event&)> f) {
277 auto handler = std::make_shared<PythonEventHandler>(f);
278 registerEventHandler(handler);
279 return handler;
280 },
281 py::arg("callback"),
282 R"DOC(
283 register_event_handler registers a callback to be called whenever an
284 event is logged via ``log_event``. These handlers should avoid blocking
285 the main thread since that may interfere with training as they run
286 during the ``log_event`` call.
287 )DOC");
288 m.def(
289 "unregister_event_handler",
290 [](std::shared_ptr<PythonEventHandler> handler) {
291 unregisterEventHandler(handler);
292 },
293 py::arg("handler"),
294 R"DOC(
295 unregister_event_handler unregisters the ``EventHandlerHandle`` returned
296 after calling ``register_event_handler``. After this returns the event
297 handler will no longer receive events.
298 )DOC");
301} // namespace monitor
302} // namespace torch