1#pragma once
3#include <torch/csrc/distributed/rpc/message.h>
5namespace torch {
6namespace distributed {
7namespace rpc {
9// Functor which is invoked to process an RPC message. This is an abstract class
10// with some common functionality across all request handlers. Users need to
11// implement this interface to perform the actual business logic.
12class TORCH_API RequestCallback {
13 public:
14 // Invoke the callback.
15 c10::intrusive_ptr<JitFuture> operator()(
16 Message& request,
17 std::vector<c10::Stream> streams) const;
19 virtual ~RequestCallback() = default;
21 protected:
22 // RpcAgent implementation should invoke ``RequestCallback`` to process
23 // received requests. There is no restriction on the implementation's
24 // threading model. This function takes an rvalue reference of the Message
25 // object. It is expected to return the future to a response message or
26 // message containing an exception. Different rpc agent implementations are
27 // expected to ensure delivery of the response/exception based on their
28 // implementation specific mechanisms.
29 virtual c10::intrusive_ptr<JitFuture> processMessage(
30 Message& request,
31 std::vector<c10::Stream> streams) const = 0;
34} // namespace rpc
35} // namespace distributed
36} // namespace torch