1#include <gtest/gtest.h>
2#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/ir_simplifier.h>
3#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/llvm_codegen.h>
4#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/loopnest.h>
5#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/operators/conv2d.h>
6#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/tensor.h>
7#include <torch/torch.h>
9namespace torch {
10namespace jit {
12namespace te = torch::jit::tensorexpr;
13namespace F = torch::nn::functional;
17// Generate test data with few bits of precision, to minimize error
18// accumulation from floating-point reordering.
19static at::Tensor genTestData(c10::IntArrayRef args) {
20 return at::trunc(at::randn(args) * 256.0f) / 256.0f;
23TEST(Conv, DepthwiseConv2D) {
24 constexpr int N = 1, C = 72, H = 56, W = 56;
25 constexpr int K = 72, R = 3, S = 3;
26 constexpr int kPad = 1, kStride = 2, kGroups = C;
27 constexpr int CperG = C / kGroups;
29 te::BufHandle input("input", {N, C, H, W}, te::kFloat);
30 te::BufHandle weight("weight", {K, CperG, R, S}, te::kFloat);
31 te::BufHandle bias("bias", {K}, te::kFloat);
32 te::Tensor output =
33 te::conv2d_depthwise(input, weight, bias, kStride, kPad, kGroups);
35 te::LoopNest loop({output});
36 loop.simplify();
37 loop.prepareForCodegen();
38 te::LLVMCodeGen cg(loop.root_stmt(), {input, weight, bias, output});
40 auto it = genTestData({N, C, H, W});
41 auto wt = genTestData({K, CperG, R, S});
42 auto bt = genTestData({K});
43 auto ref = at::conv2d(it, wt, bt, kStride, kPad, /*dilation=*/1, kGroups);
44 auto ot = at::zeros_like(ref);
45 cg.call(
46 {it.data_ptr<float>(),
47 wt.data_ptr<float>(),
48 bt.data_ptr<float>(),
49 ot.data_ptr<float>()});
51 ASSERT_TRUE(at::allclose(ref, ot));
54TEST(Conv, DepthwiseConv2DNoBias) {
55 constexpr int N = 1, C = 72, H = 56, W = 56;
56 constexpr int K = 72, R = 3, S = 3;
57 constexpr int kPad = 1, kStride = 2, kGroups = C;
58 constexpr int CperG = C / kGroups;
60 te::BufHandle input("input", {N, C, H, W}, te::kFloat);
61 te::BufHandle weight("weight", {K, CperG, R, S}, te::kFloat);
62 te::Tensor output =
63 te::conv2d_depthwise(input, weight, kStride, kPad, kGroups);
65 te::LoopNest loop({output});
66 loop.simplify();
67 loop.prepareForCodegen();
68 te::LLVMCodeGen cg(loop.root_stmt(), {input, weight, output});
70 auto it = genTestData({N, C, H, W});
71 auto wt = genTestData({K, CperG, R, S});
72 auto ref =
73 at::conv2d(it, wt, at::Tensor(), kStride, kPad, /*dilation=*/1, kGroups);
74 auto ot = at::zeros_like(ref);
75 cg.call({it.data_ptr<float>(), wt.data_ptr<float>(), ot.data_ptr<float>()});
77 ASSERT_TRUE(at::allclose(ref, ot));
80TEST(Conv, DepthwiseConv2DDynamicShapes) {
81 te::VarHandle N_var("N", te::kInt);
82 te::VarHandle C_var("C", te::kInt);
83 te::VarHandle H_var("H", te::kInt);
84 te::VarHandle W_var("W", te::kInt);
85 te::VarHandle K_var("K", te::kInt);
86 te::VarHandle CperG_var("CperG", te::kInt);
87 te::VarHandle R_var("R", te::kInt);
88 te::VarHandle S_var("S", te::kInt);
89 te::VarHandle kPad_var("kPad", te::kInt);
90 te::VarHandle kStride_var("kStride", te::kInt);
91 te::VarHandle kGroups_var("kGroups", te::kInt);
93 te::BufHandle input("input", {N_var, C_var, H_var, W_var}, te::kFloat);
94 te::BufHandle weight("weight", {K_var, CperG_var, R_var, S_var}, te::kFloat);
95 te::Tensor output = te::conv2d_depthwise(
96 input,
97 weight,
98 N_var,
99 C_var,
100 H_var,
101 W_var,
102 K_var,
103 CperG_var,
104 R_var,
105 S_var,
106 kStride_var,
107 kPad_var,
108 kGroups_var);
110 te::LoopNest loop({output});
111 loop.simplify();
112 loop.prepareForCodegen();
113 std::vector<te::CodeGen::BufferArg> buffer_args = {
114 input,
115 weight,
116 N_var,
117 C_var,
118 H_var,
119 W_var,
120 K_var,
121 CperG_var,
122 R_var,
123 S_var,
124 kPad_var,
125 kStride_var,
126 kGroups_var,
127 output};
128 te::LLVMCodeGen cg(loop.root_stmt(), buffer_args);
130 constexpr int N = 1, C = 72, H = 56, W = 56;
131 constexpr int K = 72, R = 3, S = 3;
132 constexpr int kPad = 1, kStride = 2, kGroups = C;
133 constexpr int CperG = C / kGroups;
135 auto it = genTestData({N, C, H, W});
136 auto wt = genTestData({K, CperG, R, S});
137 auto ref =
138 at::conv2d(it, wt, at::Tensor(), kStride, kPad, /*dilation=*/1, kGroups);
139 auto ot = at::zeros_like(ref);
140 std::vector<te::CodeGen::CallArg> call_args = {
141 it.data_ptr<float>(),
142 wt.data_ptr<float>(),
143 N,
144 C,
145 H,
146 W,
147 K,
148 CperG,
149 R,
150 S,
151 kPad,
152 kStride,
153 kGroups,
154 ot.data_ptr<float>()};
155 cg.call(call_args);
157 ASSERT_TRUE(at::allclose(ref, ot));
162TEST(Conv, Conv2D) {
163 // Input dimensions.
164 constexpr int N = 1;
165 constexpr int C = 3;
166 constexpr int H = 11;
167 constexpr int W = 11;
169 // Filter dimensions.
170 constexpr int K = 8;
171 constexpr int R = 3;
172 constexpr int S = 3;
174 // Output dims.
175 constexpr int OH = H - R + 1;
176 constexpr int OW = W - S + 1;
178 // Compute reference result.
179 at::Tensor input = torch::randn({N, C, H, W});
180 at::Tensor filter = torch::randn({K, C, R, S});
181 at::Tensor ref = F::conv2d(input, filter);
183 // Double check the output size is as expected.
184 ASSERT_EQ(ref.size(0), N);
185 ASSERT_EQ(ref.size(1), K);
186 ASSERT_EQ(ref.size(2), OH);
187 ASSERT_EQ(ref.size(3), OW);
189 te::BufHandle inputB("input", {N, C, H, W}, te::kFloat);
190 te::BufHandle filterB("filter", {K, C, R, S}, te::kFloat);
192 te::Tensor conv = te::Reduce(
193 "conv",
194 {N, K, OH, OW},
195 te::Sum(),
196 // FIXME: We have to use a `std::vector` parameter here and then unpack
197 // it, because we don't have an overload allowing for an arbitrary number
198 // of ExprHandle/VarHandle parameters.
199 [&](const std::vector<te::VarHandle>& v) {
200 auto const& n = v[0];
201 auto const& k = v[1];
202 auto const& oh = v[2];
203 auto const& ow = v[3];
204 auto const& c = v[4];
205 auto const& r = v[5];
206 auto const& s = v[6];
207 // FIXME: We have to use `call` and construct a `std::vector` here
208 // because the `operator()` overload is only specialized for a small
209 // number of arguments.
210 return inputB.load(n, c, oh + r, ow + s) * filterB.load(k, c, r, s);
211 },
212 // FIXME: If you forget one of the reduction dims, you get a segfault.
213 // Could that be caught by a verifier?
214 {C, R, S});
216 // FIXME: It'd be nice to have a single header that pulls in things like
217 // LoopNest, IRSimplifier, etc.
218 te::LoopNest loop({conv});
219 loop.prepareForCodegen();
220 te::StmtPtr s = loop.root_stmt();
221 s = te::IRSimplifier::simplify(s);
223 at::Tensor result = at::empty_like(ref);
224 te::SimpleIREvaluator cg(s, {inputB, filterB, conv});
225 cg.call(
226 {input.data_ptr<float>(),
227 filter.data_ptr<float>(),
228 result.data_ptr<float>()});
230 ASSERT_TRUE(at::allclose(ref, result, 1e-3, 1e-3));
233} // namespace jit
234} // namespace torch