1#include <gtest/gtest.h>
3#include <c10/util/irange.h>
4#include <torch/torch.h>
6#include <algorithm>
7#include <memory>
8#include <vector>
10#include <test/cpp/api/support.h>
12using namespace torch::nn;
13using namespace torch::test;
15struct SequentialTest : torch::test::SeedingFixture {};
17TEST_F(SequentialTest, CanContainThings) {
18 Sequential sequential(Linear(3, 4), ReLU(), BatchNorm1d(3));
21TEST_F(SequentialTest, ConstructsFromSharedPointer) {
22 struct M : torch::nn::Module {
23 explicit M(int value_) : value(value_) {}
24 int value;
25 int forward() {
26 return value;
27 }
28 };
29 Sequential sequential(
30 std::make_shared<M>(1), std::make_shared<M>(2), std::make_shared<M>(3));
31 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
33 Sequential sequential_named(
34 {{"m1", std::make_shared<M>(1)},
35 {std::string("m2"), std::make_shared<M>(2)},
36 {"m3", std::make_shared<M>(3)}});
37 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
40TEST_F(SequentialTest, ConstructsFromConcreteType) {
41 static int copy_count;
43 struct M : torch::nn::Module {
44 explicit M(int value_) : value(value_) {}
45 // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
46 M(const M& other) : torch::nn::Module(other) {
47 copy_count++;
48 }
49 int value;
50 int forward() {
51 return value;
52 }
53 };
55 copy_count = 0;
56 Sequential sequential(M(1), M(2), M(3));
57 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
58 // NOTE: The current implementation expects each module to be copied exactly
59 // once, which happens when the module is passed into `std::make_shared<T>()`.
60 // TODO: Find a way to avoid copying, and then delete the copy constructor of
61 // `M`.
62 ASSERT_EQ(copy_count, 3);
64 copy_count = 0;
65 Sequential sequential_named(
66 {{"m1", M(1)}, {std::string("m2"), M(2)}, {"m3", M(3)}});
67 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
68 ASSERT_EQ(copy_count, 3);
71TEST_F(SequentialTest, ConstructsFromModuleHolder) {
72 struct MImpl : torch::nn::Module {
73 explicit MImpl(int value_) : value(value_) {}
74 int forward() {
75 return value;
76 }
77 int value;
78 };
80 struct M : torch::nn::ModuleHolder<MImpl> {
81 using torch::nn::ModuleHolder<MImpl>::ModuleHolder;
82 using torch::nn::ModuleHolder<MImpl>::get;
83 };
85 Sequential sequential(M(1), M(2), M(3));
86 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
88 Sequential sequential_named(
89 {{"m1", M(1)}, {std::string("m2"), M(2)}, {"m3", M(3)}});
90 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
93TEST_F(SequentialTest, PushBackAddsAnElement) {
94 struct M : torch::nn::Module {
95 explicit M(int value_) : value(value_) {}
96 int forward() {
97 return value;
98 }
99 int value;
100 };
102 // Test unnamed submodules
103 Sequential sequential;
104 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 0);
105 ASSERT_TRUE(sequential->is_empty());
106 sequential->push_back(Linear(3, 4));
107 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 1);
108 sequential->push_back(std::make_shared<M>(1));
109 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 2);
110 sequential->push_back(M(2));
111 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
113 // Mix named and unnamed submodules
114 Sequential sequential_named;
115 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 0);
116 ASSERT_TRUE(sequential_named->is_empty());
118 sequential_named->push_back(Linear(3, 4));
119 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 1);
120 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[0].key(), "0");
121 sequential_named->push_back(std::string("linear2"), Linear(3, 4));
122 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 2);
123 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[1].key(), "linear2");
125 sequential_named->push_back("shared_m1", std::make_shared<M>(1));
126 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 3);
127 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[2].key(), "shared_m1");
128 sequential_named->push_back(std::make_shared<M>(1));
129 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 4);
130 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[3].key(), "3");
132 sequential_named->push_back(M(1));
133 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 5);
134 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[4].key(), "4");
135 sequential_named->push_back(std::string("m2"), M(1));
136 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->size(), 6);
137 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_named->named_children()[5].key(), "m2");
139 // named and unnamed AnyModule's
140 Sequential sequential_any;
141 auto a = torch::nn::AnyModule(torch::nn::Linear(1, 2));
142 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_any->size(), 0);
143 ASSERT_TRUE(sequential_any->is_empty());
144 sequential_any->push_back(a);
145 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_any->size(), 1);
146 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_any->named_children()[0].key(), "0");
147 sequential_any->push_back("fc", a);
148 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_any->size(), 2);
149 ASSERT_EQ(sequential_any->named_children()[1].key(), "fc");
152TEST_F(SequentialTest, AccessWithAt) {
153 struct M : torch::nn::Module {
154 explicit M(int value_) : value(value_) {}
155 int forward() {
156 return value;
157 }
158 int value;
159 };
160 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<M>> modules = {
161 std::make_shared<M>(1), std::make_shared<M>(2), std::make_shared<M>(3)};
163 Sequential sequential;
164 for (auto& module : modules) {
165 sequential->push_back(module);
166 }
167 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
169 // returns the correct module for a given index
170 for (const auto i : c10::irange(modules.size())) {
171 ASSERT_EQ(&sequential->at<M>(i), modules[i].get());
172 }
174 // throws for a bad index
176 sequential->at<M>(modules.size() + 1), "Index out of range");
178 sequential->at<M>(modules.size() + 1000000), "Index out of range");
181TEST_F(SequentialTest, AccessWithPtr) {
182 struct M : torch::nn::Module {
183 explicit M(int value_) : value(value_) {}
184 int forward() {
185 return value;
186 }
187 int value;
188 };
189 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<M>> modules = {
190 std::make_shared<M>(1), std::make_shared<M>(2), std::make_shared<M>(3)};
192 Sequential sequential;
193 for (auto& module : modules) {
194 sequential->push_back(module);
195 }
196 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), 3);
198 // returns the correct module for a given index
199 for (const auto i : c10::irange(modules.size())) {
200 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->ptr(i).get(), modules[i].get());
201 ASSERT_EQ(sequential[i].get(), modules[i].get());
202 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->ptr<M>(i).get(), modules[i].get());
203 }
205 // throws for a bad index
206 ASSERT_THROWS_WITH(sequential->ptr(modules.size() + 1), "Index out of range");
208 sequential->ptr(modules.size() + 1000000), "Index out of range");
211TEST_F(SequentialTest, CallingForwardOnEmptySequentialIsDisallowed) {
212 Sequential empty;
214 empty->forward<int>(), "Cannot call forward() on an empty Sequential");
217TEST_F(SequentialTest, CallingForwardChainsCorrectly) {
218 struct MockModule : torch::nn::Module {
219 explicit MockModule(int value) : expected(value) {}
220 int expected;
221 int forward(int value) {
222 assert(value == expected);
223 return value + 1;
224 }
225 };
227 Sequential sequential(MockModule{1}, MockModule{2}, MockModule{3});
229 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->forward<int>(1), 4);
232TEST_F(SequentialTest, CallingForwardWithTheWrongReturnTypeThrows) {
233 struct M : public torch::nn::Module {
234 int forward() {
235 return 5;
236 }
237 };
239 Sequential sequential(M{});
240 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->forward<int>(), 5);
242 sequential->forward<float>(),
243 "The type of the return value is int, but you asked for type float");
246TEST_F(SequentialTest, TheReturnTypeOfForwardDefaultsToTensor) {
247 struct M : public torch::nn::Module {
248 torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor v) {
249 return v;
250 }
251 };
253 Sequential sequential(M{});
254 auto variable = torch::ones({3, 3}, torch::requires_grad());
255 ASSERT_TRUE(sequential->forward(variable).equal(variable));
258TEST_F(SequentialTest, ForwardReturnsTheLastValue) {
259 torch::manual_seed(0);
260 Sequential sequential(Linear(10, 3), Linear(3, 5), Linear(5, 100));
262 auto x = torch::randn({1000, 10}, torch::requires_grad());
263 auto y = sequential->forward(x);
264 ASSERT_EQ(y.ndimension(), 2);
265 ASSERT_EQ(y.size(0), 1000);
266 ASSERT_EQ(y.size(1), 100);
269TEST_F(SequentialTest, SanityCheckForHoldingStandardModules) {
270 Sequential sequential(
271 Linear(10, 3),
272 Conv2d(1, 2, 3),
273 Dropout(0.5),
274 BatchNorm2d(5),
275 Embedding(4, 10),
276 LSTM(4, 5));
279TEST_F(SequentialTest, ExtendPushesModulesFromOtherSequential) {
280 struct A : torch::nn::Module {
281 int forward(int x) {
282 return x;
283 }
284 };
285 struct B : torch::nn::Module {
286 int forward(int x) {
287 return x;
288 }
289 };
290 struct C : torch::nn::Module {
291 int forward(int x) {
292 return x;
293 }
294 };
295 struct D : torch::nn::Module {
296 int forward(int x) {
297 return x;
298 }
299 };
300 Sequential a(A{}, B{});
301 Sequential b(C{}, D{});
302 a->extend(*b);
304 ASSERT_EQ(a->size(), 4);
305 ASSERT_TRUE(a[0]->as<A>());
306 ASSERT_TRUE(a[1]->as<B>());
307 ASSERT_TRUE(a[2]->as<C>());
308 ASSERT_TRUE(a[3]->as<D>());
310 ASSERT_EQ(b->size(), 2);
311 ASSERT_TRUE(b[0]->as<C>());
312 ASSERT_TRUE(b[1]->as<D>());
314 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> c = {
315 std::make_shared<A>(), std::make_shared<A>()};
316 b->extend(c);
318 ASSERT_EQ(b->size(), 4);
319 ASSERT_TRUE(b[0]->as<C>());
320 ASSERT_TRUE(b[1]->as<D>());
321 ASSERT_TRUE(b[2]->as<A>());
322 ASSERT_TRUE(b[3]->as<A>());
325TEST_F(SequentialTest, HasReferenceSemantics) {
326 Sequential first(Linear(2, 3), Linear(4, 4), Linear(4, 5));
327 Sequential second(first);
329 ASSERT_EQ(first.get(), second.get());
330 ASSERT_EQ(first->size(), second->size());
331 ASSERT_TRUE(std::equal(
332 first->begin(),
333 first->end(),
334 second->begin(),
335 [](const AnyModule& first, const AnyModule& second) {
336 return &first == &second;
337 }));
340TEST_F(SequentialTest, IsCloneable) {
341 Sequential sequential(Linear(3, 4), Functional(torch::relu), BatchNorm1d(3));
342 Sequential clone =
343 std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SequentialImpl>(sequential->clone());
344 ASSERT_EQ(sequential->size(), clone->size());
346 for (size_t i = 0; i < sequential->size(); ++i) {
347 // The modules should be the same kind (type).
348 ASSERT_EQ(sequential[i]->name(), clone[i]->name());
349 // But not pointer-equal (distinct objects).
350 ASSERT_NE(sequential[i], clone[i]);
351 }
353 // Verify that the clone is deep, i.e. parameters of modules are cloned too.
355 torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;
357 auto params1 = sequential->named_parameters();
358 auto params2 = clone->named_parameters();
359 ASSERT_EQ(params1.size(), params2.size());
360 for (auto& param : params1) {
361 ASSERT_FALSE(pointer_equal(param.value(), params2[param.key()]));
362 ASSERT_EQ(param->device(), params2[param.key()].device());
363 ASSERT_TRUE(param->allclose(params2[param.key()]));
364 param->add_(2);
365 }
366 for (auto& param : params1) {
367 ASSERT_FALSE(param->allclose(params2[param.key()]));
368 }
371TEST_F(SequentialTest, RegistersElementsAsSubmodules) {
372 Sequential sequential(Linear(10, 3), Conv2d(1, 2, 3), Dropout2d(0.5));
374 auto modules = sequential->children();
375 ASSERT_TRUE(modules[0]->as<Linear>());
376 ASSERT_TRUE(modules[1]->as<Conv2d>());
377 ASSERT_TRUE(modules[2]->as<Dropout2d>());
380TEST_F(SequentialTest, CloneToDevice_CUDA) {
381 Sequential sequential(Linear(3, 4), Functional(torch::relu), BatchNorm1d(3));
382 torch::Device device(torch::kCUDA, 0);
383 Sequential clone =
384 std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SequentialImpl>(sequential->clone(device));
385 for (const auto& p : clone->parameters()) {
386 ASSERT_EQ(p.device(), device);
387 }
388 for (const auto& b : clone->buffers()) {
389 ASSERT_EQ(b.device(), device);
390 }
393TEST_F(SequentialTest, PrettyPrintSequential) {
394 Sequential sequential(
395 Linear(10, 3),
396 Conv2d(1, 2, 3),
397 Dropout(0.5),
398 BatchNorm2d(5),
399 Embedding(4, 10),
400 LSTM(4, 5));
402 c10::str(sequential),
403 "torch::nn::Sequential(\n"
404 " (0): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=10, out_features=3, bias=true)\n"
405 " (1): torch::nn::Conv2d(1, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])\n"
406 " (2): torch::nn::Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=false)\n"
407 " (3): torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(5, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=true, track_running_stats=true)\n"
408 " (4): torch::nn::Embedding(num_embeddings=4, embedding_dim=10)\n"
409 " (5): torch::nn::LSTM(input_size=4, hidden_size=5, num_layers=1, bias=true, batch_first=false, dropout=0, bidirectional=false)\n"
410 ")");
412 Sequential sequential_named(
413 {{"linear", Linear(10, 3)},
414 {"conv2d", Conv2d(1, 2, 3)},
415 {"dropout", Dropout(0.5)},
416 {"batchnorm2d", BatchNorm2d(5)},
417 {"embedding", Embedding(4, 10)},
418 {"lstm", LSTM(4, 5)}});
420 c10::str(sequential_named),
421 "torch::nn::Sequential(\n"
422 " (linear): torch::nn::Linear(in_features=10, out_features=3, bias=true)\n"
423 " (conv2d): torch::nn::Conv2d(1, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])\n"
424 " (dropout): torch::nn::Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=false)\n"
425 " (batchnorm2d): torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(5, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=true, track_running_stats=true)\n"
426 " (embedding): torch::nn::Embedding(num_embeddings=4, embedding_dim=10)\n"
427 " (lstm): torch::nn::LSTM(input_size=4, hidden_size=5, num_layers=1, bias=true, batch_first=false, dropout=0, bidirectional=false)\n"
428 ")");
431TEST_F(SequentialTest, ModuleForwardMethodOptionalArg) {
432 {
433 Sequential sequential(
434 Identity(),
435 ConvTranspose1d(ConvTranspose1dOptions(3, 2, 3).stride(1).bias(false)));
436 std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ConvTranspose1dImpl>(sequential[1])
437 ->weight.set_data(torch::arange(18.).reshape({3, 2, 3}));
438 auto x = torch::arange(30.).reshape({2, 3, 5});
439 auto y = sequential->forward(x);
440 auto expected = torch::tensor(
441 {{{150., 333., 552., 615., 678., 501., 276.},
442 {195., 432., 714., 804., 894., 654., 357.}},
443 {{420., 918., 1497., 1560., 1623., 1176., 636.},
444 {600., 1287., 2064., 2154., 2244., 1599., 852.}}});
445 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
446 }
447 {
448 Sequential sequential(
449 Identity(),
450 ConvTranspose2d(ConvTranspose2dOptions(3, 2, 3).stride(1).bias(false)));
451 std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ConvTranspose2dImpl>(sequential[1])
452 ->weight.set_data(torch::arange(54.).reshape({3, 2, 3, 3}));
453 auto x = torch::arange(75.).reshape({1, 3, 5, 5});
454 auto y = sequential->forward(x);
455 auto expected = torch::tensor(
456 {{{{2250., 4629., 7140., 7311., 7482., 5133., 2640.},
457 {4995., 10272., 15837., 16206., 16575., 11364., 5841.},
458 {8280., 17019., 26226., 26820., 27414., 18783., 9648.},
459 {9225., 18954., 29196., 29790., 30384., 20808., 10683.},
460 {10170., 20889., 32166., 32760., 33354., 22833., 11718.},
461 {7515., 15420., 23721., 24144., 24567., 16800., 8613.},
462 {4140., 8487., 13044., 13269., 13494., 9219., 4722.}},
463 {{2925., 6006., 9246., 9498., 9750., 6672., 3423.},
464 {6480., 13296., 20454., 20985., 21516., 14712., 7542.},
465 {10710., 21960., 33759., 34596., 35433., 24210., 12402.},
466 {12060., 24705., 37944., 38781., 39618., 27045., 13842.},
467 {13410., 27450., 42129., 42966., 43803., 29880., 15282.},
468 {9810., 20064., 30768., 31353., 31938., 21768., 11124.},
469 {5355., 10944., 16770., 17076., 17382., 11838., 6045.}}}});
470 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
471 }
472 {
473 Sequential sequential(
474 Identity(),
475 ConvTranspose3d(ConvTranspose3dOptions(2, 2, 2).stride(1).bias(false)));
476 std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ConvTranspose3dImpl>(sequential[1])
477 ->weight.set_data(torch::arange(32.).reshape({2, 2, 2, 2, 2}));
478 auto x = torch::arange(16.).reshape({1, 2, 2, 2, 2});
479 auto y = sequential->forward(x);
480 auto expected = torch::tensor(
481 {{{{{128., 280., 154.}, {304., 664., 364.}, {184., 400., 218.}},
482 {{352., 768., 420.}, {832., 1808., 984.}, {496., 1072., 580.}},
483 {{256., 552., 298.}, {592., 1272., 684.}, {344., 736., 394.}}},
484 {{{192., 424., 234.}, {464., 1016., 556.}, {280., 608., 330.}},
485 {{544., 1184., 644.}, {1280., 2768., 1496.}, {752., 1616., 868.}},
486 {{384., 824., 442.}, {880., 1880., 1004.}, {504., 1072., 570.}}}}});
487 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
488 }
489 {
490 auto weight = torch::tensor({{1., 2.3, 3.}, {4., 5.1, 6.3}});
491 Sequential sequential(Identity(), EmbeddingBag::from_pretrained(weight));
492 auto x = torch::tensor({{1, 0}}, torch::kLong);
493 auto y = sequential->forward(x);
494 auto expected = torch::tensor({2.5000, 3.7000, 4.6500});
495 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
496 }
497 {
498 torch::manual_seed(0);
500 int64_t embed_dim = 8;
501 int64_t num_heads = 4;
502 int64_t batch_size = 8;
503 int64_t src_len = 3;
504 int64_t tgt_len = 1;
506 auto query = torch::ones({batch_size, tgt_len, embed_dim});
507 auto key = torch::ones({batch_size, src_len, embed_dim});
508 // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization)
509 auto value = key;
511 Sequential sequential(MultiheadAttention(embed_dim, num_heads));
512 auto output = sequential->forward<std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>>(
513 query.transpose(0, 1), key.transpose(0, 1), value.transpose(0, 1));
515 auto attn_output = std::get<0>(output);
516 auto attn_output_expected = torch::tensor(
517 {{{0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
518 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
519 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
520 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
521 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
522 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
523 {0.0674, -0.0056, 0.1324, 0.0922, 0.0160, -0.0934, -0.1700, 0.1663},
524 {0.0674,
525 -0.0056,
526 0.1324,
527 0.0922,
528 0.0160,
529 -0.0934,
530 -0.1700,
531 0.1663}}});
533 torch::allclose(attn_output, attn_output_expected, 1e-05, 2e-04));
535 auto attn_output_weights = std::get<1>(output);
536 auto attn_output_weights_expected = torch::tensor(
537 {{{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
538 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
539 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
540 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
541 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
542 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
543 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}},
544 {{0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333}}});
545 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(
546 attn_output_weights, attn_output_weights_expected, 1e-05, 2e-04));
547 }
548 {
549 auto indices = torch::tensor({{{1, 3, 4}}}, torch::kLong);
550 auto x = torch::tensor({{{2, 4, 5}}}, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat));
551 Sequential sequential(MaxUnpool1d(3));
552 auto y = sequential->forward(x, indices);
553 auto expected =
554 torch::tensor({{{0, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}, torch::kFloat);
555 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
556 }
557 {
558 auto indices = torch::tensor(
559 {{{{6, 8, 9}, {16, 18, 19}, {21, 23, 24}}},
560 {{{6, 8, 9}, {16, 18, 19}, {21, 23, 24}}}},
561 torch::kLong);
562 auto x = torch::tensor(
563 {{{{6, 8, 9}, {16, 18, 19}, {21, 23, 24}}},
564 {{{31, 33, 34}, {41, 43, 44}, {46, 48, 49}}}},
565 torch::dtype(torch::kFloat));
566 Sequential sequential(
567 MaxUnpool2d(MaxUnpool2dOptions(3).stride(2).padding(1)));
568 auto y = sequential->forward(x, indices);
569 auto expected = torch::tensor(
570 {{{{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
571 {0, 6, 0, 8, 9},
572 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
573 {0, 16, 0, 18, 19},
574 {0, 21, 0, 23, 24}}},
575 {{{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
576 {0, 31, 0, 33, 34},
577 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
578 {0, 41, 0, 43, 44},
579 {0, 46, 0, 48, 49}}}},
580 torch::kFloat);
581 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
582 }
583 {
584 auto indices = torch::tensor({{{{{26}}}}}, torch::kLong);
585 auto x = torch::tensor(
586 {{{{{26}}}}}, torch::dtype(torch::kFloat).requires_grad(true));
587 Sequential sequential(MaxUnpool3d(3));
588 auto y = sequential->forward(x, indices);
589 auto expected = torch::tensor(
590 {{{{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
591 {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
592 {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 26}}}}},
593 torch::kFloat);
594 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(y, expected));
595 }
596 {
597 torch::manual_seed(0);
598 Sequential sequential(Identity(), RNN(2, 3));
599 auto x = torch::ones({2, 3, 2});
600 auto rnn_output =
601 sequential->forward<std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>>(x);
602 auto expected_output = torch::tensor(
603 {{{-0.0645, -0.7274, 0.4531},
604 {-0.0645, -0.7274, 0.4531},
605 {-0.0645, -0.7274, 0.4531}},
606 {{-0.3970, -0.6950, 0.6009},
607 {-0.3970, -0.6950, 0.6009},
608 {-0.3970, -0.6950, 0.6009}}});
609 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(
610 std::get<0>(rnn_output), expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
611 }
612 {
613 torch::manual_seed(0);
614 Sequential sequential(Identity(), LSTM(2, 3));
615 auto x = torch::ones({2, 3, 2});
616 auto rnn_output = sequential->forward<
617 std::tuple<torch::Tensor, std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>>>(x);
618 auto expected_output = torch::tensor(
619 {{{-0.2693, -0.1240, 0.0744},
620 {-0.2693, -0.1240, 0.0744},
621 {-0.2693, -0.1240, 0.0744}},
622 {{-0.3889, -0.1919, 0.1183},
623 {-0.3889, -0.1919, 0.1183},
624 {-0.3889, -0.1919, 0.1183}}});
625 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(
626 std::get<0>(rnn_output), expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
627 }
628 {
629 torch::manual_seed(0);
630 Sequential sequential(Identity(), GRU(2, 3));
631 auto x = torch::ones({2, 3, 2});
632 auto rnn_output =
633 sequential->forward<std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>>(x);
634 auto expected_output = torch::tensor(
635 {{{-0.1134, 0.0467, 0.2336},
636 {-0.1134, 0.0467, 0.2336},
637 {-0.1134, 0.0467, 0.2336}},
638 {{-0.1189, 0.0502, 0.2960},
639 {-0.1189, 0.0502, 0.2960},
640 {-0.1189, 0.0502, 0.2960}}});
641 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(
642 std::get<0>(rnn_output), expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
643 }
644 {
645 torch::manual_seed(0);
646 Sequential sequential(Identity(), RNNCell(2, 3));
647 auto x = torch::ones({2, 2});
648 auto rnn_output = sequential->forward<torch::Tensor>(x);
649 auto expected_output =
650 torch::tensor({{-0.0645, -0.7274, 0.4531}, {-0.0645, -0.7274, 0.4531}});
651 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(rnn_output, expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
652 }
653 {
654 torch::manual_seed(0);
655 Sequential sequential(Identity(), LSTMCell(2, 3));
656 auto x = torch::ones({2, 2});
657 auto rnn_output =
658 sequential->forward<std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor>>(x);
659 auto expected_output =
660 torch::tensor({{-0.2693, -0.1240, 0.0744}, {-0.2693, -0.1240, 0.0744}});
661 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(
662 std::get<0>(rnn_output), expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
663 }
664 {
665 torch::manual_seed(0);
666 Sequential sequential(Identity(), GRUCell(2, 3));
667 auto x = torch::ones({2, 2});
668 auto rnn_output = sequential->forward<torch::Tensor>(x);
669 auto expected_output =
670 torch::tensor({{-0.1134, 0.0467, 0.2336}, {-0.1134, 0.0467, 0.2336}});
671 ASSERT_TRUE(torch::allclose(rnn_output, expected_output, 1e-05, 2e-04));
672 }