1#pragma once
2#include <ATen/core/Tensor.h>
3#include <c10/util/irange.h>
4#include <ATen/core/IListRef.h>
6namespace at {
7namespace native {
9TORCH_API at::Tensor clone_preserve_strides(const at::Tensor& self);
11inline bool cat_should_skip_tensor(const Tensor& t) {
12 return t.numel() == 0 && t.dim() == 1;
15 // Check to see if the shape of tensors is compatible
16 // for being concatenated along a given dimension.
17inline void check_cat_shape_except_dim(const Tensor & first, const Tensor & second, int64_t dimension, int64_t index) {
18 int64_t first_dims = first.dim();
19 int64_t second_dims = second.dim();
20 TORCH_CHECK(first_dims == second_dims, "Tensors must have same number of dimensions: got ",
21 first_dims, " and ", second_dims);
22 for (const auto dim : c10::irange(first_dims)) {
23 if (dim == dimension) {
24 continue;
25 }
26 int64_t first_dim_size = first.sizes()[dim];
27 int64_t second_dim_size = second.sizes()[dim];
28 TORCH_CHECK(first_dim_size == second_dim_size, "Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension ",
29 dimension, ". Expected size ", static_cast<long long>(first_dim_size), " but got size ", static_cast<long long>(second_dim_size), " for tensor number ", index, " in the list.");
30 }
31 }
33inline void check_cat_no_zero_dim(const MaterializedITensorListRef& tensors) {
34 int64_t i = 0;
35 for(const Tensor& t : tensors) {
36 TORCH_CHECK(t.dim() > 0,
37 "zero-dimensional tensor (at position ", i, ") cannot be concatenated");
38 i++;
39 }
42inline int64_t get_num_splits(const Tensor& self, int64_t split_size, int64_t dim) {
43 TORCH_CHECK(self.dim() != 0, "split expects at least a 1-dimensional tensor");
44 TORCH_CHECK(split_size >= 0, "split expects split_size be non-negative, but got split_size=", split_size);
45 int64_t dim_size = self.size(dim);
46 TORCH_CHECK(split_size > 0 || dim_size == 0,
47 "split_size can only be 0 if dimension size is 0, "
48 "but got dimension size of ", dim_size);
49 // if split_size is 0 and dimension size is 0, there is 1 split.
50 int64_t num_splits = 1;
51 if (split_size != 0) {
52 // ensuring num_splits is at least 1 makes consistent the case where split_size > dim_size
53 // (returns a single split). We might want to error here, but keep it for BC.
54 num_splits = std::max<int64_t>((dim_size + split_size - 1) / split_size, 1);
55 }
56 return num_splits;
59}} // namespace at::native