2 * Copyright (c) Glow Contributors. See CONTRIBUTORS file.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18 * Contributed by Xperi Corporation on August 13, 2019
19 */
21#include "Loader.h"
23#include "glow/Base/Tensor.h"
24#include "glow/Converter/TypeAToTypeBFunctionConverter.h"
25#include "glow/Graph/Node.h"
26#include "glow/Graph/Nodes.h"
27#include "glow/Importer/Caffe2ModelLoader.h"
28#include "glow/Importer/ONNXModelLoader.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
33#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
35#include <fstream>
36#include <iomanip>
37#include <iostream>
38#include <memory>
39#include <queue>
40#include <sstream>
42using namespace glow;
44namespace {
45llvm::cl::OptionCategory inputLoaderCat("Input Loader Options");
47llvm::cl::opt<std::string> modelInputName(
48 "model-input-name",
49 llvm::cl::desc("The name of the variable for the model's input data."),
50 llvm::cl::value_desc("string"), llvm::cl::Required,
51 llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
53llvm::cl::list<std::string> inputFilenames(
54 llvm::cl::Positional,
55 llvm::cl::desc(
56 "<input file(s)> Input file name(s) from which input is read. "
57 "Input is read byte-wise, so the file is assumed to be "
58 "a byte-stream. For instance, if the input tensor is a "
59 "2x3 matrix of 32-bit floats, then the file is expected "
60 "to contain 4x2x3 = 48 bytes. The values are loaded into "
61 "the tensor column-wise: (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), ..., (3, 3)"),
62 llvm::cl::value_desc("space-separated strings"), llvm::cl::ZeroOrMore);
64llvm::cl::list<unsigned> inputTensorDimensions(
65 "input-tensor-dims",
66 llvm::cl::desc("Comma-separated list of input tensor dimensions"),
67 llvm::cl::value_desc("unsigned int"), llvm::cl::OneOrMore,
68 llvm::cl::CommaSeparated, llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
70llvm::cl::list<std::string> outputTensorNames(
71 "output-tensor-names",
72 llvm::cl::desc("Comma-separated list of output tensor names"),
73 llvm::cl::value_desc("list of strings"), llvm::cl::OneOrMore,
74 llvm::cl::CommaSeparated, llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
76llvm::cl::opt<std::string> inputFileList(
77 "input-file-list",
78 llvm::cl::desc("Name of the file containing list of files (one per line) "
79 "to process. This "
80 "is equivalent to passing each file name individually. "),
81 llvm::cl::value_desc("string"), llvm::cl::Optional,
82 llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
84llvm::cl::opt<bool> convertInAndOutToFp16(
85 "convert-input-to-fp16",
86 llvm::cl::desc(
87 "Convert the input and output tensors of the network to fp16"),
88 llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
91 writeOutput("write-output",
92 llvm::cl::desc("Write output of the inference (only applicable "
93 "when not building a bundle."),
94 llvm::cl::cat(inputLoaderCat));
95} // unnamed namespace
97/// Creates and \returns the ProtobufLoader given \p loader and the
98/// \p inputType.
99static std::unique_ptr<ProtobufLoader>
100createProtobufLoader(Loader &loader, const TypeRef inputType) {
101 std::unique_ptr<ProtobufLoader> ptbLoader;
102 const bool caffe2Model{!loader.getCaffe2NetDescFilename().empty()};
104 if (caffe2Model) {
105 ptbLoader.reset(new Caffe2ModelLoader(
106 loader.getCaffe2NetDescFilename().str(),
107 loader.getCaffe2NetWeightFilename().str(), {modelInputName.c_str()},
108 {inputType}, *loader.getFunction()));
109 } else {
110 ptbLoader.reset(new ONNXModelLoader(loader.getOnnxModelFilename().str(),
111 {modelInputName.c_str()}, {inputType},
112 *loader.getFunction()));
113 }
115 return ptbLoader;
118/// Builds the network and \returns a pair of the form (input placeholder ptr,
119/// (output name, output tensor ptr)). \p loader - the loader \p inputType - the
120/// input type \p ioBindings - a reference to the placeholder bindings
121/// (allocated in this function)
122static std::pair<Placeholder *, std::unordered_map<std::string, Tensor *>>
123buildNetwork(Loader &loader, const TypeRef inputType,
124 PlaceholderBindings &ioBindings) {
125 std::unique_ptr<ProtobufLoader> LD;
126 const char *inputName{modelInputName.c_str()};
127 Placeholder *inputPH;
128 Placeholder *outputPH;
129 Tensor *outputTensor;
130 std::pair<Placeholder *, std::unordered_map<std::string, Tensor *>> ret;
132 // Create the protobuf loader and allocate io bindings.
133 LD = createProtobufLoader(loader, inputType);
134 (void)ioBindings.allocate(loader.getModule()->getPlaceholders());
136 // Convert to Fp16 if required.
137 if (convertInAndOutToFp16) {
138 PrecisionConfiguration precConfig;
139 TypeAToTypeBFunctionConverter converter(*loader.getFunction(),
140 ElemKind::FloatTy,
141 ElemKind::Float16Ty, precConfig);
142 for (auto *placeholder : loader.getModule()->getPlaceholders())
143 converter.convertPlaceholder(*placeholder, &ioBindings);
144 }
146 // Compile the network
147 loader.compile(ioBindings);
149 // Grab the input placeholder
150 inputPH =
151 llvm::cast<Placeholder>(EXIT_ON_ERR(LD->getNodeValueByName(inputName)));
152 ret.first = inputPH;
154 // Grab all output placeholders by name/tensor
155 for (const std::string &name : outputTensorNames) {
156 outputPH = EXIT_ON_ERR(LD->getOutputByName(name));
157 outputTensor = ioBindings.get(outputPH);
158 ret.second.insert(std::make_pair(name, outputTensor));
159 }
161 return ret;
164/// Gathers input from the files specified (either a single file containing one
165/// input file name per line, or multiple input files) \p files - a reference of
166/// type std::vector<std::string> that contains the gathered input filenames.
167static void gatherFiles(std::vector<std::string> &files) {
168 // Grab any files specified on the command line as positional arguments.
169 for (auto file : inputFilenames) {
170 files.push_back(file);
171 }
172 // If a file with input file names was specified, read the input file names
173 // from the specified file.
174 if (inputFileList.size() != 0) {
175 std::ifstream fstrm{inputFileList};
176 if (!fstrm) {
177 llvm::errs() << "Error processing input file list " << inputFileList
178 << "\n";
179 exit(1);
180 }
182 std::string file;
183 while (std::getline(fstrm, file)) {
184 files.push_back(file);
185 std::ifstream check{file};
186 if (!check) {
187 llvm::errs() << "Error processing input file " << file << "\n";
188 exit(1);
189 }
190 }
191 }
194/// Loads input data of size \p size from a given \p file into \p inputData.
195static void loadInputData(const std::string &file, std::vector<char> &inputData,
196 std::size_t size) {
197 std::ifstream inputFile(file.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
198 inputFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
200 if (inputFile.tellg() != long(size)) {
201 llvm::errs() << "Size of " << file << " does not match expected size "
202 << size << "\n";
203 exit(1);
204 }
206 inputFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
207 inputFile.read(inputData.data(), size);
210/// Run inference given the created \p loader, \p ioBindings, and \p
211/// ioPlaceholders. \p inputData - the vector containing our input data (as raw
212/// bytes) \p outputData - a pair of the form (output tensor name, (output
213/// bytes, output size))
214static void runInference(
215 Loader &loader, PlaceholderBindings &ioBindings,
216 std::pair<Placeholder *, std::unordered_map<std::string, Tensor *>>
217 &ioPlaceholders,
218 const std::vector<char> &inputData,
219 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<std::vector<char>, dim_t>>
220 &outputData) {
221 // Grab a pointer to the input tensor from the placeholders
222 Tensor *inputT = ioBindings.get(ioPlaceholders.first);
224 // Copy the raw input data from inputData into the input tensor.
225 std::memcpy(inputT->getUnsafePtr(), inputData.data(), inputData.size());
227 // If we must first convert to Fp16, do so.
228 if (convertInAndOutToFp16) {
229 inputT->convertToType(ElemKind::Float16Ty);
230 }
232 // Finally, run inference. The input data is already stored inside the input
233 // tensor, inside the ioBindings. The batch size is 1.
234 loader.runInference(ioBindings, 1);
236 // Finally, store our output - we may have multiple output tensors, so sort
237 // the output into the correct named output bins.
238 for (auto &keyval : ioPlaceholders.second) {
239 outputData.insert(
240 std::make_pair(keyval.first, std::make_pair(std::vector<char>{}, 0)));
241 outputData[keyval.first].first.reserve(
242 ioPlaceholders.second[keyval.first]->getSizeInBytes());
243 outputData[keyval.first].second =
244 ioPlaceholders.second[keyval.first]->getSizeInBytes();
245 std::memcpy(outputData[keyval.first].first.data(),
246 ioPlaceholders.second[keyval.first]->getUnsafePtr(),
247 ioPlaceholders.second[keyval.first]->getSizeInBytes());
248 }
251/// Write out \p outputData into \p file.
252static void writeOutputData(
253 const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<std::vector<char>, dim_t>>
254 &outputData,
255 const std::string &file) {
256 if (writeOutput) {
257 std::ofstream outputFile;
258 std::string name;
260 // The output file is formated as [input file name].[output tensor
261 // name].out.dat
262 for (auto &keyval : outputData) {
263 name = file;
264 name += ".";
265 name += keyval.first;
266 name += ".out.dat";
268 outputFile.open(name.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
269 if (!outputFile) {
270 std::cerr << "Unable to open output file: " << name << std::endl;
271 return;
272 }
273 outputFile.write(keyval.second.first.data(), keyval.second.second);
274 outputFile.close();
275 }
276 }
279int main(int argc, char **argv) {
280 PlaceholderBindings ioBindings; // IO Bindings
281 std::pair<Placeholder *, std::unordered_map<std::string, Tensor *>>
282 ioPlaceholders; // first = input placeholder,
283 // second = <output name, output tensor>
285 // This must be called before a loader instance is created.
286 parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
287 Loader loader;
289 std::vector<dim_t> dims;
290 std::vector<char> inputData;
291 std::vector<std::string> files;
292 Tensor inputT;
294 for (auto dim : inputTensorDimensions) {
295 dims.push_back(dim);
296 }
298 inputT.reset(ElemKind::FloatTy, dims);
299 ioPlaceholders = buildNetwork(loader, &inputT.getType(), ioBindings);
301 if (emittingBundle()) {
302 if (!inputFileList.empty() || inputFilenames.size() != 0) {
303 llvm::errs() << "WARNING: input files specification has no effect when "
304 "emitting bundle.\n";
305 }
306 return 0;
307 }
309 if (inputFileList.empty() && inputFilenames.size() == 0) {
310 llvm::errs()
311 << "Args: Either positional <input file(s)> or -input-file-list "
312 "must be used to specify input data when not outputting bundle.\n";
313 std::exit(1);
314 }
316 if (!inputFileList.empty() && inputFilenames.size() != 0) {
317 llvm::errs() << "Args: Either positional <input file(s)> or "
318 "-input-file-list (but not both) "
319 "must be used to specify input data.\n";
320 std::exit(1);
321 }
323 // Stores the list of files containing input in "files".
324 gatherFiles(files);
325 for (auto &file : files) {
326 inputData.clear();
327 // The size of input is computed from input dimensions, known from command
328 // line arguments, and the size of float.
329 inputData.reserve(inputT.getSizeInBytes());
330 // Every output is identified by its name (std::string), and is stored in
331 // a byte array; it also carries information about its size. So
332 // first = name
333 // second = <byte array, array size>.
334 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<std::vector<char>, dim_t>>
335 outputData;
337 // Reads input from file to the inputData vector, of max size = the capacity
338 // of the input tensor.
339 loadInputData(file, inputData, inputT.getSizeInBytes());
340 // Output data is stored in outputData.
341 runInference(loader, ioBindings, ioPlaceholders, inputData, outputData);
342 // Writes output to a file whose base name is given by "file".
343 writeOutputData(outputData, file);
344 }
346 // Are we profiling? If so, spit out the profile.
347 if (profilingGraph()) {
348 loader.generateAndSerializeProfilingInfos(ioBindings);
349 }
351 return 0;